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【#英语资源# 导语】清明节兼具自然与人文两大内涵,既是节气又是节日。清明节不仅有祭扫、缅怀、追思的主题,也有踏青郊游、愉悦身心的主题。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  On Tomb Sweeping Day, my father and mother and I took a car to visit the tomb in our hometown. We sat in the car with a heavy heart. When our hometown arrived, we prepared the tomb sweeping offerings and prepared to go up the mountain.

  We first went to Grandpa's tomb. Along the way, I didn't want to enjoy the beautiful flowers and listen to the beautiful insects. When Grandpa's tomb arrived, my father lit the incense and lit the paper he bought. Then my father took the incense and worshipped it, and then handed it to me. He worshipped it empty handed. Then we went round by round. Finally, everyone worshipped it. My father inserted the incense in front of Grandpa's tomb. Finally, my father lit a string of firecrackers and went to a tomb.

  Finally, when we went to the last tomb, it rained. I recalled my grandfather's love for me and couldn't help crying. I was very heavy on this rainy Qingming Festival.


  Today is the Tomb Sweeping Day on April 5. My mother took me back to my mother-in-law's house to sweep the tomb of my deceased grandfather.

     Back at Grandma's house, grandma was ready to go to Grandpa's grave. When I saw it, the preparations were really complete: paper money, gold and silver treasures, and flowers. Finally, grandma brought a broom and mop.

  After a while, I came to Grandpa's tomb. I saw that Grandpa's tomb was a small house made of cement. There were several steps in the front and a stone tablet engraved with Grandpa's name behind the steps. Mother took a broom to sweep grandpa's tomb from front to back, and then dragged it with a mop. Then, my mother poured a glass of wine for grandpa and put two pots of flowers in front of Grandpa's tomb. My uncle and I burned paper money. While burning paper money, my uncle said, "bless Yiming to grow up safely and make progress in study!" I also thought: Grandpa, you must bless us. I'll visit your grave on next year's Tomb Sweeping Day. After burning the paper money, we all paid homage to Grandpa's tombstone.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival is also one of the 24 solar terms in China. Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.

  Origin of Qingming Festival: it is said that it began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of emperors and generals in ancient times. Later, the people followed suit. On this day, they offered sacrifices to their ancestors and swept tombs. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the cold food festival, which later became the Qingming Festival.

  Today, my mother and I went outside to visit the grave. I walked to the gate of the open space. As soon as I entered the gate, "ah" it was crowded like a crowded fish pond. We found a very warm place and put the East and West down. Then, after cleaning the place, we put the fragrant bouquet next to the grave. All kinds of bouquets attracted flocks of birds. Now it is no longer a quiet open space, but an ocean dancing wildly.


  Qingming Festival will catch up with the drizzle, which is the case every year. Such weather makes people who rush back to burn paper for their relatives' graves more depressed and sad. This year's Tomb Sweeping Day is still full of spring rain. A son and his father just finished paying tribute to his grandfather. On the way back, it rained, which made people feel worse. His son was unwilling to walk. At this time, his father continued to walk with his son on his back.

  Suddenly I saw a little shepherd boy herding cattle. His father asked the shepherd boy, "children, do you know there is a place to shelter from the rain and eat?" The little shepherd boy pointed to the apricot blossom village not far away and said, "you'll be there in ten minutes. Let's go. I'll take you there!" The son who climbed on his father's back thought at this time: the little shepherd boy estimated that his family would not be well. It's really hard to herd cattle in such weather! Dad said, "let's go, Dad!" So the three people talked and laughed on the road, temporarily forgetting their sadness and sadness.


  Today is Tomb Sweeping Day. Qingming Festival is also one of the 24 solar terms in China. Qingming Festival is not only a traditional festival in China, but also the most important sacrificial Festival. It is a day for ancestor worship and tomb sweeping.

  Origin of Qingming Festival: it is said that it began with the "Tomb sacrifice" ceremony of emperors and generals in ancient times. Later, the people followed suit. On this day, they offered sacrifices to their ancestors and swept tombs. It has been followed by generations and has become a fixed custom of the Chinese nation. Originally, the cold food festival and the Qingming Festival were two different festivals. In the Tang Dynasty, the day of worship and tomb sweeping was designated as the cold food festival, which later became the Qingming Festival.

  Today, my mother and I went outside to visit the grave. I walked to the gate of the open space. As soon as I entered the gate, "ah" it was crowded like a crowded fish pond. We found a very warm place and put the East and West down. Then, after cleaning the place, we put the fragrant bouquet next to the grave. All kinds of bouquets attracted flocks of birds. Now it is no longer a quiet open space, but an ocean dancing wildly.


  During the Tomb Sweeping Day holiday, I went to grandma's house. Grandma baked a lot of lotus root boxes, eggplant boxes and radishes to go to the grave to commemorate her ancestors. On Tomb Sweeping Day, grandma cooked a lot of eggs early in the morning, and grandma dyed the eggs with red pigment, which was very beautiful. I touch eggs with the children for fun.

  Qingming Festival can also go outing. It is also called exploring spring, seeking spring and outing. Its meaning is to step on the grass, play in the countryside and watch the spring.

  The custom of Qingming Festival is rich and interesting. In addition to banning fire and sweeping tombs, there are activities such as inserting willows. It is said that this is because cold food and fire are forbidden on the Qingming Festival. In order to prevent cold food and cold food from hurting people, everyone comes to participate in some sports activities to exercise. Therefore, this festival is characterized by both the sad tears of sweeping new graves and the laughter of outing.


  The annual Qingming Festival is coming again. It is said that "there is a lot of rain during the Qingming Festival". There is no rain this year. It is sunny for three days in a row.

  Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, I think of the Tomb Sweeping Day written by Du Mu, a poet of the Tang Dynasty. "It rains in succession during the Tomb Sweeping Day, and pedestrians on the road want to break their souls. Ask where the restaurant is. The shepherd boy points to Xinghua village in the distance." On this day, people have to take sacrifices and sweep the grave in the cemetery to commemorate the dead relatives.

  Every year, my parents will take me back to Huian hometown to visit the grave. This time, we are going to sweep the tombs of grandparents. My grandfather was an officer and fought in the war when he was young. He also founded a school called "Jinshui primary school" for his hometown. Every year on the Tomb Sweeping Day, all the teachers and students of Jinshui primary school go to his grave to lay a wreath to sweep the grave and commemorate the revolutionary martyrs! Today, we came to his tomb early in the morning to offer flowers and then put the sacrifice on it. Let's say goodbye at his grave. We also borrowed sickles to clean up the weeds and miscellaneous trees around us, and watered several pine trees nearby.


  Qingming Festival is a traditional festival in China, which began in the Zhou Dynasty. It is for us to go to the tombs of our dead relatives regularly to commemorate them.

  Tomb Sweeping Day is a serious thing. Even our active children calmed down. We all came to Chu mountain in Xiaoshan to commemorate my great grandfather and grandmother. According to my grandfather, "my great grandfather has been sleeping quietly in the green mountains and waters for nearly 40 years." in my impression, my great grandmother is a kind and amiable old man. We came to the grave, surrounded by big trees and birds flying between the trees, Under the ground, there are also vibrant grass sticking out his head. Grandpa said: "Anton pulled out the weeds on the tomb to make the cemetery more tidy and solemn." we presented flowers and fruit cakes to worship our ancestors in accordance with Chinese traditional customs. I bowed deeply three times in front of the monument to express my thoughts for my ancestors.

  We put the packaging bag we brought into the bag, and also put some paper scraps, plastic bags and bottles on the mountain into the bag on the way down the mountain. I came home with missing emotion.


  Tomb Sweeping Day is coming. It is a traditional festival of our motherland.

  On Tomb Sweeping Day, we will come to the tomb, place a bunch of flowers and burn some paper money to express our thoughts and blessings to our loved ones, and silently pray for them in our hearts, wishing them a happy and happy life on the other side of heaven. At this time, we can't help but think of the years they spent with us. Those pictures seem to be still fresh in our eyes. Thinking of these, I can't help crying.

  The spring scenery in the distance came into my eyes. The birds sang the Spring Sonata, the mountains were full of peach blossoms and willows, the golden rape flowers were everywhere, "the tender buds blew and the leaves fell", the green tender buds grew out, and there was a scene of spring and the recovery of all things. This is a season full of expectations and blessings. Qingming Festival, let's remember the past on such a special day.

  Qingming Festival is my most sad Festival. I have never felt so sad. Maybe this is my memory of my ancestors.


  On Tomb Sweeping Day, my family and my aunt went to see grandma. When I got to grandma's house, my sister and I played happily in the yard. I first observed the map with a magnifying glass, then trapped the ants with a magnifying glass, and put leaves on the magnifying glass for fear of drying the ants. When I left grandma's house, I let go of the ants and played with my sister and mother for a while. After the eagle caught the chicken and said goodbye to grandma, my next goal was to visit Grandpa's grave.

  We came to a grave where there were grandpa and grandma. Mother lit the paper money with a lighter, burned money and paper, and talked until the paper money burned to ashes. We went to see the wheat planted in the field. It was green, just like wild grass. After lunch, we went to see my mother's uncle.

  Well, my tomb sweeping day is so happy. I met my grandma and grandpa and learned a lot of history.

