

时间:2021-07-31 09:10:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】2021年7月1日是中国共产党建党100周年,在党的生日之际,以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Long live, great party, you have gone through 100 rough and brilliant years!

  The strong team built by "sickle and axe" and the party flag always flying high lead the 1.3 billion Chinese people to go all the way forward!

  In the great journey of 1996, the Communist Party of China led the people of all ethnic groups to write magnificent struggle epics time and again; In the eventful years of 1996, in order to make the country prosperous and the people happy, generations of Communists have been struggling and determined. History is memorable, and the future is fascinating.

  Over the past 96 years, the Communist Party of China has grown from small to large, from weak to strong, led the Chinese people to break through many difficulties and won one victory after another in revolutionary struggle and economic construction. For a long time, the Communist Party of China has always adhered to the guidance of Marxism Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, led the people of the whole country in reform and opening up, strived to forge ahead, and comprehensively promoted the modernization of socialism with Chinese characteristics. Over the past 30 years of reform and opening up, the Communist Party of China has achieved more than 200 years of development achievements of Western powers, ranking the second largest economy, The comprehensive national strength has been significantly enhanced, and the right to speak in the international community has become more and more important. It can be said that the history of the Communist Party of China is the history from victory to victory. Looking back on 1996, our party has gone through a road of arduous struggle.

  Stepping into the grand project of "two hundred years" in an all-round way, hundreds of millions of people work together to build the "Chinese dream", which has a long way to go“ Green water and green mountains are golden mountains and silver mountains, and ice and snow are also golden mountains and silver mountains. "General Secretary Xi Longjiang's important speech on investigation and research has set the goal and pointed out the direction“ Standing at a new historical starting point, the Party committee of the General Administration of the people's Republic of China has determined the goals and tasks of the 13th six year plan, realized the transformation and development of operation, and walked out of the new path of comprehensive construction. It has become the common will and goal of Party organizations at all levels, Party members and cadres, and people in forest areas.

  Wei Diansheng, Secretary of the Party committee and director of the General Administration of the people's Republic of China, delivered a resounding speech at the July 1 celebration meeting. All this requires every Communist to shoulder the heavy burden on his shoulders. In the face of the new historical conditions and new strategic tasks, he should have firm faith, serve the people, be diligent and pragmatic, dare to take responsibility, be honest and clean, and be worthy of the party and the people, Worthy of the practice of the great era, to write a beautiful chapter of reform and development and comprehensive revitalization of forest industry and forestry region!


  In my childhood, I often had some wonderful dreams: the dream of the sea, the dream of the white clouds, the dream of the golden autumn... I dreamed that I was a sunflower, growing up in the sunshine forever; I dream that I am a spring moistening every green leaf, watering the boundless desert into an oasis; Dream that he is a lark, singing spring, singing our dear party.

  In my childhood, I often heard my father and mother tell me stories about war. At that time, the party in my heart was composed of a series of stories and heroes. For example, red child and flying to capture the huding bridge during the Agrarian Revolutionary War, Xiaobing zhangga and Yingxiong Wang erxiao during the Anti Japanese War, South and North expeditions and reconnaissance across the Yangtze River during the liberation war, and later heroes and heroines during the period of resisting U.S. aggression and aiding Korea, as well as Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Dong Cunrui and Huang Jiguang, These thrilling, thrilling stories and these shining names have deeply rooted in my young heart.

  At that time, I always asked mom and Dad, who are good people? Who are the bad guys? When I know who is a communist, I can say for sure that he must be a good person. Moreover, whenever I see a movie, someone yells "Communist, come with me!" I would be so excited that I would even join them in shouting "go!" At that time, my ideal was to be a brave PLA soldier and a glorious communist when I grew up. Because they are indomitable, not afraid of sacrifice hero image engraved in my heart.

  Gradually I grew up, sensible. In my mind, the party is not just a series of heroes and stories, but a history of Chinese people's struggle for independence, freedom and liberation, a history of struggle and revolution.

  Dear party, you are the Great Wall, and I am a brick on it; You are the red flag branded with hammer and sickle, and I am a trace of fiber on the flag; You are a lush green hill, I am like a grass, in the swing of the spring breeze, in the happy song of birds, writing a green chapter.

  If the party is a selfless dedication of the sun, then we are one after another budding flowers, in the care of the sun thrive, competing to open.


  This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. Since the founding of the Communist Party of China in 1921, the party has gone through a hard and glorious history of 100 years. We all know that the history of the party is the history of the independence, liberation and prosperity of the Chinese nation and the unremitting struggle for the freedom, democracy and happiness of the Chinese people. The past 100 years have witnessed the combination of the basic principles of Marxism with China's specific reality and the continuous promotion of the Sinicization of Marxism. It has also witnessed the tests of various storms, the continuous development and growth of our party, and the constant creation of new situations in various undertakings.

  For us young students, we must conscientiously study, correctly understand the glorious history and great achievements of the party, and always remember them. We should strive to improve our theoretical level, fully grasp the national conditions, correctly understand and consciously implement the party's basic theory, basic line, basic program and various principles and policies, learn from the past and from the present, take history as a mirror, constantly sum up experience and create the future.

  The party's 100 year history is unforgettable and impressive. It was founded in the inevitability of the development of modern Chinese history. It was tempered and tested by the great revolution. It opened up the revolutionary road of China in the agrarian revolution. Later, it became the mainstay of the Anti Japanese War and finally won the national victory of the democratic revolution. After the victory of the Anti Japanese War, the Communist Party of China complied with the strong demands of the people of the whole country and advocated the end of the Communist Party's Anti Japanese war_ We should strive to build a peaceful, democratic, independent, prosperous and strong new China. After experiencing the transition from New Democracy to socialism, we explored the road of socialist construction hard, and then chose the road of building socialism with Chinese characteristics in constant summary and reflection... Over the past 100 years, the party has been taking the development of socialism as the theme, combining China's actual situation with Marxism, and has made a lot of achievements. Although some mistakes and problems have been made in the process, achievements are still the mainstream, while shortcomings and mistakes are the tributaries.

  The history of the party can not be summarized in just a few words. We need to experience and comprehend it in constant learning. Do not forget the history of the party and create a better future. It is not easy to understand the party and the people, to cherish today's hard won happy life, to constantly cultivate our patriotic enthusiasm, to carry forward the spirit of patriotism, and to strive to make our motherland stronger!

