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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节是中华民族古老的节日,既是一个扫墓祭祖的肃穆节日,也是人们亲近自然、踏青游玩、享受春天乐趣的欢乐节日。斗指乙(或太阳黄经达15°)为清明节气,交节时间在公历4月5日前后。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On the Tomb Sweeping Day, it rained in succession and went to the tomb of our ancestors. Qingming Festival is a festival to worship ancestors and clean cemeteries.

  Qingming Festival was created in the spring and Autumn period because childe Chong'er competed for power with another childe, but if the power was not enough, Chong'er flowed to other countries. They went into a valley where there was nothing. The minister, Jie Zitui, cut a piece of meat from his leg and brought it to Chong Er to cook soup. Chong ER was very grateful when he knew it. After 19 years, Chong'er finally became emperor, but he couldn't forget Jie Zitui's kindness to him. Others let Jie Zi push to receive the reward. Jie Zitui said, "Chong Er is my Lord, and my life is his, not to mention a piece of meat!"

  Reminded by others, Chong Er remembered Jie Zitui's kindness to himself. He said to the slave, "xuanjiezitui!" But Jie Zitui has already returned to the mountains. Of course he won't go. Chong er said angrily, "burn the mountain. I can't see it." So they burned the mountain, but they didn't see Jie Zitui coming out. They went up the mountain and saw Jie Zitui burned alive by the tree. Chong er said sadly, "if you seal today as Qingming Festival, you can only eat vegetarians, not meat."

  But we forgot that Jie only pushed the kindness to Chonger and forgot the custom of Qingming Festival! I also forgot that I can't eat meat on Qingming Festival, I can only eat vegetarians. Now we spend money recklessly, and we forget that we can't eat meat on Qingming Festival. I dare to ask you? Can't you remember these ancient customs? What do we use to learn about the 5000 year old culture? Please study hard and customs. Let us know more about the charm of ancient times.

  To do everything well, we need to start with small things. It's also like memorizing formulas in math class so that you can't make mistakes. Let's celebrate every festival and remember their customs.

  So every year on Tomb Sweeping Day, I will worship my ancestors and say to them, "please don't worry, Grandpa, we are all well!"


  Once upon a time, there was a man named Chong'er. At that time, he had not become Duke Wen of Jin. A small soldier wanted to kill Chong'er, so Chong'er had to flee the state of Jin. On the way to escape, a kind minister said to him, "if there are difficulties, we can solve them together. Let me follow you." Chong er said gratefully, "thank you. What's your name?" The minister replied, "my name is Jie Zitui."

  In this way, Chong ER and Jie Zitui went to the desert together. They walked and walked, but they couldn't reach the end. They seemed to have lost their way. Finally, one morning, Chong Er suddenly fainted. Jie Zitui saw it and quickly held Chong er's neck and said, "what's the matter with you?" Chong Er replied painfully, "I have no strength. I'm really hungry." Jie Zitui said, "don't worry. I'll find you something to eat now." But I couldn't find anything to eat.

  Suddenly, he thought of an idea. He took out a knife from his sleeve. After a while, Jie Zi pushed it back. Holding a piece of barbecue in his hand, he said to Chong Er, "Sir, have a piece of barbecue?" Chong Er saw and didn't say anything, so he ate first. Chong Er finished eating and said, "no, it's all desert. There's no one in sight. Where did you get the meat?" Jie Zitui looked embarrassed and said, "to tell you the truth, I cut it off my leg." Hearing this, Chong ER was surprised. He knelt on the ground with tears in his eyes and said, "thank you. I will repay you well in the future."

  19 years later, Chong'er became Duke Wen of Jin. On the first day of being an official, many ministers came to congratulate and received Chonger silver. All ministers received gifts, that is, there was no meson push. Jie Zitui was depressed and asked the minister next to him, "why didn't you call me?" The next minister said, "maybe I put you last." But in the end, I still didn't call meson Tui. Jie Zitui left sadly.

  The minister next to him reminded Chong Er, "Sir, did you forget to push the meson?" Chong Er remembered that he had forgotten the great benefactor, so he sent all the soldiers to find Jie Zitui. But I walked and walked and didn't find him at all. Chong Er suddenly remembered the desert 19 years ago, so he took many soldiers to the desert to look for it, but they haven't found it yet. Chong Er ordered again, "I must, I must find my great benefactor. Without him, there would be no today for me." The soldiers lit many torches, but no one was found. After looking for it for a long time, he finally found Jie Zitui in a tree, but he had died. Chong Er regretted it and spent a lot of money to bury Jie Zitui. He also said to all the people of Jin: "in the future, when it comes to the fifth day of April every year, you can't light a fire, you have to eat, and you can only eat cold. To commemorate this benefactor."

  So year after year, every year on this day, everyone will commemorate meson push. Over time, from generation to generation. So later people commemorated their dead relatives and remembered the heroes and martyrs on this day. On this day, we eat cold food. From then on, there was the cold food festival, which gradually evolved into the Qingming Festival. Even now we are no exception. Every tomb sweeping day, many people who do business and work in other places go home to commemorate their ancestors and revolutionary martyrs.


  Ah, the annual Qingming Festival is here again. People rush to worship their dead relatives and friends. Some buy chrysanthemums and wine; Some buy ghost coins, incense and candles. But most people don't know how Tomb Sweeping Day comes. Let me tell you:

  China's traditional Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years. Qingming is a very important solar term at the beginning. As soon as Qingming comes, the temperature rises, which is a good season for spring farming and spring planting. Therefore, there is "planting melons and beans before and after Qingming". "Afforestation is better than Qingming Festival". Later, because the Qingming Festival was close to the day of cold food, which was a folk day of fire prohibition and tomb sweeping, gradually, the cold food and Qingming became one. The cold food became not only a nickname of Qingming Festival, but also a custom in the Qingming Festival. On the Qingming Day, there were no fireworks and only cold food.

  Moreover, there is a legend about cold food: it is said that in the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, Li Ji, the concubine of Duke Xian of Jin, set up a poisonous plan to murder crown prince Shen Sheng in order to let her son Xi Qi succeed to the throne, and Shen Sheng was forced to commit suicide. Shen Sheng's younger brother Chong'er went into exile in order to avoid disasters. Humiliated, in exile. It turned out that most of the ministers who ran with him ran out of the way one after another. Only a few loyal people remained and followed him all the time. One of them is called Jie Zitui. Once, Chong Er fainted from hunger. In order to save Chong Er, Jie Zitui cut a piece of meat from his leg, roasted it with fire, gave it to Chong Er to eat, and saved Chong er. Nineteen years later, Chong'er returned home and became a monarch, one of the five bullies in the spring and Autumn period, Duke Wen of Jin.

  The next year, Duke Wen of Jin led his officials to climb the mountain in plain clothes to express his condolences. Walking to the grave, I saw that the old willow tree was dead and resurrected, with thousands of green branches dancing in the wind. Duke Wen of Jin looked at the resurrected old willow as if he had seen Jie Zitui. He respectfully walked up to him, treasured a branch, made a circle and put it on his head. After the sweep, Duke Wen of Jin named the resurrected old willow "Qingming willow" and designated this day as Qingming Festival.

  There are many legends about the Qingming Festival. It's endless. Let's stop here today! Since last year, Qingming Festival has been listed as a national legal festival, so that people have more time to pay homage to their relatives. Tomb Sweeping Day is really hard won!


  The swallow comes to the news agency. The pear flower lags behind the Qingming Festival. In the tail of March, we are about to usher in China's traditional sacrificial Festival Qingming.

  Qingming is both a solar term and a festival. In ancient times, it was also called March Festival, with a history of more than 2000 years. When all things grow, they are clean and clear. Therefore, it is called Qingming. After the Qingming Festival, there is more rain, and everything changes from Yin to Yang. Spitting out the old and embracing the new is like spring and Jingming.

  In the eyes of modern people, the connection between Qingming Festival and tomb sweeping ceremony is closer. This is because the day before Qingming Festival is cold food festival. It is said that the cold food originated from the promotion of the memorial service of Duke Wen of Jin. Later, moved by this story, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty ordered the world to go to the tomb in the 20th year of Kaiyuan, and it was listed as one of the five rites at that time. There is only one day between cold food and Qingming Festival. For the sake of illustration, people simply decided to sweep tombs during Qingming Festival. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tomb sweeping during Qingming Festival was more popular. After the founding of new China, people also chose to sweep the martyrs' tombs on this day to remember the revolutionary ancestors.

  Every year, I pay homage to the tombs of my ancestors, and there is still the wind of the elderly everywhere. There has always been a custom of sweeping tombs. Every tomb sweeping day, the descendants of every family will bring wine, fruit, paper money and firecrackers to the ancestral tomb, offer food to the ancestors' tomb, burn the paper money, fire guns and pray, cultivate new soil for the tomb, plant a few flowers or fold a few fresh green branches and insert them on the tomb, and then kowtow to worship. Finally, You have to eat wine and food in front of the tomb before you go home.

  Every qingming festival meets rain every year. The rain is like tears flying all over the sky! Also used to watching the rain and getting wet on the Qingming Festival; If you make an exception and meet a big bright day in one year, you will always feel that this festival is not perfect and somewhat incomplete. Perhaps, only such feelings and scenes can give a trace of comfort to the lost soul!

  The dead are gone and can't be traced. Please cherish the people in front of you. In front of the tomb of the Qingming Festival, infinite sadness will be expressed, the tears of the worshippers will string into wet memories, and the warm spring breeze can't wipe the touching eyes. The long journey of life will not stop. The continuation of the lineage is a series of bold ellipsis. The white hair of the elderly is the most striking question mark of Qingming Festival. Filial piety and support are the right choice and the interpretation of Qingming by the Chinese people. Let the heart of filial piety exist day by day, insist on being kind to your parents and the elderly, and stand in the fine wind blowing thousands of melancholy on a Qingming Day in warm spring and April, so as not to face the dead tombstone, empty and quiet lament and boundless self blame, carrying a group of cold heart and hovering in the wind.


  "During the Qingming Festival, it rains one after another, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls." The mention of this poem reminds me of Qingming Festival.

  Qingming Festival is also called cold food festival. On this day, people do not light a fire, only eat cold food, but also sweep tombs to pay tribute to their dead relatives. Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of 2500 years. In China, the Tomb Sweeping Day has become a legal holiday, in order to let people worship their ancestors and sweep tombs, and don't forget their relatives.

  In the past, people used to burn paper money to commemorate their relatives. Now people have changed their ideas and focus on environmental protection. They have used flowers and online sacrifices. I agree very much. As soon as the Tomb Sweeping Day comes, the temperature rises, which is a good season for spring farming and spring planting. Therefore, there is a farming proverb of "planting melons and beans before and after the Tomb Sweeping Day".

  Now that the Tomb Sweeping Day is over, the farmer uncle begins to plant the land. Only sowing in spring can have harvest in autumn. We children should also study hard in this vibrant spring, so that we can harvest more knowledge and wealth in the future.


  It is said that the origin of the Qingming Festival began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of ancient emperors and generals. Later, the people followed suit and worshipped their ancestors and swept their tombs on this day. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the cold food festival.

  The name of "Qingming Festival" also comes from the Qingming solar term in the 24 solar terms of the Chinese lunar calendar. The 105th day after the winter solstice is the Qingming solar term. The Qingming solar term lasts for 15 days. Qingming, as a solar term, comes after the spring equinox. At this time, winter has gone, spring is full of vitality, the weather is clear, the fields are bright and clean, and nature is full of vitality everywhere. It is an appropriate word to call this period "Qingming".


  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China. Qingming Festival, also known as the outing Festival, according to the Gregorian calendar, it is between April 4 and 6 every year. It is the season of beautiful spring and green plants, and it is also a good time for people to go outing. Therefore, the ancients had the custom of going outing during Qingming and carrying out a series of sports activities. Until today, the custom of worshipping ancestors and mourning the dead relatives on Qingming Festival is still very popular.

  To talk about Qingming Festival, we need to start with a lost Festival - cold food festival. Cold food festival, also known as hot food festival, no smoking Festival and cold Festival, its date is 108 days away from the winter solstice, that is, it is only one or two days away from Qingming Festival. The main festival custom of this festival is to ban fire and do not make fire to cook food. It can only eat prepared hot food and cold food, so it is named.

  It is said that the origin of Qingming Festival began with the ceremony of "Tomb sacrifice" of ancient emperors and generals. Later, people imitated each other and worshipped their ancestors and swept their tombs on this day. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation.

  Tomb Sweeping during the Qingming Festival is a traditional custom in China. It not only expresses our nostalgia for our ancestors, but also a great opportunity to go outing and enjoy spring.


  Qingming Festival is an important folk traditional festival in China. It is one of the important "eight Festivals" (Shangyuan, Qingming, Lixia, Dragon Boat Festival, Zhongyuan, Mid Autumn Festival, winter solstice and new year's Eve). It is generally on April 5 of the Gregorian calendar, but its Festival period is very long. There are two versions: before and after the 10th day and before and after the 10th day. These nearly 20 days belong to Qingming Festival. It is said that the origin of the Qingming Festival began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of ancient emperors and generals. Later, the people followed suit and worshipped their ancestors and swept their tombs on this day. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation.

  Qingming Festival originated in the Shang Dynasty. It is one of the traditional festivals of the Han nationality in China. It is one of the 24 solar terms in China. The time is around April 5 of the Gregorian calendar every year. After the Qingming Festival, the rain increased, and the earth looked like spring and Jingming. At this time, all things "spit out the old and absorb the new". Both the vegetation in nature and the human body coexisting with nature change the filth of winter, usher in the breath of spring and realize the transformation from Yin to Yang.

  In ancient times, it was said that the day before the Qingming Festival was the "cold food festival". It is said that it began in the spring and Autumn period when Duke Wen of Jin mourned Jie Zitui's "cutting shares to satisfy hunger", and then gradually combined the Qingming cold food into one. The date of tomb sweeping in the Tang Dynasty is generally on the cold food festival, which moved to Qingming after the Song Dynasty. It is said that the origin of the "cold food festival" is in Jiexiu in Central Shanxi. The origin of Jiexiu is to commemorate Jiezi's pushing "cutting stocks to satisfy hunger" without making a report. Finally, it was burned to death here, and Mianshan is also called "Jieshan".

  It is said that after Dayu's flood control, people used the language of "Qingming" to celebrate that the flood has been eliminated and the world is peaceful. At this time, flowers bloom in spring, everything recovers, and the sky is clear and the earth is bright. It is a good time for spring outing. Outing began as early as the Tang Dynasty, and it has become a habit for generations to inherit. In addition to enjoying the natural scenery of lakes and mountains and the beautiful scenery of spring, outings also carry out various cultural and recreational activities to add interest to life.

  Tomb sweeping is popular on the Qingming Festival. In fact, tomb sweeping is the content of the cold food festival on the day before the Qingming Festival. It is said that the cold food originated from the promotion of the memorial of Duke Wen of Jin. In the 20th year of Kaiyuan, Emperor Xuanzong of the Tang Dynasty ordered the world to "go to the tomb with cold food". Because the cold food was connected with the Qingming Festival, it was gradually spread to sweep tombs during the Qingming Festival. During the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tomb sweeping became more popular during the Qingming Festival. In ancient times, children often had to fly kites to sweep tombs. Some kites are equipped with bamboo flute, which can make a sound when blown by the wind, just like the sound of Zheng. It is said that's how the name of kite comes from.


  China's traditional Qingming Festival began in the Zhou Dynasty and has a history of more than 2500 years. Qingming is a very important solar term at the beginning. As soon as Qingming comes, the temperature rises, which is a good season for spring farming and spring planting. Therefore, there is "planting melons and beans before and after Qingming". "Afforestation is better than Qingming Festival". Later, because the Qingming Festival was close to the day of cold food, which was a folk day of fire prohibition and tomb sweeping, gradually, the cold food and Qingming became one. The cold food became not only a nickname of Qingming Festival, but also a custom in the Qingming Festival. On the Qingming Day, there were no fireworks and only cold food. It is said that in the spring and Autumn period (770-476 BC), Prince Chong'er of Jin went into exile to escape persecution. On his way into exile, he was in a deserted place, tired and hungry, and could no longer stand up. Suichen couldn't find anything to eat after looking for a long time. When everyone was very anxious, suichen jiezitui went to a quiet place, cut a piece of meat from his thigh and cooked a bowl of broth. Chong Er gradually recovered his spirit after drinking it. Chong Er shed tears when he found that the meat was cut by jiezitui from his leg.

  Nineteen years later, Chong'er became the monarch, that is, Duke Wen of Jin. After he ascended the throne, Duke Wen rewarded the meritorious officials who accompanied him in exile, but forgot Jie Zitui. Many people complain about Jie Zitui's grievances and persuade him to ask for a reward. However, Jie Zitui despises those who strive for merit and reward. He packed up and quietly went to Mianshan to live in seclusion.

  When Duke Wen of Jin heard about it, he was too ashamed to take someone to invite Jie Zitui himself. However, Jie Zitui had left home for Mianshan. Mianshan mountain is high, with dangerous roads and dense trees. It's not easy to find two people. Someone offered advice. The fire burned Mianshan from three sides and forced jiezitui out. The fire burned all over Mianshan, but jiezitui didn't appear. After the fire went out, people found that jiezitui, who carried his old mother, had died under an old willow tree.

  Seeing this, Duke Wen of Jin wept. During the funeral, a bloody book was found in the hole of the tree, which said: "cut the meat and serve the king with all his heart. I hope the Lord will always be clear". In memory of Jie Zitui, Duke Wen of Jin ordered that this day be designated as cold food festival. The next year, Duke Wen of Jin led his officials to climb the mountain for memorial. When he found that the old willow was dead and resurrected, he gave it the "Qingming willow" and told the world that the day after the cold food festival was designated as the Qingming Festival.

  In fact, the real origin of the cold food festival comes from the ancient system of drilling wood and seeking firewood and fire. The ancients used different trees to drill fire due to different seasons, which is the custom of changing seasons to fire. And every time you change the fire, you have to exchange for a new fire. People are forbidden to make fires before new fires arrive. This was a major event at that time. When fire is forbidden, people prepare some cold food for eating, which has gradually become a fixed custom. Later, it was connected with the legend of Jie Zitui and became the cold food festival, which lasted for one month. After all, this is not conducive to health. Later, the date was shortened from seven days and three days to one day. After the Tang Dynasty, it was integrated into the Qingming Festival.


  The swallow comes to the news agency. The pear flower lags behind the Qingming Festival. In the tail of March, we are about to usher in China's traditional sacrificial Festival Qingming.

  Qingming is both a solar term and a festival. In ancient times, it was also called March Festival, with a history of more than 2000 years. When all things grow, they are clean and clear. Therefore, it is called Qingming. After the Qingming Festival, there is more rain, and everything changes from Yin to Yang. Spitting out the old and embracing the new is like spring and Jingming.

  In the eyes of modern people, the connection between Qingming Festival and tomb sweeping ceremony is closer. This is because the day before Qingming Festival is cold food festival. It is said that the cold food originated from the promotion of the memorial service of Duke Wen of Jin. Later, moved by this story, Emperor Xuanzong of Tang Dynasty ordered the world to go to the tomb in the 20th year of Kaiyuan, and it was listed as one of the five rites at that time. There is only one day between cold food and Qingming Festival. For the sake of illustration, people simply decided to sweep tombs during Qingming Festival. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, tomb sweeping during Qingming Festival was more popular. After the founding of new China, people also chose to sweep the martyrs' tombs on this day to remember the revolutionary ancestors.

  Every year, I pay homage to the tombs of my ancestors, and there is still the wind of the elderly everywhere. There has always been a custom of sweeping tombs. Every tomb sweeping day, the descendants of every family will bring wine, fruit, paper money and firecrackers to the ancestral tomb, offer food to the ancestors' tomb, burn the paper money, fire guns and pray, cultivate new soil for the tomb, plant a few flowers or fold a few fresh green branches and insert them on the tomb, and then kowtow to worship. Finally, You have to eat wine and food in front of the tomb before you go home.

  Every qingming festival meets rain every year. The rain is like tears flying all over the sky! Also used to watching the rain and getting wet on the Qingming Festival; If you make an exception and meet a big bright day in one year, you will always feel that this festival is not perfect and somewhat incomplete. Perhaps, only such feelings and scenes can give a trace of comfort to the lost soul!

  The dead are gone and can't be traced. Please cherish the people in front of you. In front of the tomb of the Qingming Festival, infinite sadness will be expressed, the tears of the worshippers will string into wet memories, and the warm spring breeze can't wipe the touching eyes. The long journey of life will not stop. The continuation of the lineage is a series of bold ellipsis. The white hair of the elderly is the most striking question mark of the Qingming Festival. Filial piety and support are the only correct choice and the best interpretation of the Qingming Festival by the Chinese people. Let the heart of filial piety exist day by day, insist on being kind to your parents and the elderly, and stand in the fine wind blowing thousands of melancholy on a Qingming Day in warm spring and April, so as not to face the dead tombstone, empty and quiet lament and boundless self blame, carrying a group of cold heart and hovering in the wind.

