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【#英语口语# 导语】在学习日常交际英语口语的时候会发现有一些句子是相当常见、实用的。如果我们将这些口语句子收集起来进行针对性的学习,那么学习效果一定很明显。以下是®文档大全网整理的住酒店日常英语口语,欢迎阅读!


1.住酒店日常英语口语 篇一

  The light has fused. Please change the bulb for me. 电灯泡坏了,请换一个。

  The light of this room is dim, please get me a brighter one. 房间里灯光太暗,可否调一只亮灯泡?

  There is no water in the bottle. 热水瓶没水了。

  The tea cup is dirty. Please get some glasses for me. 茶杯脏了,请拿几只玻璃杯来。

  Please bring me some ice blocks. 请拿些冰块来。

  I've got some coffee. Please get me some cube sugar. 我自己有咖啡,请拿几块方糖来。

  I should like you to bring me some hot water. 我想请你给我送些热水来。

  Please get me some envelopes and writing—paper. 请拿些信封信纸来。

  I want a bottle of red ink. 我要一瓶红墨水。

2.住酒店日常英语口语 篇二

  The floor of the bathroom is too wet. Please clean (mop) it. 浴室地板太湿了,请清扫一下。

  I want to turn on that light. Where is the switch? 我想开亮那盏灯,请问开关在哪里?

  There it is, beside the wardrobe. 在那儿,衣柜旁边。

  I can't sleep well because the tap is dripping. 龙头漏水,吵得我睡不好觉。

  There is no water in the water closet. Would you please have it repaired? 马桶无水,请修理一下。

  The telephone is out of order. 电话机坏了。

  There is something wrong with the TV set. 电视机出了故障。

  The wash—basin is clogged. 洗脸池堵塞了。

  The lamp plug is broken. Can you get it fixed? 电灯插头坏了,你会修理吗?

  Well, I'll send for someone to repair it. 好,我马上派人来检修。

3.住酒店日常英语口语 篇三

  Would you please polish my leather shoes? 请把这双皮鞋擦擦。

  Put your shoes in front of the door, please. We'll brush them for you. 请你晚上把它放在门口,我们会替你擦的。

  Please bring me one portion of toast with fried eggs and a glass of milk. 请送一份烤面包、煎蛋和一杯牛奶。

  When shall I send it to your room? 什么时候送到房间里?

  Three guests are coming here at five this afternoon. Please get some more chairs. 下午五时有三位朋友来做客,请多准备几把椅子。

  The room is too hot. Is there any air—conditioning in this hotel? 房里太热,饭店有空调设备吗?

  Why isn't cool air turned on in such a hot day? I can't stand the heat. 那在这样热的天气里为什么不开放冷气呢?我热得受不了。

  The room is very hot, and besides there are some mosquitoes. Can you do anything to it? 房间里很热,还有蚊子,请想想办法。

  There are some cock—roaches in the room. Please wipe them out. 房间里有蟑螂,请把它除掉。

4.住酒店日常英语口语 篇四

  How does this shower work? 淋浴装置好用吗?

  Where's the plug for a shaver? 刮脸刀用的电源插头在哪里?

  Good morning,Housekeeping,may I help you?早上好,客房部,我可以帮您吗?

  Yes,I’d like to know about your laundry service hours.是的,我想了解你们的洗衣服务时间。

  If your laundry is received before 10am,we will deliver it to your room by 4pm the same day. 如果您的衣服是在早上10点前送洗的,我们将在当天下午4点把衣服洗好送到您房间。

  If we receive your laundry before 3pm,we will get it back to you by noon the next day.如果您的衣服是下午3点送洗的,我们将在第二天中午前把您的衣服送回给您。

  The laundry rate chart is contained in the stationery folder in your dresser’s drawer,sir.洗衣价目表放在您梳妆台抽屉的文具夹里,先生。

  Would you please send someone to room 502 to pick up some laundry for me?您可以派人到502房间来取一下我的送洗衣服吗?

  Yes,sir. The roommaid will be there in a few minutes.好的,先生,服务员过几分钟就到您的房间来。

5.住酒店日常英语口语 篇五

  Good evening. Did you ring for service?what can I do for you?晚上好。您打电话要求服务了吗?我能为您做些什么?

  The light in the room is too dim. Please get me a brighter one.房间的灯太暗了,请给我换一个亮点的。

  If your need ant other things,please let us know.如果您需要其他什么东西,请与我们联系。

  Excuse me,what can I do for you,打扰了,我能为您做什么?

  Here is the a blanket,and hot water too. Anything else I can do for you?这是给您的毛毯,还有开水,您还需要我为您做点什么?

  Housekeeping,can I help you?客房部,我可以帮您吗?

  We will send someone to repair it immediately. 我们马上派人来修。
