
时间:2022-09-09 22:59:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】粉笔里飞舞着你的万千情思,书写着你的青春岁月。教室里定格着你的音容笑貌,记录着你的教诲声声。校园里回荡着你的脚步匆匆,弥漫着你的关怀芬芳。老师,愿你节日快乐。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Autumn September, sweet scented osmanthus fragrance, we ushered in the annual teachers' day.

  On September 10, the students came to the school early and put the gifts prepared in advance on the teacher's desk. There were exquisite greeting cards, sweet chocolates, beautiful flowers... And I carefully prepared two smart and lovely Haibao at home, one for Mr. Wang and the other for Mr. Guo. I first found a piece of brightly colored cardboard, then wrote my blessings, and finally stuck it on Haibao's head with adhesive tape. In this way, the gift for the teacher was wrapped. I took it carefully to the school and put it on the teacher's desk.

  In the afternoon, the students are going to give the teacher a special surprise: Liu Ziyuan is standing behind the door. When the teacher enters the classroom, she holds flowers and jumps in front of the teacher like a little rabbit, saying to the teacher, "happy holidays." Then the teacher saw Kong Yifan's words "Happy Teacher's Day" on the blackboard. The teacher took the flowers and immediately burst into tears. He said to the students excitedly: "although these words and a bunch of flowers are ordinary, they contain the blessings of the students to the teacher. Thank you!" The classroom burst into thunderous applause.

  On teacher's day, I deeply felt how hard and tired teachers are! Teachers are like a lamp, illuminating the way of learning for us; Teachers are like hardworking gardeners, who have nurtured us. I will repay the teacher's love with excellent results in the future!


  "Grateful heart, thank you." I think this sentence should be given to the teacher most, because the teacher works hard to teach us knowledge every day. Although the teacher will be angry and scold us, think carefully which sentence is not for our good!

  On that day, I accidentally opened the calendar and suddenly made a major discovery. Another teacher's Day is coming. There is a festival only for teachers, which can let our beloved teachers have a good rest and experience a day without preparing for lessons.

  I think there are only two things that teachers are most happy about, one is teachers' day, and the other is that we are successful in our studies. However, teachers' Day is coming soon. On which day I decided to give two small gifts to teachers. Someone asked me what it was? Then let me tell you! The first is to buy a gift for the teacher, and the other is to let the teacher see our success in school in the future. This can also be regarded as a small gift!

  Finally, I would like to say: "thank you, teacher, for teaching us knowledge and making us understand."

  Teacher, it is you who accompanied me through my childhood and illuminated my life. You are like a hardworking gardener, constantly cultivating us.

  Teacher, it is you who drew the spring of peach blossom and willow green, who dispelled the scorching heat, who embellished the fruitful autumn, and who warmed the cold winter.

  Tomorrow is teachers' day. I wish you good health and good luck.


  Golden autumn is the season of harvest and teachers' Festival; The golden autumn is a song dedicated to teachers. We have ushered in another teachers' day. The four striking characters of respecting teachers and valuing education flash in my mind. I can't help feeling the warm current in my heart.

  Teachers are the noblest, greatest and most sacred profession. He selflessly dedicates himself and meticulously irrigates every seedling, so that we can thrive and eventually become useful pillars. Teachers have spent their energy for years and months to illuminate the bright future of others, holding up the brilliant sun of tomorrow with the shoulders and hands of giants. People often praise teachers in the most beautiful language, calling them gardeners and human soul engineers. Only this glorious name has the connotation of being as rich as the sea and as deep as the blue sky! When the spring silkworm dies, the silk is exhausted, and the wax torch turns grey, and the tears begin to dry. This is a true portrayal of the teacher.

  Who is the gardener? They are our most beloved teachers. They trim our young saplings with their dexterous hands. They give us good guidance and help us upright. They make our lives more colorful. Mr. Lu Xun said that what they eat is grass, and what they squeeze out is milk. The teacher is like that diligent old scalper. He works silently, looking at you with childish faces and eager eyes; On that three foot platform, you cultivated this garden month after month and year after year, embellishing every sweet smile. Listening to your teachings, your chaotic and blank mind is filled with your profound knowledge; Naughty and naughty children, under your earnest instruction, have grown plump and are ready to face the thorny road of life. It takes ten years to grow trees and a hundred years to cultivate people. Your words and teachings are profound, your education is effective, and you are willing to serve as a ladder for others. Without their generous dedication, how can we reap today? You are more like the unknown root of a tree, which makes the small tree thrive and the branches full of rich fruits, but you do not ask for any reward.

  In this festival that belongs to you, offer our deep blessing! Happy Teacher's day to you!


  September 10 - teachers' Day is teachers' day.

  When I came to the school early in the morning, I saw many students sending flowers to the teacher. At this time, I thought a lot in my heart: what should I give to my beloved teacher on teacher's day!

  Teacher, I adore you. I can't tell why I adore you. But I know in my heart that today is your holiday, and you are still here to teach us. Teacher, you are a hardworking gardener, selflessly and fearlessly "pruning and cutting leaves" for our young trees. Teacher, you are like a tall and straight tree. No matter it is windy, rainy or the sun's' exposure, you will always stick to your position and never relax. Teacher, you are also like a mother, always caring for our children, teaching us cultural knowledge and the truth of life. It's so kind and kind.

  Teacher, thank you for your hard education over the past six years, which has enabled us to understand a lot of knowledge. Today is teachers' day. What I can dedicate to you now is that only better learning can repay your kindness in education!

  Teacher, in the festival that belongs to you, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


  Every teacher is a hard gardener. They grow up with us day by day, and they spend all their efforts on us. He has been with us for six years, and the most fearful day is separation. Six years have passed, and he is worried that we will still remember him when we are in our 20s? He worried that we would still remember that he was once our beloved; Is it the teacher who is most concerned with us?

  The teacher is so humorous. He always has some different views from us. He will go to the park with us to play some small games, such as; Flying kites, 24 counts and so on. The teacher will also help us buy some small gifts for us. He will always play according to the content of our class, and then bring back special products or some small gifts to us.

  We love our teachers! He is so kind, so gentle, and has a different view of learning from other teachers. We love our teachers!

  Mr. Liang is my Chinese teacher. Because I like Chinese very much, I especially like Mr. Liang. Although I don't know her exact age, she is very young in my mind. Miss Liang is medium-sized, not fat or thin. She has a pair of intense eyes on her round face, which can penetrate the minds of each of our classmates.

  In class, teacher Liang is very strict and meticulous. He is kind to us in his spare time, just like a good friend. She treats every classmate equally, never listens to or believes in any classmate. She is very concerned about every classmate's study, and all the students like her. Once, teacher Liang fell ill and was hospitalized. She had not come to class for a long time. Everyone missed her very much. Some students even dreamed of her. They all hoped that teacher Liang would recover as soon as possible and come to class for us. Under the careful guidance of Mr. Liang, our class always ranks first in Chinese.

  On the occasion of teacher's day, I sincerely thank Mr. Liang for everything he has done for us.


  September is a cool season, a vigorous season and a season of Thanksgiving. The long summer vacation has passed, and a new semester is coming. On this beautiful day, we ushered in the first festival of this semester - teacher's Day!

  This year's teacher's Day falls on Monday, and the students came to the school early. Several of the most mischievous boys began to "display their talents" and were busy with it. One person organized the girls to draw on the blackboard, and the others drew the curtains and turned off the lights, ready to create an atmosphere. Even the students who sell flowers are arranged into a bouquet team. The cadres of my class look at these boys busy inside and outside, and they really look like leaders! But it soon revealed itself.

  "Alas, there is no painting here!" "The curtains are leaking again!" This kind of talk is one after another. How busy! Gradually, there was a faint sound of footsteps in the corridor. We quickly quieted down. As soon as the teacher pushed the door, we shouted, "Happy Teacher's Day!" I can clearly see that the teacher's serious tears are flashing.

  When raising the national flag, we solemnly saluted the national flag. At the same time, we are also saluting our teachers in our hearts.

  Teacher, we have seen and felt your greatness and commonness. You never care what you gain or lose, because you deeply understand what you are giving and what you are reaping. This is the result of life value and happiness that can not be calculated by any number!


  Today is teacher's day, and the students all sent precious gifts to the teacher one after another. Only a little girl who does not know what gift to give her teacher can express her deep respect for her teacher.

  Her name is Xiaoxue. Her dark hair is tied in a braid and tied in a bow. Her round face has long and thin eyebrows, big watery eyes, and a row of neat teeth. Her bright smiling face is blooming!

  This is because she remembered that teachers often used the spirit of chrysanthemum to educate them. She ran quickly to the hillside, and although she fell, she still managed to run. When I came to the hillside, I didn't care to enjoy the colorful flowers. I picked a bunch of chrysanthemums and tied them into two bundles. There were blue, yellow, white... It was beautiful!

  Xiaoxue comes to the window of the teacher's office. The window was open and there was no one inside. She held the chrysanthemum in her right hand and the teacher's pen holder in her left hand, carefully inserting the chrysanthemum into the pen holder. The pen holder also contains the teacher's pen and ruler, and the table also contains the teacher's textbooks, glasses and globe. Don't all these embody the painstaking efforts of teachers? Teacher, your spirit, like the chrysanthemum in the pen holder, will always bring us fragrance!

  Although Xiaoxue's Chrysanthemum to her teacher is not so special, it also represents a heart! At this time, it is so beautiful and elegant. Xiaoxue not only gave chrysanthemums to their Chinese teacher, but also gave them to many teachers!


  On teacher's day, we are all looking forward to it, because the teacher will appreciate the programs we have prepared for her and accept the gifts we have given her.

  I didn't buy flowers, but I found a flower shop around the school. I took out all my money and bought a bunch of flowers to give to the teacher.

  However, as soon as I entered the class, I felt that my gifts were insignificant. Everyone gave me flower baskets. My gifts were really nothing in front of them. My heart was in a flutter. I was afraid that the teacher would not like my gift. How bad!

  However, unexpectedly, you accepted every gift, smiled to express gratitude, and almost cried. You told us about the classes you taught before, and they all celebrated festivals for you. You also said that we are the most affectionate, and we will not forget every teacher who taught us.

  At this time, I understand why some directors, principals and leaders are quite head teachers. As you said, the head teacher gains childlike innocence, which is the most precious piece of affection that money can't exchange.

  I decided to be like you, a spring silkworm, spinning silk for sewing, a candle, burning for light, a piece of chalk, and breaking bones for knowledge! Teacher, you are tireless in teaching, you are fragrant with peaches and plums, you are an example of a teacher, you are dutiful, you are doing your best, you are a mountain of kindness to us, and you are our good teacher and helpful friend!

  You are our first teacher. In the last year, you should accept our feedback. You should have a rest day and night. Look at our last efforts!

  Finally say: "teacher, you've worked hard!"


  Yesterday's teacher's day everyone was very happy, but I felt a touch of sadness - this is the last teacher's day in my alma mater.

  On teacher's day, the students all expressed their wishes to the teacher and performed various programs. Some students sang songs, some read poems, some performed sketches, and some danced. Although it is short-lived, these are only for blessing teachers happy holidays.

  This is a festive Festival. Time flies and time flies. We have changed from a toddler to a tall and straight cool boy and a graceful girl.

  I clearly remember that in the fourth grade, I was a timid girl who didn't communicate with my classmates. But teacher, you were my beacon. It was you who encouraged and supported me that I became this bold and lively girl today. Although you are not my mother, you have worked hard for this family. When I called your mother yesterday, I realized that you are not only an excellent teacher, but also a kind parent. In your 70s, please don't forget this sentence: "although I am not your student, you are my most respected teacher."

  Say goodbye with a kiss at the end! On the last teacher's day in primary school, I will confidently say to you, I will refuel, and I will proudly say when I graduate: "yesterday I was proud of my teacher, today my teacher is proud of me; yesterday I was proud of my classmates, today my classmates are proud of me; yesterday I was proud of my parents, and today my parents are proud of me."

  Teacher's kindness is unforgettable. Teacher, you have worked hard!


  On the evening of September 9, I walked in the street and remembered that I came to the door of the classroom without a Chinese book. I saw why the lights in the classroom were still on. I opened the door a little and saw Mr. Wang doing his homework. Why is Mr. Wang still doing his homework so late? Sweat ran down his forehead. Suddenly his eyes were wet, so he ran home and lay on the bed, hoping to repay his teacher when he grew up. The teacher went out of his way to approve our homework.      Think about it. Think about it. Tomorrow is teacher's day. What do you give teachers on teacher's day?

  On the morning of teachers' day, I thought of a wild chrysanthemum in the back of my house. I put on my clothes, walked to the back, picked some wild chrysanthemums, and ran to school. On the way, I thought of playing with my classmates once, and I fell down accidentally. My arm was broken and bleeding. The teacher saw it and ran out of the office to stop bleeding. The teacher disinfected me with a wet towel. I felt the care and warmth I had never felt before. When I was running, I came to school. I held a bunch of beautiful wild chrysanthemums in my hand and put them in the pen holder on the table by the window. The items on the teacher's desk are; Pen holder, globe, ink, reading glasses, small desk calendar, which one does not explain the hard work that teachers pay for us day and night? The reading glasses on the table are your second pair of glasses. You said I can't read clearly without reading glasses.

  Teacher, you are busy giving classes to your classmates during the day, preparing lessons at night, and correcting your homework until late at night. Because of long-term fatigue, my eyes were tired, but I didn't live in vain. Some of the students you have taught have gone to college, and some have taken important jobs in their own posts.
