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Obviously, there are many reasons couples decide to divorce, and some researchers reckon it could even be in your genes. Regardless, being a divorcee is something you should never be ashamed of. But apparently, the job you or your partner does can also make a split more likely.
Nathan Yau, a statistician, looked into recent divorce data to figure out which careers came with a higher divorce rate. According to Women's Health US, he used U.S. Census Bureau's Five Year American Community Survey and was able to pick out eight trends relating to divorced couples' jobs.
1. Gaming managers
With a 52.9% divorce rate, gaming managers were the most likely to split. We're talking people who work face-to-face with customers in casinos and game rooms. Bear in mind, a lot of booze and chatting is involved in this occupation...
2. Gaming services workers
Similar to number 1, gaming service workers have a 50.7% divorce rate, according to Yau.
3. Cabin crew
Flight attendants were found to have a divorce rate of 50.5%. Guess hours-upon-hours in the air gives you a fair bit of time to meet new people...
4 and 5. Construction
Rolling machine setters, operators, and tenders, in particular, were found to have a 50.1% divorce rate. While 46.9% of marriages where one partner's occupation fell under 'extruding and drawing machine setters, operators and tenders' ended in divorce.
6. Switchboard operators
So, 49.7% was the divorce rate for those lovely, helpful people who put you through the right person. Are they potentially chatting people up before dialing them in?
7. Telemarketers
This particular occupation must have a high-pressure level, right? Being constantly hung up on and shouted at must really take its toll. The divorce rate for telemarketers was 49.7%. Splitting the divorce rates into 'occupation category', Yau said, 'Those in transportation and material moving, such as flight attendants and bus drivers, tend to have higher divorce rates. Those in architecture and engineering tend to have lower divorce rates.'
He also found those on higher salaries tended to have lower divorce rates, but was keen to point out that salary wasn't a 'cause' for divorce.
显然,很多原因导致了夫 妻离婚,有些研究人员认为这可能是基因自带的。无论如何,离婚都不应该是一件让你感到羞耻的事情。但显然的是,你或者你老公/老婆的工作会使你们离婚的可能性更大。
统计学家Nathan Yau研究了近期的离婚数据,试图找出哪些职业的离婚率。据《美国女性健康》杂志表示,他利用了美国人口普查局的五年社区调查,从而挑选了有关离婚夫妇职业的八个趋势。
1. *经理
2. *服务人员
3. 乘务员
4和5. 建筑业
尤其是滚压机安装员、操作员和投标员,他们的离婚率为50.1%。而夫 妻二人有一者的职业是'挤压拉拔机安装员、操作员和投标员',则他们的离婚率为46.9%。
6. 电话总机操作员
7. 电话推销员