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【#英语资源# 导语】在学习、工作、生活中,说到作文,大家肯定都不陌生吧,作文要求篇章结构完整,一定要避免无结尾作文的出现。一篇什么样的作文才能称之为优秀作文呢?以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On the first day of school, I stepped into the gate of the experimental school, a tall teaching building, a straight flagpole and the green playground. All this is so peaceful and harmonious against the blue sky[ Type a summary of the document here. A summary is usually a short summary of the content of a document. Type a summary of the document here. A summary is usually a short summary of the content of a document.

  The first lesson at the beginning of school is not Chinese, mathematics or English. It is not only a test of perseverance and unity, but also a test paper of persistence and courage. It is military training. The loud whistle sounded, and there were rows of neat and straight teams on the empty playground. For a moment, the silence on the playground that had stayed for a summer vacation disappeared at that moment. Instead, there was a rainbow of slogans and neat steps. They are the sweetest voices. Junzi has become the most obvious action on the green playground this week. Looking around, there was a touch of olive green and serious faces on the playground. The sound of reading became a serious and orderly military song there. I like the campus at this moment, like her strong, like her strong, like his seriousness, like his persistence.

  I bravely insisted on the first lesson of school. The pain of the first lesson of school can not be expressed in words. Perhaps it's even more painful for those of us who only read carefully with books every day. There are several white clouds floating in the air, but the hot sun is still hanging in the air. In the face of those sweat like sniper insects, we can only endure, endure and endure again. In this first lesson, I learned to be persistent, persistent, serious and strong. He made me grow up a lot, made me learn a lot, and made me a good friend with you. The first lesson is the first lesson I know the campus and the first lesson I make friends. He is the first lesson, a lesson that has benefited me a lot, and a lesson that I will never forget. He is military training - a memory that will never be erased.


  On September 1, we ushered in a new semester. The new semester is pregnant with new hope, so I should be full of spirit, put aside the good or bad results obtained last semester, and be full of confidence in the study of the first semester of grade two.

  First of all, I think that one thing that cannot be ignored in learning is to learn to analyze my learning characteristics. It seems that my understanding ability is OK. What the teacher says is not that I don't understand, but it always makes mistakes, and I'm always impatient with some things that can only be learned by rote. Therefore, in this regard, I hope I can take my learning more seriously in the new semester, Be more patient.

  Secondly, I think it is also very important to determine the learning objectives in learning. The learning objectives are the direction of students' learning efforts, and the correct learning objectives can inspire people to forge ahead. On the contrary, learning without goals is a great waste of time. We can set a small learning goal in a short time, achieve this small goal in a short time, and then achieve a big goal in a long time. Under the guidance of the long-term and short-term plan, make learning move from small goals to big goals step by step. Therefore, my temporary goal is to enter the top 8 of the class first. For my weak mathematics and other minor subjects, I will also work hard to make progress.

  Finally, the most important point is to arrange work and rest time scientifically and reasonably. Without reasonable arrangement, no matter how good the plan will be. Therefore, in the new semester, what I want to learn most is to reasonably arrange the time for study, entertainment and rest, and seize every bit of precious time. Some students think that as long as they concentrate on their study, their academic performance will be improved. But I personally don't agree with this view, because I think if there is no time for entertainment in a day, the brain will continue to work and keep running, which is easy to get tired and excited. Although such achievements may be improved, people will feel pressure and keep trying to vent. Therefore, I think that in one day's study, as long as you listen carefully and take notes carefully in class, ask the teacher if you don't understand after class until you understand it, so as to master the learning content of the day well. After returning home, carefully, efficiently and accurately do homework and an appropriate amount of supplementary exercises, carefully review and preview, and other time can be at your disposal. Finally, say one more thing: the learning plan should be determined according to the specific situation of the individual, and it should be "determined to achieve", otherwise it will be on paper.


  At the beginning of school, the days of running back and forth between campus and home began again. Although this is not my first experience of the first day of school, but this time I am the most unforgettable. Because on the first day of the new semester, I was drowned in the sudden heavy rain. I don't know if this is a "good" start.

  On the first day of the new semester, I was on my way to school with my new schoolbag and new clothes. Suddenly, dark clouds gathered overhead, and lightning and thunder thundered in the sky. Before I could react, God immediately poured down a basin of big water, and I was drenched into a "drowned chicken" in an instant.

  I finally dragged my wet body to the classroom. The students looked energetic one by one. They were waiting for the bell to ring. I also quickly found my seat and sat down. Then the bell rang. The first one who came in was Miss Zhao, who took our math class. She walked into the classroom with light steps, and the students immediately quieted down. Mr. Zhao cleared his throat and said, "students, today is your first math class after promotion. Please write down your goals for this semester on the first page of your homework book." As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the students were brewing hard, and then solemnly wrote down their wishes in the new semester.

  The third class is science class. Some small regrets happened unexpectedly before this class! Because I didn't know there was a science class today, my mother didn't bring me science books. I think: since I didn't bring science books, I'll read them for a while! So I couldn't wait to take out my beloved Charlie and the chocolate factory and read it with interest. Reading the highlights, the science teacher came over with a straight face. She said to me sternly, "don't read in science class. Give me the book quickly!" I shed tears and reluctantly gave the book to the teacher. I'm so distressed! That's a new book my father just bought for me from the Internet.

  I made up my mind that I would do well in class in the future, try to make a good impression on the teacher and get the book back!

  This is the first day of school. There are joy, regret and I can't calm down for a long time.

