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Unit 3 Why do you like koala bears? (语法点总结)
eat grass eat leaves be quiet very shy very smart very cute
play with her friends kind of South Africa other animals
at night in the day every day during the day
二. 交际用语
1. Why do you like pandas? Because they’re very clever.
2. Why does he like koalas? Because they’re kind of interesting.
3. Where are lions from? They are from South Africa.
4. What other animals do you like?
I like dogs, too.
Because they’re friendly and clever.
5. Molly likes to play with her friends and eat grass.
6. She’s very shy.
7. He is from Australia.
8.He sleeps during the day, but at night he gets up and eats leaves.
9.He usually sleeps and relaxes 20 hours every day.
10.Let’s see the pandas first.
11.They’re kind of interesting.
12.What other animals do you like?
13.Why do you want to see the lions?
三. 重点难点释义
1、kind of 有点,稍微
Koala bears are kind of shy. 考拉有点害羞。
kind 还有“种类”的意思
如:各种各样的 all kinds of
We have all kinds of beautiful flowers in our school.
2、China n. 中国 Africa n. 非洲
China 和Africa都是专有名词,首字母都应该大写,而且和介词in连用。
There are many kinds of tigers in China.
There are many kinds of scary animals in Africa.
3、friendly adj. 友好的,和蔼可亲的
它是名词friend的形容词形式,常常和be动词连用, be friendly。
The people in Chengdu are very friendly.
4、with prep. 跟,同,和…在一起
I usually play chess with my father.
如果有I, I通常放在 and 之后,如:
My father and I usually play chess together.
Play with “和…一起玩耍”“玩…”
I often play with my pet dog.
Don’t play with water!
5、day和night 是一对反义词,day 表示白天或一天,night表示夜或夜晚。
通常说in the day, during the day, at night。
Koala bears often sleep during the day and eat leaves at night.
6、leaf n. 叶子
复数形式为:leaves, 类似的变化还有:wife—wives, wolf—wolves,
7、hour n. 小时;点钟
hour前边通常加上冠词an 表示“一个小时”, 即:an hour。
There are 24 hours in a day and 60minutes in an hour.
8、be from 来自…
be from = come from
Pandas are from China. = Pandas come form China.
9、meat n. (食用的)肉,为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修
饰,即:much meat
He eats much meat every day.
10、grass n. 草,为不可数名词,表示“许多”时,使用much来修饰,即:much grass。
There is much grass on the playground.
四. 语法知识
特殊疑问句通常以“what”、“who”、“which”、“when”、“where”、“how”、“how old”、“how many”等开头,对某一具体问题进行提问。
1. 疑问句+一般疑问句结构。这是最常见的情况。例如:
What’s your grandfather’s telephone number? 你爷爷的电话号码是多少?
Who is that boy with big eyes? 那个大眼睛的男孩是谁?
Which season do you like best? 你最喜欢哪个季节?
When is he going to play the piano? 他什么时候弹钢琴?
Where does he live? 他住在哪儿?
How are you? 你好吗?
How old are you? 你多大了?
How many brothers and sisters do you have? 你有几个兄弟姐妹?
2. 疑问句+陈述句结构。这时疑问词作主语或修饰主语。例如:
Who is on duty today?
Which man is your teacher?
我们学过的What/How about+名词/代词+其他?也是特殊疑问句,它是一种省略结构。
I like English. What/How about you? 我喜欢英语。你呢?
What about playing basketball? 打篮球怎么样?
Unit 3 Why do you like koalas? (短语句型汇总)
want to do sth .想要做某事
want sb to do sth 想要某做某事
want sth 想要某物
Let sb do sth 让某人做某事
kind of 有几分\种类
a kind of 一种…
…years old …年龄 如:ten years old 十岁
like to do sth 喜欢做某事
like doing sth
play with … 与...一起玩
be quiet 安静
during the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
have a look at.. 看...
one…the other 一个...另一个...
(1)、-why do you like pandas?
-Because they’re very cure.
(2)、-Why dose he like koalas?
-Because they are kind of interesting.
(3)、-Where are lions from?
-They are from South Africa.
(4)、-What animals do you like?
-I like elephants.
(1)、-Let’s see the lions.
(2)-Why do you want to see the lions?
-Because they are very cute.
(3)-Do you like giraffes?
Yes, I do./ No, I don’t
是的,我喜欢。/ 不,我不喜欢。
(4)-What other animal do you like?
_I like dogs. Too 我也喜欢狗。
other+ 名词的复数.表示没有特定的数量范围
the other+名词的复数表示有特定的数量范围.
(5)-Why are you looking at me?
-Because you are very cute.
(6)-Let us play games. –Great!
咱们玩游戏吧。 -- 太棒了。
Let me see.
Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (语法点总结)
1 want to do sth 想要作某事
2 give sb sth = give sth to sb 给某人某物 / 把某物给某人
3 help sb do sth 帮助某人作某事 Eg: I want to help my mother do some housework at home.
4 help sb with sth 帮助某人谋事 Eg: I want to help my mother with some housework at home
5 in the day 在白天
6 at night 在晚上
7 talk with/ to sb 和----谈话
8 be busy doing sth 忙于做某事 Eg: He is busy listening to the teacher.
9 in a hospital 在医院l
10 work/ study hard 努力工作
11 Evening Newspaper 晚报
1 询问职业的特殊疑问词是what;有三种主要句式
① What + is / are + sb?
② What + does/ do + sb + do?
③ What + is/ are + 名词所有格/ 形容词性物主代词 + job?
2 People give me their money or get their money from me.
3 Sometimes I work in the day and sometimes at night.
4 I like talking to people.
5 I work late. I’m very busy when people go out to dinners.
6 Where does your sister work?
7 then we have a job for you as a waiter.
8 Do you want to work for a magazine? Then come and work for us as a reporter.
9 Do you like to work evenings and weekends?
10 We are an international school for children of 5-12.
三. 本单元中的名词复数。
1 policeman--- policemen 2 woman doctor----- women doctors 3 thief-----thieves

Unit 4 I want to be an actor. (短语句型汇总)
want to be+职业 想要成为。。。
shop assistant 店员
bank clerk 银行职员
work with 与。。。一起工作
work hard 努力工作
work for 为。。。而工作
work as 作为。。而工作
get.. from…从。。。获得。。。
give sth.to.sb /give.sb.sth 把某物给某人
正确的表示:give it/them to sb.
错误的表示:give sb.it/them
in the day 在白天
at night 在夜间
talk to /with 与…讲话
go out to dinners 外出吃饭
in a hospital 在医院
newspaper reporter 报社记者
movie actor 电影演员
(1)-What do/does+某人+do?
例:-What do you do?-I’m a student.
你是做什么的? -- 我是一个学生。
-What dose he do? He’s a teacher.
他是干什么的? -- 他是一个学生。
(2)-What do/does+某人+want to be?
例:What do you want to be?-I want to be a teacher.
你想当什么? -- 我相当老师。
-What does she want to be ?She want to be a nurse.
她相当什么?-- 她相当护士。
(3)-Where does your sister work?
-She works in a hospital.
(4)-Does he work in the hospital?
Yes.he does。 / No, he doesn’t
是的,他在。/ 不,他不在。
(5)-Does she work late?
-Yes,she does/No.she doesn’t
What do/does …do?
What is…? What is your father?
What’s one’s job?例:What’s your father’s job?
Unit 5 I’m watching TV (语法点总结)
① now 现在
② at this time 在这时
③ at the moment 现在
④ look 看(后面有明显的“!”)
⑤ listen 听(后面有明显的“!”)
Ⅲ 现在分词的构成
① 一般在动词结尾处加ing Eg: go—going look--looking
② 以不发音字母e结尾的动词,去e加ing。Eg: write—writing close--closing
③ 以重读闭音节结尾的动词,如果末尾只有一个辅音字母,应先双写这个字母,再加ing.
Eg: get—getting run—running ( swim, run, put,get,sit,begin)
Ⅳ 现在进行时的构成
肯定句: 主语+ am/is/are+ doing +其他+时状. Eg: He is doing his homework now.
否定句:主语+am/is/are +not+ doing+其他+时状. Eg: He is not doing his homework now.
一般疑问句: Am/Is/Are +主语+ doing+其他+时状?Eg: Is he doing his homework now?
肯定回答:Yes,主语 +am/is/are Eg Yes, he is.
否定回答:No, 主语+am not/isn’t/aren’t Eg: No, he isn’t.
1.do one’s homework 做某人的作业
do housework 做家务
2.talk on the phone 在电话里交谈,讲电话
talk about…… 谈论……
talk to(with)sb 和某人交谈
3.write a letter 写信
write a letter to sb 给某人写信
4.play with…… 和……一起玩
5.watch TV 看电视
TV show 电视节目
6.wait for sb/sth 等待某人/某物
7.some of…… ……中的一些
8.in the first photo 在第一张照片里(介词用in,序数词前面有the)
in the last photo 在最后一张照片里
a photo of one’s family 某人的家庭照片
9.at the mall 在购物街
at/in the library 在图书室
at/in the pool 在游泳池
10.read a book = read books = do some reading看书\阅读
11.thanks for = thank you for 为某事而感谢(后接动词要用v-ing)
三. 重点句式及注意事项:
1. 他正在干什么? What is he doing?
他正在吃饭。 He is eating dinner.
他正在哪里吃饭? Where is he eating dinner?
他正在家里吃饭。 He is eating dinner at home.
2. 你想什么时候去? When do you want to go?
让我们六点钟去吧。 Let’s go at six o’clock.
3. 他正在等什么? What is he waiting for?
他正在等公交车。 He is waiting for a bus.
4. 他们正在和谁说话? Who are they talking with?
他们正在和Miss Wu说话。 They are talking with Miss Wu.
5. 你们正在谈论什么? What are you talking about?
我们正在谈论天气。 We are talking about the weather.
6. 他们都正在去上学。 They are all going to school.
7. 这儿是一些我的照片。 Here are some of my photos.
这儿是一些肉。 Here is some of meat. (some of meat不可数,故用is)
8. 谢谢你帮我买这本书。 Thank you for helping me buy this book.
9. family 家;家庭。强调“整体”,是单数;强调“成员”时,是复数。
His family has a shower. 他们家有一个淋浴。
His family are watching TV. 他全家在看电视。

Unit 5 I’m watching TV. (短语句型汇总)
do homework 做家庭作业
watch TV 看电视
eat dinner 吃饭;就餐
clean the room 打扫房间
read newspaper/a book 看报纸/看书
go to the movies 看电影
write a letter 写信
wait for 等待;等候
talk about 谈论。。。。
play basketball/soccer/ 打篮球/踢足球
take photos 拍照
TV show 电视节目
Some of。。。 。。。中的一些
a photo of my family 我的家庭照
at school 在学校
be with 和。。。一起
in the tree 在树上
(1)-What+be+主语+doing? ….正在做什么?
 -主语+be+doing。。。 …正在做某事。
例: -what are you doing?
-I’m doing my homework.
(2)-Thanks for … 为。。。而感谢
例:Thanks for your letter. 感谢你的来信。
(3)-Here are/is… 这是……。
例:Here are some of my photos.
Here is a photo of my family.
(4)-That sounds good. 那听起来不错。
(5)-This TV show is boring. 这电视剧很无聊。
(1)-Do you want to go to the movies? –Sure.
你想去看电影吗? -- 当然。
(2)-When do you want to go? –Let’s go at seven.
你什么时候想去? -- 咱们七点去吧。
(3)-Where do people play basketball? –At school.
人们在哪儿打篮球? -- 在学校。
(4)-What’s he waiting for?-He’s waiting for a bus.
他在等什么? -- 他在等公共汽车。
(5)-What’s he reading? He’s reading a newspaper.
他在看什么? -- 他在看报纸。
I’m watching TV. 我在看电视。
They are not playing soccer. 他们没有在踢足球。
Yes,主语+is/am/are. No,主语+isn’t/aren’t/am not.
Are you reading? Yes,I am. No,I am not.
你在看书吗? 是的,我在看书。/ 不,我没有。
5) 现在进行时的特殊疑问句形式:
例:What is your brother doing? 你哥哥在干什么?
6) 动词+ing形式(现在分词)的构成.
如: eat--eating, do—doing,clean—cleaning,
如:run—runing,sit—sitting ,swim—swimming.

