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【#英语资源# 导语】寒假的生活是个调味盒,有辣的,酸的,甜的,苦的,各种各样的味道夹杂其中,真是丰富多彩。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的《寒假生活的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.寒假生活的英语日记 篇一

  How time flies! In a twinkling of an eye, more than half of the winter vacation has passed. Although I still have one third of my homework unfinished, I still have a good winter vacation.

  For example, on the 30th of the 12th month, the god of wealth began to be welcomed in the morning. Although I didn't participate in it, I still played all morning. My sister ran to set up a flag at lunch, and I went to call, but she was stubborn, so I went back. When I finished eating, my father told me to wait for the lion and set off firecrackers. When the lion came to my door, I lit firecrackers, and with the sound of "crackling", the lion came into my house. The lion bowed to our family three times, nodded three times, and then danced in the yard.

  After the lion left, I asked for a flag and followed. We have been turning and turning, and half the village has been turned. I was exhausted. At five o'clock, my feet became soft. Then I handed the flag to my sister and limped home. After a while, my sister came back. My sister said that she was recorded in the list of flag bearers. It was 20 yuan a day, a total of two days. Although we are going to transfer relatives tomorrow, my sister still has 20 yuan. At this time, I regret it. If I can persist for a while, I can also get 20 yuan.

  Then, when the Lantern Festival comes, we go to the street. The grass and trees on both sides of the street are hung with colored lights. As long as it comes to the night, the colored lights will light up, and the multicolored spots are like a world of flowers. As we walked, we heard the sound of gongs and drums. Looking into the distance, we found grandma and aunt in colorful clothes. Then walking, we saw the uncles on stilts. How brave they were!

  This is my winter vacation life, full and happy winter vacation life.

2.寒假生活的英语日记 篇二

  My winter vacation life is rich and colorful, reading, writing homework, traveling, there is a saying that reading ten thousand books is better than traveling ten thousand miles! So my winter vacation life can be enriched!

  First of all, I made a plan for what I have to do during the holiday, that is, homework. This is what I have to do every day. Of course, other time is my own arrangement. In addition to my father taking me out to play, I will also arrange myself to do some things I like. For example, I also like to stay at home and watch TV. Hunan TV has a program called News and Truth. This program is especially good looking. There are many explorations of science and natural phenomena. Through this program, I understand and understand a lot of natural phenomena. There are a lot of scientific common sense. A lot of small inventions and research. Small test. Like this year, a lot of haze has been produced in the air. They also gave a detailed explanation. Let me understand how haze is generated, and what substances are contained in haze? How much harm to the body! And tell us how to prevent. Of course, wear masks to prevent smog. It also made me understand how important a pure natural environment is for our human beings. So we must love our earth. Protect our environment!

  This is my winter vacation life. Maybe you think it's monotonous, but I think it's very meaningful!

3.寒假生活的英语日记 篇三

  The cold wind whistles... In a flash, half a semester has passed, and the long-awaited winter vacation has also come to us. It is like a book, turning every page, I write down happiness and wonderful.

  What happened during the winter vacation was full of stars, but the most impressive thing I remember was the fireworks.

  On the night of the New Year's Eve, a family of more than ten people ate the New Year's Eve dinner together. Although the dinner was very rich, with delicacies, home cooking... everything was complete, but my mind was not on eating the New Year's Eve. I wanted to finish the dinner quickly and then set off fireworks.

  After full of food and drink, everyone came to the open space and began to set off fireworks.

  I will release a "lotus flower" first. The hissing fireworks began to spin at full speed, and suddenly burst out a blue light, like a pool of sparkling green water. Slowly, a graceful lotus appeared in the center of the green water, which was marvelous. The more I looked, the more energetic I was. I didn't react for a while. The fireworks went out. But I still have not enough to let out a brilliant fireworks.

  Then, the "spaceship" appeared, and it swooped into the air. Suddenly, the fireworks in the air exploded with a bang. It was very beautiful, as if it were in the sea of flowers.

  I couldn't take my eyes off. These fireworks continued to bloom from the bottom to the top. After a while, they turned into jewels inlaid in the night. Finally, they turned into a starlight waterfall and fell down. I couldn't help applauding.

  Fireworks form beautiful patterns in the sky, symbolizing that the old year has passed with the passage of time, and 20xx is waving to us!

4.寒假生活的英语日记 篇四

  Another winter holiday is coming! Because the heat rises and the cold shrinks, the winter holiday is always shorter than the summer holiday. However, this will be a full winter holiday!

  This winter holiday, there are two most important things. The first thing is travel. We will go to Hangzhou. The second thing, of course, is to celebrate the Spring Festival.

  I have been looking forward to going to Hangzhou West Lake! According to the book, the West Lake is a paradise on earth. It is surrounded by mountains on three sides and divided into five waters by Gushan, Baidi, Sudi and Yanggong Causeway, each with its own characteristics; There are also ten beautiful views of the West Lake! The West Lake has its own scenery in spring, summer, autumn and winter, and its unique charm is overcast, sunny, rainy and snowy. What kind of beautiful scenery will the West Lake present during this winter tour! I'm looking forward to it! I'm also looking forward to tasting the delicious food there: delicious Dongpo elbow, sour and sweet West Lake vinegar fish, golden Jinhua ham, delicious Shaoxing chicken

  Spring Festival, which is the most solemn festival in China! No matter how busy or far away, I will rush home to reunite with my family, eat reunion dinner, watch the Spring Festival Gala, set off fireworks, and celebrate the new year with my family. Our family will also return to Yongchuan, our hometown, and celebrate the Spring Festival with uncles, aunts, cousins and cousins. I am most happy about New Year's money! During the festival, the elders in the family will send New Year's money to our children, and they will smile and say something about "growing taller!" "learning progress" and so on. I will say to them: "Congratulations on getting rich! Healthy and long life!" That scene is full of laughter!

  I need to seize the time to complete more learning tasks these days, and play well for a few days during the Spring Festival!

5.寒假生活的英语日记 篇五

  During this wonderful winter holiday, many interesting things happened around me, the most interesting of which was the "bonfire party" on the New Year's Eve.

  On New Year's Day, my cousin and I came to play on Uncle's farm. At noon, the sun was burning in the red land of Xianning. The adults went to play cards when they were free. What about my cousin and me? There was nothing to do at all, so I had to go to the farm to see that the sow had just laid a litter of "piglets". Looking at it, I suddenly thought that there are many thatches here. I had a brainwave. Alas! We can go mowing and have a "bonfire party" at night!

  I asked my uncle for a sickle, and took my cousin to the wild. I mow the grass while my cousin moves it. I cut and cut, hey! The sound of the sickle and grass is really like a symphony! "Squeak - Squeak..." How interesting! My cousin and I took the grass back to the farm, but felt it was too little, so we ran to the hillside to pick up a lot of wood and were cut down small trees, and put these things into the yard "hei hei".

  Have New Year's Eve dinner, We held a very happy "bonfire party". We took a lot of corn sticks and lit a pile of firewood with a lighter. The flames sprang up, and we quickly added wood to the fire. My cousin and I all put them into the fire, then held hands, ran around the fire and danced, and sang our own folk songs: "Hey -- farm corn is sweet and fragrant, hey! Sweet and fragrant! Sweet corn is eaten in the mouth, hey! Crispy collapse! Crispy collapse!..." Listen to our folk songs, the farm has become a sea of joy everywhere

  This is my colorful winter vacation life!
