【#英语口语# 导语】影响雅思口语流利程度的一个重要心理因素就是怕出错。中国学生在回答为什么害羞不敢与外国人交谈时最通常的回答就是:“我怕出错”,但是考生一定要克服这种心理障碍,沉着应对,自信微笑。以下是©文档大全网整理的雅思口语保持流利度的要诀,欢迎阅读!
Bierborse (Beer Festival) September The Bierborse is an open-air eventdevoted to the art of brewing throughout the world. It is composed of two thirdsbeer-serving businesses and one third accompanying snack specialities. The rangeis supplemented by participants offering products typical of beer. That may benot only the local beer club but also the beer-mat seller or a tankardstand.
The German Munchener Oktoberfest goes back to an event in October 1810 andthen developed into an annual event organised by the breweries and entertainmentbusinesses in Munich. The German Munchener Oktoberfest very quickly acquired thereputation of being the largest public festival on Earth and, as a result ofimitators all over the globe, became a festival form welcome everywhere. In1810, nobody could have anticipated this meteoric development.
The Opladener Bierborse goes back to 1987, i.e. 177 years later, whenHerbert Sondermann, a native of Opladen, had the idea of introducing a beerevent and put this into effect in the form of a small event with seven beerstands in the pedestrian precinct in Opladen. At that time as well, nobodyanticipated what a wonderful event was to develop from these beginnings. Today,Herbert Sondermann wears the Bundesverdienstkreuz (Order of Merit) of theFederal Republic of Germany for his services to Opladen; because the small beerevent in the pedestrian precinct in Opladen has now become the largest open-airevent in the history of the city of Leverkusen and the largest event of thiskind anywhere in the world.
Only the large number of beer types from all over the world allow thevisitors to sample even unusual varieties.
In more than ten years of development work, the Bierborse has beendeveloped, according to stringent rules and numerous selection criteria, intoone of the most successful German public festivals without any blending withother types of event such as funfairs or even junk markets. This alsoillustrates how it differs from the Munchener Oktoberfest.
Only the large number of beer types from all over the world allow thevisitors to sample even unusual varieties. These include, for example, SanMiguel from Spain, Efes from Turkey or Corona from Mexico which revive memoriesof past holiday trips.