
时间:2023-03-12 23:13:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】开学了,把懒散心思收拢,把学习劲头卯足,把放纵行为收敛,把上进思想端正,把人生坐标定位,把奋进双桨荡起,愿你学业有成,收获满满!®文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,希望对大家有帮助。


  The happy holiday has passed, and the new semester has begun. In the twinkling of an eye, I am already a primary school student in grade three. When I walked into the classroom, I was very happy because I could see my beloved teacher again and study and play with my classmates.

  In my study, my weaker subject is Chinese. For example, I often write wrong characters and don't want to use my brain to write compositions. I should improve these two aspects. In writing, first of all, I should practice writing more. If others write three times, I will write five times or more, so that I can remember the words better and won't write wrong characters; In writing composition, I should read more extracurricular books, observe more things around me, absorb more extracurricular knowledge, and do these. I believe my Chinese performance will be better. I also hope to get rid of some bad habits this semester, such as wandering in class, being grumpy, forgetting and so on.

  I want to improve my grades in every subject, especially Chinese, this semester. I believe I can succeed as long as I work hard.


  In a twinkling of an eye, the holiday will be over. Today is the last day of the holiday. School starts tomorrow. I'm happy and worried.

  During the holidays, I am like a "wild horse" without a stiff rope. I run freely on the vast grassland. I sleep until I wake up every day. I don't have to worry about whether I will be late tomorrow or what day of the week tomorrow. But it will eventually be tied back to the "horse pen"

  But I'm glad to see my lovely classmates and kind teachers running on the newly built rubber track in the spacious and bright classroom. I think of our teachers and students studying in class, discussing problems together, and playing and playing together after class. I decided to welcome the coming of tomorrow and the coming of the new semester with a new me. I will keep a diary, preview new learning contents in advance, and further consolidate and digest the knowledge learned every night. Actively raise your hand to speak in class. Ask teachers or students if you don't understand. You can't pretend to understand without knowing. You should also get rid of the bad habits of carelessness, carelessness and scribble.

  New semester, new school, new students, I look forward to tomorrow!


  Today is a special day. With the cool wind in the morning, I entered my familiar school again.

  Entering the campus, everything is the same as before. The familiar plastic playground, flower beds, trees, classrooms, desks... And the eternal class bell ring in my ear. I opened a brand-new book and predicted that a long new semester had begun. My heart was filled with emotion. Students are always beautiful, and doing anything is meaningful. Seeing the familiar smiling faces of classmates and teachers, I felt happy for a while. Open a brand-new textbook, curiosity begins to germinate, and the interest in learning is very strong. When we put our schoolbags on our backs and enter the campus, freedom will leave us.

  In school, sometimes I get praise and sometimes I get a certificate of merit. It makes me happy and excited. I want to share this joy with my family, but I still criticize more often. Everyone needs to be recognized. Everyone wants to be recognized by everyone, but the more so, the more things you need to pay. We can take part in these activities carefully and actively, so that we can do many good things every day.

  In the days of school, there are joys and sorrows. My learning career in the new semester has begun!


  After two months of rest, we returned to the familiar and friendly campus. Looking at the students and teachers we haven't seen for a long time, we felt very excited. We talked and laughed happily.

  We changed from the classroom on the first floor to the second floor, which increased the area and looked much more spacious When I entered the classroom, I saw that the tables and chairs were covered with dust, but they were lined up neatly. I also found that several white pipes were added to the walls on both sides in front of the classroom. The teacher said that our school should establish a campus TV station. These pipes are prepared to connect the campus TV network. In the future, when we sit in the classroom, we can watch everyone's study and life through TV. It's really convenient and fast.

  Walking to the North window of the classroom, I found that the original small canteen had disappeared and turned into a busy construction site. It is said that a brand-new building will stand here in March next year. The first floor is the kitchen and storage room, the second floor is the dining room for 800 people at the same time, and the third floor is the closed stadium. It seems that there is no need to worry about physical education in rainy days.

  While wiping the ashes on the tables and chairs, I thought: now I'm in grade 4, I can't be the same as in grade 3. I want to study harder and be a good student!


  In the blink of an eye, the relaxed and happy winter vacation life has ended, and the new semester has come again. School starts!

  Today is the first day of school. The weather is particularly sunny. The students who have been away for a long time fly into the beautiful campus like a group of lively and lovely birds. In the spacious and bright classroom, the teacher gave us brand-new textbooks. I stroked the new textbook with both hands, looked at the shiny cover and smelled the fragrance of ink. I had unspeakable joy and emotion in my heart. Hey, time old man, can't you walk slowly? We haven't had enough! After school starts, we are faced with intense study. We can no longer sleep until 9 or 10 o'clock like the big black bear. As soon as the alarm clock rings at 6:50, we have to get up immediately. We can no longer be as relaxed as in the winter vacation. As long as you are a little lazy, your study may fall back, and you may not be able to find your position in the "first group army". I will never forget the affectionate and joyful smile on the face of the teacher who worked hard to train me to grow up when I went to the sacred podium at the end of each semester to receive the certificates of "three good students", "excellent class cadres" and so on

  As the saying goes: "no pains, no gains." Learning is a pleasant thing. We should work hard like a sponge to absorb the water of knowledge from books and grasp the present, so as to have a better future. Besides, after several months of intense study, a colorful holiday life will come again. Students, let's study harder and strive for greater progress in the new semester.


  As time flies, the whole holiday has passed in the twinkling of an eye, and we are greeted on the first day of school.

  This morning, I drove to school early. Think about it, I have been in grade 4. Time flies. I happily came to my class and met my favorite classmates and teachers. At this time, the students are talking about their holiday life. At this time, the teacher came and the classroom was silent. Then the teacher came to arrange our seats. I was in the fifth row of the second group. After the arrangement, the teacher said one thing. It turned out that seven people in our class were going to the new class 41. We were all reluctant to give up them, but the old teacher told us that we were just classmates and changed in distance, See you again. After sending them to the new teacher, the teacher sent us a new book. I looked like a treasure and hurriedly.

  The first day of school is full and happy!


  I'm very excited about the formal class this Wednesday, because I have successfully promoted to grade two.

  Last semester my performance was very poor. I always origami in class and often didn't listen to the teacher carefully. I'm really afraid the teacher won't let me upgrade. But today, I can't believe that the teacher forgave me, didn't repeat the grade, let me continue to be promoted to the fourth grade, and encouraged me on the notice that I was a potential student, but didn't give full play to my potential in my study.

  Thank the teacher for forgiving me. I will not let the teacher down. From the beginning of this semester, I will give full play to my potential and use it in my study as I wrote on the notice.


  The two-month holiday is over. In the new semester, we entered the sixth grade, the graduating class. We can't be as naughty as before.

  We should learn to be strict with ourselves, no, only better; To be tolerant of others, we can get along well with each other; Don't haggle over every detail in order to promote our friendship; Only by having a good relationship can we help each other in our study.

  The most important exam for the graduating class is the junior high school entrance exam. The teacher told us that the effort of one year depends on this exam. Although this is still the first semester, the junior high school entrance exam is approaching day by day. We should be ready at all times. Who doesn't want to be at the top and win?

  In this year, I will study hard and learn to deal with setbacks bravely. I believe the sun is always after the wind and rain. Come on for this year's study!


  Today is the first day of school. After the second class, we held the opening ceremony. Three students went to our class, including Jiang Haoyu, Huo Meixu and sun Kecheng. When the teacher announced which class was the "three good class", we were all very nervous, ah! Our class is a three good class. We began to cheer. Our class used to be an excellent squadron. Now our class is finally a three good class. After the opening ceremony, we issued our honor. I am a small model of Lei Feng and Xu Weinan is a three good student. I want to learn from him. We also took pictures!

  The new semester is coming. I must study hard. Strive to be a "three good student".


  Today is the first day of school. I'm very excited. After nearly two months of vacation, I came back to school and became a fourth grade college student.

  On the first day of the fourth grade, I participated in the class cadre election, and the position I was running for was monitor. I was a little nervous when I was the first to give a speech. It was the applause of teachers and students that gave me confidence and encouragement. If I become a monitor, I will set an example and be a good teacher's little assistant.

  The election results haven't come out yet. When I came home from school at noon, I told my mother that the focus was on participation. If I became a monitor, I should set an example; If you can't be a monitor, you should work harder in the future.

