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【#英语资源# 导语】以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Today we have ushered in the 100 year old birthday of our party. On this wonderful first day of the red July, we wish the party a happy birthday together!

  On July 1, 1921, the fire of stars on the red boat of Nanhu Lake is now showing his unique charm on the stage of the world with a burning fire.

  Since 1921, the Communist Party of China has always maintained its strong fighting spirit and tenacious perseverance, leading the Chinese people to break through difficulties and dangers, and to stand up on their own in the forest of the world's ethnic groups. This is a party with tenacious vitality_ The rain and rain baptism of the year left behind the constant belief and unremitting pursuit. As each party member of the group, they also carry out their solemn commitment to the party and the people through practical actions. They constantly interpret the profound connotation of "serving the people" and make the party flag float in the hearts of the people forever.

  Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, China, like a Phoenix, has been free from the shackles of three mountains, and has displayed the wings of diligence and wisdom, and, in the wind of reform and opening up, has shown its life in a harmonious sunshine. As a common Party member, we are proud and proud. As a common Party member, we also feel the heavy responsibility, How to make extraordinary achievements in ordinary jobs and how to make our words and deeds worthy of the title of Chinese Communist Party members are the problems that every Party member of us should also consider.

  The smoke of war has gone far away from us. In the era of peace, we are facing a series of new challenges. The reason why our party can lead the people of the whole country to keep going in tough environment is that he is a party belonging to the people, and the interests of the people are higher than all of them are the consistent tenets of our party. In the war era, we can throw our heads and blood on the interests of the people, In the peace era, we can also contribute our youth and even life for the benefit of the people. Party members are a banner, a banner leading the people to prosperity, and a banner that makes all greed and decadent faces. We are glad to see that a bright red party flag is flying on all fronts of the country, The people will not forget the soldiers who block the flood with their flesh and blood, the angels who saved lives with their hands in the ruins after the earthquake, and the time when the five star red flag rose over Hong Kong and Macao. They have become a bright red and integrated into the party flag. The strong cohesion of the Chinese nation has attracted the attention of the world!

  As a common people's teacher, I am proud that teachers are the disseminators of culture and spirit, and the shaper of human soul. What we disseminate is not only professional knowledge and skills, but also more importantly, we should inherit the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation; As a member of the Chinese Communist Party, I feel very responsible, because there are too many excellent individuals among the comrades who have the same title as me. They encourage me to constantly improve and surpass myself, worthy of the people and the party. This will be the goal of my life.

  Party members are a flag. Let us revisit the pledge of joining the party, and once again, in the name of a Chinese Communist Party, solemnly swear to the people: to fight for the cause of communism for life!


  Twenty years ago, when I was young, my family lived in xituan, not far from Xiaohai. At that time, not to mention cars, even motorcycles were rare things. Every time I went with my parents to visit my grandparents living in Xiaohai, bicycles became the main means of transportation. After a long time, some of the details at that time are very vague, and only a few are still fresh in memory: the 28 bars, the broken brick road and the plastic bags. Why? Because at that time, my father was riding an old-fashioned 28 bicycle, and I sat on the bar in front of me, up and down with the ups and downs of the broken brick road. At that time, most of the rural areas were mainly dirt roads. Once it rained, it would be muddy. In order not to let the rare new shoes get dirty, they would prepare plastic bags and put them on their feet step by step.

  Ten years ago, I left home to go to college. Occasionally, I only come back to visit my grandparents during the holidays. By this time, motorcycles have become quite popular, and even private cars are gradually increasing. Every time I go back to Xiaohai, I sit on the bus and drive on the asphalt road. The bumpy ups and downs on the bicycle have become the scenery along the way in the window. In the past ten years, Waigong's house has become a spacious and bright new house. Once in the evening, I accompanied my grandfather to go out. There were only a few street lights in the whole market town, so I held a flashlight in one hand and helped my grandfather to walk forward slowly in the other. Now I think of it, holding grandfather's rough palm, following the light of the flashlight on the ground in the dark, the scene is still clear.

  Five years ago, I came to XX to work. In the past five years, I have been carrying my camera to all villages and traveled a long and short road. In my lens, there are factories springing up in the open fields, continuous wide and smooth roads, and street lamps illuminating the road ahead when night falls. There are also happy faces in the Spring Festival, happy faces of lonely old people when they are comforted, pure faces of students when they focus on seeking knowledge, and happy faces of town residents when they dance in the square.

  Now, whenever I drive on the narrow and wide roads of Xiaohai, whenever I look at the more prosperous market towns, whenever I look at the large and small factories, whenever I look at the cleaner countryside, I wonder, what are the reasons for all these changes? So I picked up the camera again and looked at the traces left by these years again and again. Slowly, I found that in addition to the earth shaking changes in the photos, there were a group of figures I didn't pay attention to at the beginning. They were running on the construction site of the project, they were running on the construction site of the market town, they were running on the field, they were running on the way to solve the problems for the masses.

  In fact, it's not so much that I didn't pay attention to it as that I was used to it, because these figures are the colleagues I usually work with and the ordinary Communists who are rooted in this land. Behind the rapid changes in our hometown, in fact, there are many ordinary Party members who are used to the ordinary work, which we never care about. No magnificent, no great achievements, but the development of society, the progress of the cause, is not as quick as time, but rely on the drop of stone. Just because so many ordinary Party members have worked hard, they have made new changes in their hometown and the new atmosphere of our motherland.

  For many of our ordinary Communists, they may not be used to saying heroic words, but there is always a simple and persistent idea guiding us. General secretary Xi Jinping, in his important speech at the 100th anniversary conference of the founding of the Communist Party of China, stressed repeatedly that "we should not forget our hearts and keep moving forward". I think the so-called "never forget the original heart" is a great statement, that is, we must always maintain the spirit of the Communists' struggle and always maintain the utter innocence of the people. To put it mildly, it means that every ordinary Party member should do his part and do what the masses want and expect most.

  Our country will become better and our life will become better only if we do our part well and devote our efforts regardless of the small and painstaking work“ The road is as iron as iron. Now we are stepping forward from the beginning. "Achievements belong to the past, but the future is waiting for us to create. The times are looking forward to a new start for every ordinary Communist.


  Praise the Communist Party, without the Communist Party, there will be no new China! Praise the Communist Party of China, without the Communist Party, there will be no people in charge! Praise the Communist Party. Without the Communist Party, there would be no happy life for us.

  The wheel of history is rolling forward, mercilessly crushing the old feudalism, and the advanced Communist Party of China emerges as the times require. She has led China through decades of ups and downs, and led us through bumps and bumps. On July 1, 1921, the birth of the Communist Party of China was like a dawn breaking the night sky and twinkling in the East. From then on, the history of the Chinese revolution opened a new page; Yesterday's Thatched eaves and tile houses have been replaced by today's tall buildings. The party has been leading us to stride forward, chopping the waves and opening up the course

  We can't forget that the Communist Party of China fought in the front line in the reform and opening up to resist Japan and save the country, and the people's soldiers shed tears and blood to protect the country. We will never forget that over the past 100 years, construction, reform and opening up, innovative thinking, generation after generation of new and old party members, conscientious and hardworking are the pillars of our economy. We will never forget that many outstanding Party members have no regrets and are willing to work for the people and communism all their lives.

  Looking back on history is not only to remember the glorious achievements of the party, but also to focus on the new century. As young people in the new century, we should shoulder the great trust of the party and the people of the motherland, and reshape the magnificent posture of the Oriental Dragon. What a great, glorious and arduous historical task we shoulder! Young friends, as the masters of China in the 21st century, do we feel that the responsibility of building the motherland has fallen on the shoulders of our generation? In this case, what time do we have to hesitate and waste? We are a growing generation, a generation in reform, and a generation in the future. The construction of the motherland in the new century is inseparable from the leadership of the party and the creation and struggle of the young generation! Try hard! Beloved of the new century, our youth, our life, all our dedication to the party, dedicated to our dear mother!

