
时间:2022-06-01 10:20:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】农历五月初五为端午节,又称端阳节、午日节、五月节、艾节、端五、重午、午日、夏节。虽然名称不同,但各地人民过节的习俗是相同的。®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  The fragrant dumplings are steamed, the realgar wine of yellow dumplings is brewed, the mighty dragon boat is ready, and the Dragon Boat Festival is coming.

  The Dragon Boat Festival in my hometown is very lively. Early in the morning, men, women and children began to make zongzi. Every household was filled with the fragrance of reed leaves. I couldn't wait to take a piece of zongzi, remove it, and take a bite. The soft, waxy glutinous rice and sweet red dates wandered back and forth in my mouth. The soft, waxy and sweet dumplings were praised by everyone who ate them.

  There are a large number of people on the dragon boat race site. The atmosphere is not lively. The exquisite dragon boats are parked by the lake. The people on the Dragon Boat Race wear scarves, hold their heads high, have firm eyes, and hold the oars in their hands. With the sound of the gun, the dragon boat race begins. The crowd is boiling. The people on the dragon boat race are vigorous and waving their arms orderly. The dragon boat is like a galloping horse on the lake, rippling in waves, My father was among them. He clenched his teeth, his veins burst, and he was sweating like a rain. The one led by him soon ranked among the best. I stared at the dragon boat with bated breath for fear of making any mistakes. Just before reaching the end, another Dragon Boat followed it and drove with it. The audience was boiling again. There were shouts, gongs and drums, and I couldn't help shouting. Suddenly, My father's dragon boat began to shout in unison and rushed across the finish line. I ran to my breathless father and asked in doubt, "why does my father have to race dragon boats to eat Zongzi on the Dragon Boat Festival?" Dad smiled: "it's to commemorate Quyuan! The dragon boat is used to disperse the fish in the river. The purpose of throwing zongzi into the river is to prevent the fish from eating Quyuan's body."

  The Dragon Boat Festival is full of Zong Xiang and full of passion. I wish you all a healthy Dragon Boat Festival!


  "May 5 is the Dragon Boat Festival. The door is inserted with wormwood. The hall is full of incense. Eat zongzi and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat is in the water happily." Hearing this song reminds me of the Dragon Boat Festival. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional festival in China.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, we should plant sagebrush and hang sagebrush. Early in the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, people put wormwood sticks on the door, or woven wormwood into "Aihu", which is carried in the middle of the lintel or on the body to repel insects and evil spirits, so as to protect health.

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, we should bring sachets and tie colorful silk threads. The sachet is embroidered with cotton products and silk threads. In addition to some realgar and Atractylodes, the sachet also contains spices made of herbs. Wearing it on the body can expel insects. The five times silk thread symbolizes the five color dragon, which can subdue demons and ghosts.

  Dragon Boat Festival to eat dumplings. In the morning, every family eats zongzi to commemorate Quyuan. Generally, the dumplings are wrapped the day before, cooked at night and eaten in the morning. Zongzi is mainly made of tender reed leaves, which abound near the pond, and bamboo leaves, which are collectively referred to as Zongye. The traditional form of zongzi is triangle, which is generally named according to the inner flesh. The glutinous rice dumpling is called rice dumpling, the rice mixed with Xiaodou is called Xiaodou dumpling, and the rice mixed with red dates is called jujube dumpling; The homonym of jujube dumplings is "early middle", so the most people eat jujube dumplings. Children who want to read can be the first in the early middle. In the past, scholars had to eat jujube dumplings in the morning when they took part in the imperial examination. So far, parents have to make jujube dumplings for the examinees on the morning of the entrance examination day of middle schools and universities.

  Dragon boat racing is the main custom of the Dragon Boat Festival. It is said that it originated from the ancient Chu people who were reluctant to part with their virtuous minister Quyuan and died in the river. Many people rowed to catch up and save. They vied with each other and disappeared when they reached Dongting Lake. After that, we row dragon boats on May 5 every year to commemorate it. Use a dragon boat to disperse the fish in the river, so as not to eat Qu Yuan's body.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is really an interesting traditional festival!


  The Dragon Boat Festival comes from the story of Quyuan: the patriotic poet Quyuan came up with a good idea to enrich the country and the people, but it was not adopted by the king. Instead, he was expelled from the palace. Qu Yuan was so angry that he jumped into the Miluo River. When the local fisherman learned this, he rowed a small boat to spread the rice in the bamboo tube to Quyuan in the Miluo River. Later, people changed rice filled in bamboo tubes into zongzi, and changed rowing into dragon boat racing to commemorate Quyuan. Our whole family admired Quyuan very much, so our family celebrated the Dragon Boat Festival every year.

  The traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival is to eat zongzi. Our family has a real expert in making zongzi - my mother. Every year during the Dragon Boat Festival, our family can eat delicious zongzi. Mother often said: the rice dumplings wrapped with reed leaves are the most fragrant. Therefore, every year on the Dragon Boat Festival, my mother uses reed leaves to make zongzi. Before making zongzi, she had to make preparations: put the reed leaves in water and cook them, and wash the prepared glutinous rice and jujube respectively. When the reed leaves cooled, she began to make zongzi. She first took three leaves, rolled them into a cone, then put a jujube, then put glutinous rice in it, and put a few jujubes in the middle. Finally, she tied the leaves with thread, and wrapped a zongzi. The rice dumplings she made were fat and big, just like the old Buddha sleeping. After the dumplings are wrapped, my mother puts them in a pressure cooker to steam for 40 minutes, then puts them for 34 hours to make them tasty, and then you can eat them! The rice dumplings made by my mother are so fragrant that I can eat them as soon as I see them. So, whenever I eat zongzi, I always eat a lot!

  After the Dragon Boat Festival, you should not only eat zongzi, but also race dragon boats!

  I like watching dragon boat races best. Dozens of sailors are rowing with oars and beating drums with high morale. "Come on, come on!" The cheerleaders outside the stadium were full of passion and thunderous cries and cheers. The sailors had to row harder after listening to them. The whole scene of the dragon boat race was very spectacular and warm.

  Eating zongzi and racing dragon boats, these two traditional customs together weave a bustling Dragon Boat Festival.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is also a custom festival of many ethnic groups. People of all ethnic groups hold various celebrations in accordance with their own customs. The Dragon Boat Festival in our hometown is mainly about eating zongzi and watching dragon boat races.

  When it comes to eating rice dumplings, we have to say that our rice dumplings are really delicious! Take a bite and you'll never forget it. This zongzi is usually tied into a pentagonal tower shape and a quadrangular flat shape. The four corners form a diamond. Zongzi is also divided into big brown and small zongzi. Zongzi should be made of glutinous rice, with pork, mung beans, cuttlefish, shrimp and other fillings. There is also a special rice dumpling leaf. It seems that only my hometown has the leaf!

  I won't say much about how to make zongzi, because it's a secret. Let me talk about how delicious dumplings are and how they give you endless aftertaste.

  The fragrance of the leaves seeps into the zongzi. When you open the zongzi, the fragrance immediately permeates the whole room. You are intoxicated with it before you eat it. When you eat it in your mouth, you will feel a fresh, tender and greasy aroma. It's so indescribable that you can't help saying, "yummy, yummy, these zongzi are so delicious! And so on.

  If you are not satisfied after eating zongzi, let me take you to the Dragon Boat Race! It is held every year during the Dragon Boat Festival. The location is "Jiangben Park". When you go there, you will see a sea of people. Because many people also like to watch dragon boat races. There are many vendors selling cold drinks such as ice cream and pearl milk tea, as well as packaged food. The purpose is to make it convenient for people to buy food while waiting. The most important thing is to make money.

  I don't know who shouted, "here we go, here we go.", People's attention was focused on the white spots far away from the river, which slowly "moved" to us. Soon, we could see that it was a dozen dragon boats. The people above rowed together. Each dragon boat has a drummer. People say that he is the one who directs the rowing. Let them follow him to paddle, because only in this way can he paddle neatly. In the cheers of the people, the winner was determined. The "white dragon" reached the end first. The "white dragon" was followed by the "red dragon" and the "Yellow Dragon". These "three dragons" were the top three in dragon boat racing. In this way, the Dragon Boat Festival was celebrated with laughter.

  Is the Dragon Boat Festival in our hometown very interesting? Is the Dragon Boat Festival in your hometown very interesting in English? Then tell me!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is a grand folk festival in China. Zongzi, tea eggs and Artemisia argyi are the characteristics of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  When I was a child, I could be excited about the Dragon Boat Festival a week in advance. Because I could eat delicious zongzi, life was monotonous and bitter at that time. I could not eat anything except during the festival. Speaking of zongzi, it is not only delicious, but also fun in the process of making zongzi. Every year when the Dragon Boat Festival comes, my mother cooks a pot of glutinous rice on the night of the first day. The next morning, my mother and I wrap the green zongzi leaves with glutinous rice and jujube. They are wrapped into triangular zongzi. After wrapping, they are boiled in a large pot for 3 or 4 hours. After that, my mother soaks the zongzi in two prepared buckets. When it is cool, she carefully pulls apart the bamboo leaves and bites a mouthful of white and tender glutinous rice. The purple jujube will show its head and dip it in sugar, At that time, it tasted so sweet and delicious that it was memorable.

  On the eve of the Dragon Boat Festival, every family put Artemisia argyi picked in the mountains on the door, saying it was to ward off evil spirits. Our children just followed suit and did not understand the meaning.

  On the morning of the Dragon Boat Festival, after getting up, my mother wrapped colorful silk thread around our wrists and ankles. It is said that it can remove diseases and evil spirits. In fact, in my heart, these colorful silk threads are substitutes for those exquisite bracelets. Some people also spend some money to buy their children fragrant purses to carry with them. My mother made them by herself with small cloth heads, stuffed with cotton and placed some herbs. Even so, we are very happy.

  It is happy to recall the holidays in childhood, and the festival atmosphere is stronger than now.


  At noon on the Dragon Boat Festival, we had just finished eating zongzi. My father took me to Chenghai to watch the dragon boat race. Walking on the way to Chenghai, I suddenly thought of a question - what are the traditional customs of the Dragon Boat Festival?

  My father told me with a smile: "during the Warring States period, Qu Yuan, a doctor of the state of Chu, was very considerate of the country and urged the king of Chu to govern the country well and befriend his neighbors. But the king of Chu didn't listen. He threw himself into the river in great sorrow and anger. In order to commemorate the upright doctor, the people of the state of Chu wrapped glutinous rice in bamboo leaves and threw it into the river, hoping that the fish would eat rice instead of Qu Yuan's body. Gradually, eating zongzi became a traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival." After listening to my father, I was enlightened.

  After a while, we arrived at our destination. We saw all the roads leading to the Bank of the river. People poured into the river like a flood. At this time, the clock was pointing to 2 o'clock, and a gun rang out, and eighteen dragon boats fished down from the upstream. Immediately, the sound of gongs and drums, firecrackers and cheers became a magnificent symphony. "Come on, come on..." when the competition reached a critical juncture, the crowd broke out in bursts of cries: "yellow team, yellow team, come on...". It turned out that the yellow team was a little behind, and its cheerleaders were cheering for it. The yellow team's drums became tighter and the whistle became more urgent. The yellow boat rushed forward desperately against the waves. Finally, the yellow boat won the championship.

  The team's spirit of unity and struggle inspired the broad audience, and there were endless applause and cheers on the shore. Wow, dragon boat racing is exciting. It's another traditional custom of the Dragon Boat Festival.

  Today, I spent a very meaningful traditional festival - the Dragon Boat Festival, which was both happy and fruitful.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. My mother is making zongzi at home. She prepared leaves, bamboo sticks, meat, dates, rice... It's so rich.

  Mother demonstrated first. She took a leaf, made it into a cone, wrapped it with stuffing, and tied it with bamboo strips. The dumplings are so beautiful and lovely, just like a dumpling baby. I stared at the dumplings, my mouth watering. As I watched, I couldn't help but pick up a leaf and imitate my mother's posture. I made the leaf into a cone. No matter where I folded the leaf, I couldn't do it well. I was so angry that I threw the leaves aside and angrily went to the living room to drink water.

  Mom saw it and hurried out and said, "don't give up. Persistence is victory. Mom will teach you." Mother persuaded me for a long time before I went into the kitchen. Mother said, "follow me." I took a leaf, carefully watched my mother do it, and learned to do it, but the first step was still not done well, and I began to get a little angry. Mother said, "your gesture is wrong. Your thumb presses the leaf, circles around it, and then holds it tight. Remember, you can't hold it too tight or too loose."

  I did what my mother said. As expected, the first step was done. I was ecstatic and smiled happily. Then put the filling. Mother said, "the filling can't be too much or too little. It must be just right." I scooped up a spoonful of stuffing and put it in. My mother said, "that's enough. Fold in the leaves, fix them, and tie a bamboo stick to the dumplings." I listened and did it. When it was done, I jumped up happily. Although the dumplings are not good-looking, they contain my painstaking efforts. Looking at it, I am still very proud.

  The dumplings are ready. Although the process is very hard, but very happy. Mom is right. You can't shrink back when you encounter difficulties. You should persist. Persistence is victory!


  The Dragon Boat Festival is coming. Do you know the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? Let me tell you!

  The Dragon Boat Festival falls on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month every year. The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional folk festival in China. It is also called the Double Ninth Festival. There is also a children's song about the Dragon Boat Festival: "the fifth day of May is the Dragon Boat Festival. Insert Wormwood Leaves and wear sachets. Eat zongzi and sprinkle sugar. The dragon boat goes into the water happily."

  But today's Dragon Boat Festival is more to commemorate the patriotic poet Quyuan. It is said that the dragon boat race was to salvage Quyuan, a patriotic poet who died in the Miluo River. The purpose of throwing zongzi into the river is to prevent fish, dragons, shrimps and crabs from eating Qu Yuan's body. Here, I tell you a story about Qu Yuan. It is said that during the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Qi, Chu, Yan, Han, Zhao, Wei and Qin were the main powers in the Central Plains. In order to compete for land, all the countries in the Central Plains fought fiercely. At that time, Quyuan was a traitor official of the state of Chu. He advised King Huai of Chu to rule with benevolence and not to listen to the slander of villains. But king Huai not only did not listen, but also listened to the slander and dismissed Quyuan. Qu Yuan, who was sad, indignant and heartbroken, wrote immortal poems -- Li Sao and Tian Wen. In 278 BC, the state of Chu was conquered by the state of Qin, and Qu Yuan's spirit was greatly hit. In the face of the collapse of the country and the suffering of the people, he was powerless. Therefore, in great disappointment and pain, he threw a stone into the Miluo River east of the Yangtze River. Upon hearing the news, the people of the state of Chu rowed to the river to salvage Qu Yuan's body. They took zongzi and put them into the river to feed fish, shrimp and crabs, so that they would not eat Qu Yuan's body. More than twothousand years have passed, but the image of poet Quyuan still remains in people's hearts. Nowadays, on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, people row dragon boats and eat Zongzi to commemorate the great poet.

  Of course, the customs vary from place to place, but they all have to eat zongzi, insert Wormwood Leaves, wear fragrant bags and race dragon boats. In addition to the above, we also have the habit of giving and eating mung bean cake.

  The Dragon Boat Festival is my favorite festival. Not only because it can eat zongzi and mung bean cake, but also because it is the memory of the great patriotic poet Quyuan.


  The Dragon Boat Festival is a special day. People in various places buy some zongzi or make some to eat at home. "On the May day when the birds sing and the swallows dance, and the palm leaves smell..." when this sentence rings in my ears, I can't help thinking of the picture of a family making zongzi.

  It is said that after Quyuan threw himself into the river, people missed him very much. Every fifth day of May, they put food in bamboo tubes and put it into the water. There was a man named Qu Hui in the Yangtze River. In broad daylight, he suddenly saw Qu Yuan come to life and said that the food had been eaten by the Jiaolong. So Qu Hui wrapped the food in wild rice leaves and tied it with five color lines. The Jiaolong was most afraid of these two things and threw them into the water. This method gradually developed into the present zongzi.

  In my memory, grandma is the best at making zongzi. Once I saw a neighbor's child gulping down zongzi, so I dragged my grandmother, who was choosing vegetables in the yard, to make me some zongzi. I didn't want to eat Zongzi sold outside the Dragon Boat Festival. My grandmother couldn't beat me, so I had to buy ingredients

  When I got home, my grandmother went to the kitchen to wash rice and leaves. At this time, I sat next to them and looked at the ingredients. There is a bowl of glutinous rice, some dates, some mung beans and red beans. Grandma was always on guard against me while preparing the stuffing.

  "Grandma, have you wrapped it up yet?" I shouted anxiously and helplessly. "Well, look!" I saw a green rice dumpling on the table. Although I only saw a "package", I can imagine the delicious stuffing. "I'll do it too." I clamored to do it well. "Well, grandma will teach you." Grandma used a wooden spoon to scoop the stuffing, put it in the middle of several leaves, a package of a bundle, and a triangle shaped zongzi was born. I also learned to pack a few, but I still "broke up" and "peeled off". Grandma only looked at me and didn't say much. She packed another few. Although she didn't encourage me, her actions encouraged me. Finally, under my "diligent study and hard study", a perfect zongzi can not help but make me happy.

  Zongzi in the mouth, family around, happiness in the heart.


  Everyone must know that the fifth day of the fifth lunar month is the annual Dragon Boat Festival in China?! On that day, people will take out the already prepared zongzi leaves and seasonings, carefully wrap green quadrangular zongzi, carefully peel off the zongzi leaves, and take a delicious bite. Tut Tut, that taste is simply wonderful! On the fifth day of May, the Dragon Boat Festival, there are also wonderful dragon boat races in various places. People eat the delicious food of the Dragon Boat Festival and shout cheers for the people who race dragon boats on the lake... The Dragon Boat Festival is happy. So, what is the origin of the Dragon Boat Festival? This is related to our great patriotic poet Quyuan!

  Quyuan was a scholar bureaucrat of the Chu state in the Warring States period in ancient China. He had always been highly valued by the emperor at that time, but was finally forced by his ministers. He had no choice but to run to the river with his love for his country. He jumped into the river with a stone on his back in tears and committed suicide. When the king of Chu heard the news, he came to his senses. But it was too late. Our great Quyuan had jumped into the river for several hours and could not even find a corpse. The extremely sad people were afraid that Qu Yuan's soul was hungry, so they poured the rice into the river. Later, they were afraid that the fish and shrimp in the river would eat the food and wrap the leaves on the outside to make a diamond shape. In that way, the fish and shrimp would not dare to eat secretly.

  In order to commemorate the great poet, later generations will take a boat to salvage the body and turn the diamond shaped rice balls into the current dragon boat racing and eating zongzi. In some places, the hands and ankles of children should be tied with colorful thin lines on that day. It is said that it can prevent snake bites, which is equivalent to the Amulet of the Dragon Boat Festival!

  On the Dragon Boat Festival, she chewed the fragrant dumplings on her hands sweetly and stared at the wonderful dragon boat race on TV. In front of her eyes, Qu Yuan suddenly jumped into the river with a sad face. A drop of tears fell on her cheek - Quyuan, how are you living in another world?

