
时间:2023-05-15 04:17:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】清明节与春节、端午节、中秋节并称为中国四大传统节日。除了中国,世界上还有一些国家和地区也过清明节,比如越南、韩国、马来西亚、新加坡等。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Qingming Festival is an outing Festival. Spring has completely come around. Qingming Festival is also a festival to remember our ancestors. Our ancestors have passed away and our years are flowing. How many dreams can there be in life? In the interweaving of light and shadow, I am unable to look forward to it. Traveling in rows, I have no intention of infatuation. It is another year of Qingming Festival, burning candles and worshipping. In the faint aroma of incense candles, I feel that I have realized something.

  Tomb Sweeping Day is a time to remember, nostalgic, lamentable and exciting. It contains many deeds of our ancestors. When they settle down, their story is over, and the rest is only to be remembered!

  As far as I know, April 5 is China's traditional Qingming Festival, which began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years. Qingming is a very important solar term at the beginning. As soon as Qingming comes, the temperature rises, which is a good time for spring farming and spring planting. Therefore, there are agricultural proverbs such as "planting melons and beans before and after Qingming" and "planting trees is better than Qingming". But there is also a custom on Qingming Festival. On Qingming Day, there are no fireworks and only cold food.

  Qingming Festival, also known as Tomb Sweeping Festival, ghost festival and Ghost Festival, together with Zhongyuan Festival on July 15 and Xiayuan Festival on October 15, is called Sanming Festival, which is related to sacrificing ghosts and gods.

  According to the old Qingming custom, when sweeping the tomb, people should bring wine, food, fruits, paper money and other items to the cemetery, offer food to their relatives' graves, burn the paper money, cultivate new soil for the tomb, fold a few tender new branches and insert them on the branches, then kowtow and worship, and finally eat the wine and food home.

  "Listening to the wind and rain" of course refers to the poem "Qingming" by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty: "it rains in succession during the Qingming Festival, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua Village in the distance." Du Mu's poem describes the special atmosphere of the Qingming Festival.

  Tomb Sweeping Day is a time to remember, nostalgic, lamentable and exciting. It contains many deeds of our ancestors. When they settle down, their story is over, and the rest is only to be remembered!


  This month's Qingming Festival is a festival with strong emotional color. One of our little reporters was unable to reunite with his relatives and visit the graves of his old friends because he was far away from home. The feeling in his heart was very complex. It happened that we caught up with the drizzle one after another. Our clothes and eyes were wet and sad, which added another layer of sadness. In such thoughts and feelings, the little reporter sympathized with the loss of souls of pedestrians on the road, and couldn't help but express such feelings.

  Another year is the Tomb Sweeping Day. My father's unit has something to do this year. Our family is far away from home and can't sweep the grave of our deceased great grandmother on the Tomb Sweeping Day. Looking up at the sky and the earth, the figure of my great grandmother appeared in front of me again. I give my sincere prayer to my great grandmother who is far away in heaven. I hope she can be all right in that world, without disease and loneliness.

  The rain pattered down, the breeze blew on my face, and a burst of sadness couldn't help pouring into my heart. This is no longer a pain, but a brand of the soul. The old figure of great grandmother appears in the clouds from time to time, and I can't help crying like rain.

  A drizzling rain falls like tears on the Mourning Day; The mourner's heart is going to break on his way. Asking where the restaurant is, the shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance. More than a thousand years ago, Du Mu once poured sorrow with wine and wrote this eternal quatrain to miss his dead relatives. More than a thousand years later, when we stood in front of the grave and looked at the weathered lines engraved on the tombstone, we couldn't help moistening our eyes. At this time, we should go to the graves of our relatives to weed, cultivate soil and offer flowers to express our feelings. Loved ones are dead, and affection will last forever! This is their memory!

  Think of your great grandmother and the past. In my memory, playing games with my great grandmother is often full of joy and happiness. When I was a child, we used to play hide and seek together. At that time, laughter and cries filled the room. Great grandmother often dragged her tired body to play with me.

  Later, she died of illness in the cottage in the country. There was a smile on her lips, as if she had no trouble. Before we died, when we gathered at the bedside, my great grandmother said at the last gasp: Wei Li, I'm going to a very distant place. You should study hard. Don't be as uneducated as me. She looked at us with tears in her eyes. At that time, I nodded vaguely when I was young, and I still feel sad until now.

  The light rain was still falling, and the cool feeling rushed to my face, which inevitably made me sigh a little. The golden soul goes into the clouds one by one, and the mind disappears when the moon comes to the peak. Qingming is cold, sour and yearning from the bottom of my heart. Perhaps it is because of missing that there is the accompaniment of cool rain and breeze.


  On April 2, all our teachers and students in grades 4 to 6 carried out grave sweeping activities. On this day, we wore white flowers on our chest, and everyone's heart was very heavy.

  When I salute the martyrs, I have a sour feeling in my heart. However, I know I must be strong. Although my heart is very painful, there is another taste of special happiness. My heart is sweet. Because it is these brave martyrs that have made our great country today, and because it is these brave martyrs that have made our motherland today brilliant. If you can hear me in heaven If you can see what we've done. Then, I want to say to you with my sincere heart: "thank you! My most admired heroes! Gently, you have gone! I have not enjoyed a day of prosperity and wealth, and I have not had enough to eat and wear... But because of your sacrifice, I have a happy life for our generation!

  Martyrs, our generation's admiration for you is higher than the sky, deeper than the water and stronger than the fire... In short, our admiration for you can never be expressed in words.

  I remember that Zheng Banqiao once said, "if you hold on to the green mountains and don't relax, your roots will be in the broken rock. You can still be strong with thousands of grinding and thousands of blows, and let your East, West, North and south wind." this is a painting poem with profound meaning. The first two sentences say that bamboo is rooted in broken rock and has a solid foundation. The second sentence says that despite the strong wind from all sides and the great abrasion and beating of bamboo and stone, they are still firm and strong. In praising the firm and tenacious spirit of bamboo and stone, the author implies the strength of his character. "A thousand grinding and ten thousand blows are still strong, and you can let the East, West, North and south wind" is often used to describe the revolutionaries' firm position in the struggle and their unwavering character when attacked by the enemy. This sentence just describes your spirit. You have fed all things with blood; You dyed our red scarves with blood

  In countless battles, you have been killed and injured countless times, but you have not betrayed our motherland because of this. You have made all contributions to your motherland and our generation, and your great deeds will be handed down forever.


  It was Qingming again, and the wind blew. Thoughts drift farther and farther with the wind, perhaps not sad, perhaps not sad. Only in this season of remembrance, I think of the dead and the past. So, the faint sadness swings away with the clear waves

  It rained heavily during the Qingming Festival. Look, floating, desolate, cold, drizzle, moisten my heart and awaken me. Tick by tick, it seems very messy, and it seems very law driven - just like my mood, not sad or happy. I walked gently on the forest path and enjoyed the rare silence. He bowed his head and thought of him - a long time ago, like me, he was immersed in the Qingming drizzle. Qingming, although it is the season of willow green and red flowers and bright spring, drizzle one after another makes people feel the desolate and beautiful realm of "making cold bullying flowers and trapping smoke in willows". So he wrote down the mood of passers-by in the rain - it rained one after another during the Qingming Festival, and passers-by wanted to break their souls. He is Du Mu.

  Of course, I think of my late relatives on Qingming Festival. They are gone, but they remain in our hearts forever. But it is inevitable to be sentimental several times. In the rain, one after another, walking in the rain, the state of mind is even more desolate and chaotic. Du Mu may be in the same mood as me. Look at the wet clothes in the spring rain. Pedestrians are traveling alone, touching the scenery and feeling sad. The taste in their heart is complex. It happened that it caught up with the drizzle one after another, adding a layer of sadness. So he wrote this famous sentence through the ages - pedestrians on the road want to break their souls.

  Excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy pointed to Xinghua village in the distance. The rain was unknowingly small, and my melancholy seemed to converge back. Since ancient times, who has not died in life, why sad and sad, cut off the water, the water flows more, and so does life. Du Mu may understand that the world is separated, so he wrote "excuse me, where is the restaurant? The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village from afar." This last sentence. Pedestrians do not want to continue to be sad. Perhaps they want to dispel their sadness, so they ask where the restaurant is, but pointing to Xinghua village from a distance makes everyone suddenly enlightened.

  Maybe there are always some dead knots in life that need someone to help us untie, and Du Mu's sentence is really popular and awakens the person of my dream.

  Yes, very much. A brilliant poet who likes to write this poem, he writes it freely, has a hidden interest and a subtle aftertaste, which is thought-provoking.

  Like Qingming, that feeling is very relaxed and comfortable. Willows brushed across my heart and quietly opened the sad heart


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." Whenever I see this poem, I always think of the revolutionary martyrs. Think of Liu Hulan's steadfast and unyielding; Think of Qiu Shaoyun's courage and strength... Think of many revolutionary martyrs who threw their heads and shed blood for our happy life. Dear revolutionary martyrs, we salute you!

  Martyrs, it was you who built the Great Wall with your flesh and blood when your country was in danger and fought tenaciously with the Japanese invaders. Although you fell, more "people who do not want to be slaves" stood up. They sang loudly "March of the volunteers" to complete your unfinished mission; Martyrs, it was you who turned your love for your country and for the many suffering compatriots in the motherland into a spiritual force to work hard in battle, not afraid of sacrifice, forge ahead bravely and establish new China; Martyrs, it was you who left your loved ones and homes for the sake of the motherland and the people, regardless of everything, even your precious life was dedicated to the motherland and your blood to the earth.

  In the face of you, how can I not stand up in awe? Your brilliant achievements are deeply engraved in the memory of history. Your deeds will become a towering monument that will never be erased and will always stand in the hearts of future generations. You will shine with the sun and moon and coexist with rivers. It is with you, with your lofty, and with your courage to kill the enemy that we have a better life now. Without you, we would still be living in dire straits.

  When I think of the war years, I will find the figure of the revolutionary martyrs who fought bravely against the enemy in my mind. It was in that special day that you created your tenacity and struggle. Think again about the beautiful life now, which provides us with a good education and a good learning environment, and gives us the opportunity to contribute to our motherland. We have your example, so that we have goals and confidence. We are the Xin Yuner of the times. We should understand that a better life is hard won, remember the figure of the revolutionary martyrs who fought bravely against the enemy, and remember their spirit of shedding blood for the motherland and the people. "We are the successors of communism. We should inherit the fine traditions of the revolutionary martyrs, love the motherland and the people..." we should study hard, make progress every day and win glory for the motherland. For the bright future of our motherland, let's work hard!

  Pay tribute to the revolutionary martyrs!


  In the Qingming Festival, the spring breeze brings warmth, the weather is sunny and flowers are in full bloom, which is very suitable for outing. My parents and I went for an outing in Binjiang Forest Park early in the morning. In the park, I'm most interested in picking wild vegetables. It's interesting! There are many wild vegetables in the park, including cijue, wormwood, dandelion, medlar, Malan head, etc. cijue can be used as green noodles, wormwood can be used as green balls, dandelion can relieve cough, medlar buds can clear fire, and Malan head cold mix is delicious. However, I mainly collect cijue, wormwood and malantou. These wild vegetables are so many that they are easy to identify. My mother doesn't know them. I have to teach her!

  In this way, we were shopping and picking. Time passed quickly. It was noon in the twinkling of an eye. It was time for a picnic. Sitting on the green grass, basking in the warm sun, listening to the crisp singing of birds, looking at the ocean of purple unknown wild flowers, eating Chinese sandwiches made by my father and drinking sweet fruit juice, not to mention how comfortable and happy it is, even the fatigue of picking wild vegetables has been forgotten.

  After a little rest, we continued to walk and pick while walking. Suddenly looked up, a Swertia came into my eyes, and I shouted, "Mom and Dad, look at the Swertia!" My mother reacted quickly. Following the direction I pointed, I turned back and saw a Swertia flash into the trees, while my father reacted slowly and didn't see anything. Swertia is a national second-class protected animal, especially timid and easily frightened. It is a herbivore. It is specially stocked in Binjiang Forest Park. If you can take a picture of it, you can get a reward at the park management office! I'm sorry I didn't take a picture of the roe in time. My father comforted me that I was lucky enough to see the deer. Most people don't necessarily see it!

  On the way back, my father made me a beautiful willow ring with wickers and put it on my head. It's beautiful! In this way, we picked while playing. By 4:30 p.m., we had picked a large bag full of ground, at least five or six kilograms! I really don't want to go back! But by this time, I was too tired to move any more, so I had to leave for home. As soon as I got on the bus, I had a good sleep and woke up when I got home. Time passed so fast and I gained a lot today!


  On the afternoon of April 4, it was sunny and cloudless. My grandfather, father, mother and aunt and I went to visit the graves of my father and grandmother.

  On your way! On both sides of the road are yellow rape flowers, which bloom vigorously. The cauliflower blossoms are like golden butterflies. When the wind blows, those "golden butterflies" dance. Come up and smell it. It smells good! The fragrance of flowers attracted many butterflies flying around among the flowers.

  There is a peach tree near the rape flower. I went up and touched the trunk of the peach tree. It was very rough. The pink peach blossoms are wrapped in the arms of the tree mother like a baby. I suddenly realized that the peach tree is the staff of spring girl, and the peach blossom is a red diamond embedded in the staff, which is particularly dazzling.

  In the distance is a large green wheat field. The wheat has grown to my calf height. The leaves are dark green. Some have pulled out the ears of wheat. The ears of wheat look full and are about to burst. I suddenly feel that these wheat fields are a corner of the spring girl's skirt. When the wind blows, the skirt rippling with the wind. How beautiful!

  In addition to these big plants, don't forget those humble plants! There is a cluster of blue flowers on the ground. The oval blue flowers are decorated with yellow stamens, just like Smurfs flying.

  At the cemetery, my father added some new soil to the grave, smoothed it with a large shovel, and dug two round mud blocks on the ground and put them on the grave. Mother said, "this is to repair the roof for my father and grandmother, so that it won't leak into the room." I nodded my head in disbelief. Grandpa took out two big red bags with paper Yuanbao and solemnly put them in front of the tomb. Dad took out a lighter and lit the paper Yuanbao. The fire was very hot. Dad, mom, Grandpa and aunt all kowtowed to the grave in turn. Then grandpa said to me, "kowtow!" So I kowtowed like my mother. My mother said to me, "we're giving money to my parents! So they can buy whatever they want in heaven." I listened and nodded as if I believed it or not.

  After sweeping the tomb, we went home. The custom of paying a memorial visit to my old home made me understand the charm of spring.


  During the Qingming Festival holiday, my parents took me on an outing to feel the breath of spring.

  With the desire for outing, the excited family packed up their necessities and set out early in the morning.

  Hum, walk to the suburbs with familiar steps. On the way, the first person to greet me was "aunt Chunfeng". She gently blew my face with a slightly moist breath, and immediately felt very comfortable; She touched my head with her hand and told me with a smile that welcome to the world of spring.

  Today, father-in-law sun shows his kindness and brilliance that he has not seen for a long time. Pieces of golden light sprinkle on the world and into everyone's heart, so as to integrate the warmth of spring into every corner of the world. When I was feeling the sunshine, the cry of silver bell like birds woke me up and seemed to say to me, "come with me, the scenery in front is more perfect!"

  Followed the song of the birds, and soon came to the destination. Sure enough, compared with the noise in the city, the natural scenery there is unusually clear and auspicious. The original surging state of mind calmed down in an instant. Walking along the roadside, the grass trees sneaked out of the ground with our steps, as if they couldn't wait to share the beautiful scenery with us. Looking ahead, there is a green grassland. When the wind blows, it rustles, "spring is good, spring is good". The willows on both sides of the grassland are green, and the willow branches swing with the wind and wave their hands to pay tribute to spring. In the green grass under the willow, small wild flowers show their smiling faces. Red, white, yellow and colorful are dotted in the green, which is particularly beautiful.

  Looking up, a few white clouds floated across the sky, waving to us and smiling at us. Blue sky, white clouds and golden sunshine reflect the green space and our happy smiling faces. The beauty of time is so beautiful!

  I think what else in the world can be more beautiful than nature? Can we be happier than we are now? Cherish this moment, I will study hard and make progress every day!


  It's easy to have a holiday. I don't want to waste three days doing my homework at home. What's the significance of that holiday! Qingming Festival is a good time to climb high and look far. You can take this opportunity to feel the charm of nature.

  When the will of heaven is still a little hazy; When the breeze light Buddha bamboo leaves; When most people were asleep, we set off. When I was still in a trance, we arrived.

  "The great wall of water" came into view. Is the Great Wall in the water or is there water in the Great Wall? I looked puzzled. As soon as I went in, I knew it was water and there was the great wall around me. Although the wind is biting, the scenery is pleasant.

  We are not in a hurry. When we walk, we stop when we are tired. If there is a good view, we take photos to understand the history of the Great Wall. Chestnut garden was planted by soldiers guarding the great wall of water in the Ming Dynasty. There are more than 100 trees with a history of more than 500 years. One of the chestnut king has survived for 788 years. The chestnut tree king is still alive, but it is split in two. It is still strong and has strong vitality!

  We didn't know that the plank road was creaking for a long time. I was worried. I walked carefully at every step and didn't dare to look down for fear of falling. There are cliffs under the plank road. If you don't pay attention, you will be broken to pieces. The plank on the trestle is also a little loose, so it's scary to stand on it.

  After walking along the creepy winding mountain plank road, we came to Heilongtan, the birthplace of spring water. The spring water there is clear and very clean. It's refreshing to drink it. You can't imagine that the spring water comes out of the crack of the stone. There are thousands of wonders in the world! This makes me feel the uncanny workmanship of nature.

  Don't stay at home and do your homework as soon as you have time. You have to wait three days to finish what you could have done in one day. Feel nature more, it can also bring you endless happiness.


  I remember the Qingming Festival every year. The atmosphere at home is always a little heavy. I didn't know why when I was a child. Now I grow up and gradually understand. It turns out that on Qingming Day, it is the living who tell their grief to the dead. My mother said that she had a sister and brother. When she was a teenager, she died of illness, which was a great blow to her grandparents. No wonder they always look at the photos and shed tears on the day of family reunion.

  This year, my parents agreed that our family would accompany my grandparents on an outing on Tomb Sweeping Day. We can no longer immerse them in pain. Qingming Festival should also be happy.

  Early in the morning, the spring was bright, the sun father-in-law smiled Mimi, and the lovely birds were singing on the branches. Our family set out against the warm spring breeze. Along the way, I sang and danced to amuse my grandparents.

  Wow, the park is so busy! huge crowds of people. The blue sky is covered by a variety of kites. It looks particularly beautiful against the background of white clouds. The peach trees beside the road were full of pink peach blossoms. When the wind blew, the peach blossoms fell down one after another like fairies. Looking at the pleasant scenery, Grandpa and grandma were in a better mood. They helped me take out my kite and joined the kite flying team. We ran hard, and the kite finally flew to the sky, flying higher and higher, like a happy bird flying freely. Looking at the kite, we all laughed.

