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【#英语资源# 导语】有些时光过去很久不曾忘记,有些回忆存在脑海不曾退去,有些朋友总在心里不曾走远,怀念校园时光,感恩母校恩师!教师节到了,祝老师们节日快乐!以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Grass, open the door of spring; Flowers, open the door of summer; Fruit, open the door of autumn; Cold snow, open the winter door; Teacher, open the door of wisdom.

  Some people say that teachers are like candles, burning themselves and illuminating others; Some people say that the teacher is like a bright light, guiding us in the direction when we are confused; Some people say that the teacher is like a strong needle. When we wander in the face of setbacks and difficulties, it gives us the power and courage to move forward. Yes! The selfless efforts of our beloved teachers are expected to enable our students to achieve excellent results and make contributions to society.

  Teachers, although they have children, put more energy on us. When they go home every day, their children have fallen asleep. When they go to work every day, their children are still asleep. Talking about the experience of each teacher, it will make people move. In the office, the teacher worked hard to prepare lessons and strive to make the teaching plan better. Under the light, the teacher was meticulously correcting the homework, and the silver white mixed in the black hair gave out dazzling light under the light. Teacher, you are the warmest sun in our heart! You are the brightest sun in our hearts. "Hold a heart, don't take half a grass.". This is the embodiment of teachers' tireless teaching and selfless dedication. The teacher's love is "transcendent" and selfless. This kind of love gives us warmth and strength. To urge every student to constantly realize their pursuit and reach the other side of the ideal.

  In our growth process, there is a strong love of teachers. The teacher is the charcoal fire in the cold winter, the shade in the hot summer, the stepping stone in the turbulence, and the beacon in the fog sea. The teacher nurtures delicious fruits with the nectar of knowledge, and moistens ideal flowers with the spring of mind.

  Teacher, you are like a cultivator and a planter of beauty. It is you who shine with the beautiful sunshine and moisten with the beautiful rain and dew that make our hearts green and colorful.

  Here, I want to sincerely say to you: "thank you, my dear teachers, happy Teacher's day."


  It's teacher's day again. More than ten teacher's days have passed since school. As I grow up, I have more experience and have different understanding and worship of teachers.

  When I was young, my aunt in the kindergarten would ask the children, "what do you want to be in the future?", Being a teacher is my answer. However, as I entered primary school, junior high school and senior high school, I found that teaching is not easy. My level is not enough for the heavy task of teaching and educating people. Therefore, this dream must be kept first. If one day I am really good enough, I will realize this dream by myself.

  In one's life, one will meet many teachers, and the first one is his parents. Parents have taught us all the skills we need in life since we were born, and they have taught us by words and deeds. It can be said that our excellence is inseparable from the hard work of our parents. When we go to school, we come into contact with a profession called people's teachers. These teachers teach us knowledge and support us to take exams to enter a higher school. Of course, a better teacher will teach us how to be a person. The longer you are a student, the more teachers you will meet, and the more chances you will meet good teachers.

  In my opinion, two kinds of teachers are the most valuable. First, I am the first teacher. One or several teachers have led you into a certain field, giving you the opportunity to learn what you love and fight for it. Looking back after the year, all your achievements are attributed to the teachers and you are admitted. Second, Mr. bole. If there is a teacher who constantly encourages you to move forward, believes in you and helps you, it is really lucky to be a student, because he has become a mentor in your life.

  Teacher's kindness is unforgettable. I will always remember every teacher who has given me great help in my life.

  I wish the teachers all over the world good health and full of peaches and plums!


  The so-called "one day as a teacher, one lifetime as a father". A teacher is a person who teaches us knowledge and the principles of how to behave; Teachers, gardeners who work hard to irrigate the dew of knowledge; Teacher, a warm little cotton padded jacket in the cold December brings us warmth. The sixth grade is coming, the most important stage of primary school is coming, your festival is coming, and your harvest has come in the six years. It is time for us to understand you. Thank you.

  Whether they are Chinese teachers, math teachers, English teachers or teachers of other subjects, they always think of us and teach us everything they see and hear every day. When I get home, I can't calm down to have a cup of tea and watch TV with great interest. I have to turn over our homework page after page and circle the mistakes one by one. Teacher, you said that you worked for us all day. How can we not thank you? I remember that in one autumn, there were many fallen leaves. I don't know how, I felt like a fallen leaf, dancing and falling like a butterfly. Suddenly, I came out of the dreamland with a bang. Unexpectedly, I was about to stand up, but I fell to the ground. It turned out that I fell down from the stairs. I was supported by my classmates, and I barely got up. At this time, a familiar figure passed before my eyes. Isn't that my teacher? She didn't say anything, just bent her back. I immediately understood what she meant. She wanted to carry me upstairs. But the building is as dangerous as a mountain, as high as the sky and as steep as a slope. But she still seemed so calm, and the beads of sweat fell down one by one. Finally, I was sent to the central hospital for treatment. No, I have to thank her anyway.

  That is the head teacher of our class. A pair of glasses are placed on the bridge of the nose, which has the style of learning hegemony. However, she is not the only one who deserves our gratitude. There are also math teachers who advocate self-learning and math savvy, English teachers who are proficient in multiple languages, and music teachers who love music deeply. All their efforts deserve our gratitude.

  Teacher's Day is coming. It's time for teachers to return their sweat. Let's return them with our sincere wishes and achievements!


  On the journey of life, you enriched my mind, developed my intelligence, and lit the light of hope for me. Thank you, my English teacher Zheng!

  Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for making me confident and capable of surpassing myself. You have proved to us with facts: learning is not a burden, but a pleasure and responsibility, a key to the world we never knew. You have taught us to explore boldly with our own minds and hands, to find and discover, and to make life full of surprises!

  Thank you, Mr. Zheng. You are a person we can always trust. You let us know that as long as we are willing, we can tell you everything. You often say that you were a child, so you can understand the children's emotions.

  Thank you, Mr. Zheng, for letting me understand that we can learn from failures, accumulate strength in difficulties and find light in the dark. You have given us the courage to use our brains, and at the same time, you have asked us to be open-minded. You put beauty in our hearts and gave us education, insight and imagination. You have done it for us! Perhaps every detail of your lecture will be forgotten by us with the passage of time, but your enthusiasm, courage and kindness will remain forever.

  Thank you for never sneering at us. When we try, you always pay close attention to us. Even if the result is so trivial, it always makes us understand that you have seen our achievements. It is you who let us know that life can be as thin as a piece of paper, as deep as the sea and as vast as the sky, and we must make our own choices. You led us to experience every problem and discovery, and the experience fascinated us, and let us see the flashing of wisdom in the ocean of knowledge.

  Finally, I wish you a happy Teacher's day again!


  It's teacher's day again. I have a lot to say to you.

  The school is like our second home. From the moment we entered the campus, you took care of us, taught us knowledge, and led us step by step into the ocean of knowledge.

  When we encounter difficulties in learning, you will carefully explain to us and tell us how to solve the problem. When we feel sad in our study, you will comfort us and let us feel confident and happy again. At the sports meeting, you will cheer for us loudly. I hope we can all play well.

  Teacher, I remember one time when I was running for monitor, none of my classmates voted for me. I was very sad. At this time, you told me: "don't lose heart. As long as you work hard and learn from each other's strong points to make up for your weaknesses, you will definitely be the monitor next time." I always remember what you said and give me a lot of encouragement. I will keep working hard.

  Teacher, I want to say to you: "teacher, you have worked hard!" For four years, you have been worrying about us, about our study, about the health of the class, about our growth... Thinking of this, I can't help thinking of a song - "whenever we walk past the teacher's window".

  Now, I'm in grade five, and I'm going to graduate in two years. I'm full of regret when I think of this. I should do more for the class, let the teacher do less snacks!

  Teacher, you have worked hard!


  On the day of teacher's day, I came to the school early in the morning, walked into the quiet campus, and came to our class. I opened the door of the classroom, and suddenly found a large fragrance of flowers floating toward me. I don't know whose "masterpiece" it was. I looked up and saw a large bunch of roses blooming on the windowsill, which would attract bees.

  I crept to the flowers for fear of disturbing them. I found that it was covered with sky blue gauze and dotted with small flowers. The sunlight reflected the colorful light on it. It was very beautiful. The blue roses were like smiling faces, opening to people. In the middle, there were lovely little bears waving to us. I was not surprised. When the students came one after another, they all gave a wise smile when they found this bunch of flowers. At this time, the teacher came over and found this bunch of flowers. With a smile on his face, he asked, "who sent this?" We said with one voice, "Wang Jianyi just transferred." We also said, "I wish Mr. Sun a happy holiday." Our voice was so loud that the whole building heard us.

  After class, the students flew out of their seats like birds and gathered around the teacher like stars. Everyone took out small gifts. Xiaohong said shyly: "I sent you a greeting card." Our class loudly said: "teacher, I bought you a crystal apple." I also crowded in front of the teacher and took out a colorful parrot paper-cut made by myself. It said: "I wish the teacher a happy holiday, good health, and always young and beautiful." I handed it to the teacher, and Mr. Sun took it over, He said happily: "ah! What a beautiful parrot! It can still move! Zhang Rundong, you are too smart. The teacher hopes you can use it more in your studies in the future, get rid of your carelessness, strive to achieve good results every time, and set an example for the students." I couldn't help praising, and my face turned red. We talked about our blessings. At this time, I found that the flowers were more beautiful under the sunshine.

  I returned to my seat and recalled the past. The teacher's teachings were vivid in my mind. I couldn't help but think of the poem: the spring silkworm is dead until the silk is exhausted, and the wax torch is ashes before the tears dry.


  Teacher's Day is coming. Many students bought a gift for their beloved teacher.

  "Learn to spin silk from the spring silkworm, keep on spinning, and make a candle recruitment. The road is clear." For thousands of years, many people have compared teachers to spring silkworms and candles. In his painstaking and selfless dedication, how many flowers of the motherland have become the pillars of the Chinese nation in Kyushu! Who knows how much sweat and tears are contained in it? Perhaps, the teacher's white hair and wrinkles are the witness.

  I still remember the first day when I came to the school. I stood outside the gate and looked at the majestic school. I felt a little timid. At this time, you came over and chatted with me cordially. You took my little hand and led me into a strange environment. But now, I have grown up, but you are getting old day by day. Whenever I see the fine wrinkles in the corners of your eyes, my nose is sour. You have taught me knowledge and taught me the truth of life. Thank you!

  Dear teacher, because of you, our world will become so beautiful. In the chaos, there will be a guiding light, the confused night sky, and the eternal Beidou. You shoulder the sacred mission, you shoulder the future of the motherland, you shoulder the prosperity of the nation, and you shoulder the historical responsibility. In this way, generation after generation of teenagers grow up healthily under your care.

  Because of you, there is a special day - teacher's day. Since then, the world has paid more respect and attention to you. Your commonness lies in nothing but risk and no regrets. "Take a heart, not half a grass." This is the true portrayal of our teacher's state of mind.

  Teacher, thank you, here, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!


  September 10 is another teacher's day. It is a special day. It is a day for us to know how to be grateful and grateful.

  I'm afraid that my writing style will let articles on this subject fall into the stereotype. However, as for teacher's day, which is a day we are familiar with from childhood to adulthood, I have just begun to have some of my own experiences and insights.

  When we were young, we knew that we should respect our teachers. On teacher's day, we would always thank our teachers who have worked hard for a year. Perhaps at that time, we just thought that this was a standard for being "good children".

  Now that I have studied in University, I have also experienced some internships. This time, I can better understand the difficulties of teachers. As teachers, it is their responsibility to teach and educate people. This is not an easy job. There is pressure from all aspects of society. From the most basic lesson preparation to their words and deeds will affect the students' Outlook on life and values. They know the hardships themselves.

  We should learn to be grateful. In fact, teachers are tolerant of students, and there is absolutely no harsh and picky boss towards employees. They are selfless to the students. There is no reservation about the transfer of knowledge.

  For all this, we should learn to be grateful, and we should be grateful. Here, I only write this article with my not beautiful writing style, and sincerely say to all the teachers who have taught me and are teaching us: "thank you, I wish you a happy Teacher's Day!"


  "When the spring silkworms die, the wax torch turns into ashes and tears dry." There are many places in the long river of memory that deserve my nostalgia, but what makes me most unforgettable is the teacher's honest teachings, the teacher's expectant eyes, and the comments that have poured countless efforts into the teacher.

  The long road to knowledge is endless. We are groping on the dark road to knowledge. It is the teacher's eyes that send us to the dawn. He helps us to open up the wisdom. You cut all the thorns on the road. Let us enjoy the fragrant weeds on the roadside and greedily absorb the nectar of knowledge.

  No matter whether you succeed or fail in each exam, the teacher's eyes are always so positive, like the beating candle light, driving away your confusion, illuminating your direction of progress, and always containing expectations. Every time I make a mistake, the teacher's eyes are so strict, urging me not to make mistakes again. Every time I am unhappy, the teacher always comforts me with a kind tone, like a gentle spring breeze blowing into my heart.

  The teacher has trained us from an ignorant child to an all-round development student. There is much effort and sweat of the teacher. Without you, we would not have made progress. The teacher is you who give us knowledge, strength, courage to overcome difficulties and let us march forward.

  Teacher, you are a hardworking gardener, watering our bright flowers with the rain and dew of knowledge. You are a burning candle, illuminating our way forward with your bright light. Teacher, you have worked hard. Thank you!


  On that day, the flower thanked the soil for letting it learn to bloom; That day, the bird thanked its mother for letting it learn to fly; On that day, we thanked our teachers for letting us learn knowledge and struggle. That day is the annual Teacher's day.

  In the early morning, I came to the school gate with gratitude. I saw that the school gate was very busy. The students gathered around the flower seller and chose all kinds of beautiful flowers. There are white flowers as white as snow, tulips blooming in competition, some students holding a large bunch of flowers in their hands, looking like a red face, and some students only bought a few scattered tulips, which are also jubilant. I think: whether it is a large bunch of flowers or a few flowers, they all most truly express the sincere gratitude of the students.

  Walking into the campus, we saw the etiquette team and the drum team lined up in two neat lines. The music sounded, and the members of the etiquette team holding flowers waved the flowers in their hands. They warmly welcomed the teachers and put on bright red scarves for them. Their hearts were filled with incomparable pride. The teachers looked at the blackboard full of blessings and happily signed their names as a wonderful stroke in his life.

  When we came to the classroom, the charming fragrance of flowers wafted in the classroom. Looking at the students, we were sitting upright and looking forward to the arrival of the teacher. The teacher wore a red scarf and walked into the classroom with a spring face. The students immediately rushed to the classroom and presented flowers and greeting cards in their hands. The teacher's face was full of happiness, and he even thanked him. I think: the teacher wants to get nothing more than this. He works hard every day, and in exchange for a few flowers and a few greeting cards, he is happy. They know it's not just flowers, it's greeting cards. It is the children who know how to be grateful.

  On that day, we also held the opening ceremony of the "Reading Festival", which described the benefits of books and praised the selfless dedication of teachers. It was an unforgettable Teacher's day. On that day, we wish teachers a happy holiday!
