【#英语资源# 导语】听到“坏习惯”这个短语,大多数人都会想象出这样一幅画面:嘴里叼着烟、钉到要害的钉子、饭桌上弯着手肘、骑摩托不戴头盔等等。大多数人被问起时,都不会将学习与任何坏事联系起来,但是很多人会因为坏的学习习惯而影响自己的学习经历。它们不仅可以使你与高分擦肩而过,而且还会反过来影响一个人对学习的看法,从而使得考试将你带入窘境。今天我们就一起来改掉这四个学习的坏习惯,使你学到更多,从而在考试中取得理想的分数。以下内容由®文档大全网整理发布,欢迎阅读参考!更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!
1. Studying the Same Way for Each Type of Test
Why It's an Issue: Your 9th grade Social Studies final exam is very different from the SAT. A vocabulary quiz is a world away from a midterm. When you choose to study the same way for every type of assessment, you're failing to tune in to some of your test's fine details which can cost you points. For instance, there are strategies you can master to score high on the ACT. If you just give yourself a few nights before this big test to prepare just like you'd study for a chapter test, let's say, then you'll lose out on test points.
Fix It: Before any assessment you take, find out how you'll be assessed. Is it an essay exam? Multiple-choice? Matching? If you're taking a major standardized test like the Redesigned PSAT or SAT, get a prep book and determine what you'll see on it. Make smart decisions so you can study smart.
2. Saying Negative Things To Yourself
Why It's an Issue: Did you know that you believe a lot of what you tell yourself? Just ask someone with anorexia. You will believe something that you repeat to yourself often; if you say things like, "I hate studying," or "I'm never going to learn this," or "This is too difficult," then eventually, you will believe it and your negativity will impact your test score.
Fix It: Be your own study champion. Replace anything negative in your internal dialogue with positive thoughts. "I hate studying," becomes "Studying will get me the grade I want." "I'm never going to learn this," becomes "I'm going to put in as much time as it takes to learn this." Eventually, believe it or not, you will start to trust these positive messages just like you've believed the negative ones for years.
3. Studying with Distractions
Why It's an Issue: If you're constantly on Instagram or Facebook when you're supposed to be studying, then chances are good you're not going to get the score you want on your test. Your primary goal during study time is to quickly and efficiently learn the material. That's it. External distractions like your phone and the TV can ruin your study sessions just as internal distractions like worry and anger can do the same thing.
Fix It: Figure out how you study best and do not waiver from that routine. If you nailed your last test because you found a great study spot and listened to the best music for studying instead of hearing your roommates chattering in the other room, then repeat that every time you dive in.
4. Waiting Until the Last Minute
Why It's an Issue: You simply cannot learn everything you need to for a final exam the night before your test. Cramming does not work for long-term memory. Prepping for a standardized test can take weeks or even months to do it well.
Fix It: Take a long look at your schedule a few weeks before your exam. Schedule in study sessions with a homework app or even a regular pencil and paper calendar. Regardless, if you plan ahead, you'll find the time to put in 15-20 minute study sessions a day so you're actually ready on exam day.