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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩不但是一种美德,也是我们工作中必须要有的一种心态,感恩,使世界变得美丽,感恩,使我们拥有爱心,让我们怀带一颗感恩的心,去感谢生活中的点点滴滴吧。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的《感恩的心的英语日记》,欢迎大家阅读。

1.感恩的心的英语日记 篇一

  In the journey of life, there are countless people to help us: teachers, classmates, friends, or a stranger. However, the person who really makes me have a grateful heart is an environmental protection worker in the community.

  That was one day in the summer vacation three years ago. It was only two o'clock in the afternoon. I had finished my homework for that day. I stood up and dressed, and wanted to go out and play with others for a few hours before going home for dinner.

  The weather was very sultry and I couldn't breathe. My vest was soaked with sweat. However, when I ran downstairs excitedly, I didn't see a playmate. I went to call one after another, but they were either not at home or couldn't get down. I was disappointed and walked quietly in the yard alone.

  Suddenly, I stumbled and fell out of the room. When I got up, I found that my leg and arm were broken, and blood slowly overflowed from the broken place. I was frightened and could not even cry. At this time, an environmental protection worker saw this situation and came quickly. While checking my wound, she said to herself, "Oh! The area of the wound is large enough. What should I do? The wound can't be infected! By the way, cold compress!" Then she hurried away. I thought she didn't care about me. She walked slowly and wanted to go home first.

  At this time, I suddenly heard someone call: "Little girl, come back!" I looked back and saw her panting and running over, holding a bottle of iced mineral water and a popsicle in her hand, and said to me, "Eat the popsicle first, and press it down." After that, she handed the popsicle into my hand, unscrewed the bottle of mineral water, poured it on the wounds of my leg and arm, threw the bottle, nodded to me, and turned away

  Although it has been three years since, I still remember it vividly. I will also take the initiative to help some people in need. It is her that makes me feel grateful.

2.感恩的心的英语日记 篇二

  "I come from accident, like a dust" Every time I think of my mother, this harmonious and beautiful melody naturally sneaks into my mind. In this ethereal world, our mother brought us into this strange environment; It was the mother's hard sweat that brought us strong and strong bit by bit; It is the mother who does not pay in return, bringing us inexplicable happiness. With a grateful heart, I learned to polish my eyes and savor the maternal love that enveloped my heart.

  The gentle wind is silent, and the beloved is speechless. In the days of flying away, my mother has been paying little by little for our happiness for ten years. But my mother never complained at all and didn't have much sorrow. Perhaps this is the great love that needs no words and no return! How many times? Mother in the wind and rain they expect us to go home quickly; How many times, my mother taught us the truth of life under the moonlight. But often surrounded by this great love, we are too easy to lose ourselves, too many complaints dilute the memory of the past, often forget the source of happiness, and throw the word "gratitude" out of the sky. Maybe in the future, everyone will find themselves, and everyone will have feelings. If so, why not have a heart of thanksgiving now, and hold on to thanksgiving before the years pass, and repay your mother?

  The tender grass breaks through the soil and thanks the heaven and earth for its growth; The flower bud blooms with fragrance and thanks for the care of bees flying and butterflies dancing; The horse gallops across the mountains and rivers, thanking the majesty of the vast sky by running. Everything in nature is the same. What about us? Thank you, mother, because you are still cooking day and night with thin hands; Thank you, mother, for your white temples and hard work all night.

  Maybe there is more to be grateful for. With a grateful heart, we are not only grateful for our mother, but also for every plant and tree in nature and every move in society. Thank you for your ordinary and unique life; Thanks for the time, let me know how to choose and cherish; Thanks to the society, I have seen the colorful world. With beautiful scenery, we are grateful for the wonderful beauty created by nature; We are grateful for the harmonious chapter written by the society.

  Gratitude is like a timely spring rain, which washes away the impetuous and decadent atmosphere, and makes everything grow more splendid in a settled society. Life is like a piece of white paper. With a grateful heart, the background color of the paper is pink, and there is a beautiful life. With a grateful heart, I will cherish no matter the flowers bloom or fall.

  A drop of water should be reported by the spring!

3.感恩的心的英语日记 篇三

  "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself..." Whenever this song rings in my ear, I always think of my aunt.

  "Good! The winter holiday is officially open from today!" When the headmaster said this, everyone cheered. I am both cheering and happy, because I can go to my aunt's house again soon!

  My aunt misses me very much, and I miss her very much. I had a good time with her. Because my aunt always uses "provocation" to lead me forward.   

  I remember that once, when I was ill, my aunt made many delicious things for me. But the disease still needs to be stabilized by oneself. So my aunt asked me to go outside for sports. I looked outside - it was still warm at home. So I pretended to be uncomfortable and hid on the sofa and refused to come straight. The aunt carved out a plan and said, "Look at you, even a chicken is not as good as you. Even the chicken dares to go out in this weather, why don't you dare to go out?" I was worried at hearing it. How can I be worse than the chicken?

  I rushed out quickly and started running in spite of the cold. About half an hour later, I came back, sweating all over. The aunt praised me, made me a lot of delicious food and helped me change clothes. After that, I went running every day. If I didn't run, my aunt would say that I was not as good as a chicken. Every time I come back, there is a pile of delicious food waiting for me

  A few days later, my illness is better, and I am stronger! Thanks to my aunt.

  Until today, I would also like to thank my aunt for her "encouragement" and care. Auntie's teaching made me understand a lot, made me forge ahead on the road of life, and made me have a grateful heart!

4.感恩的心的英语日记 篇四

  In our school, how many students will understand what gratitude is?

  Thanksgiving should start from childhood, but some of us, instead of thanksgiving and gratitude, are ungrateful. If there were no parents, we would not exist in the world. As the fable tells, "Mr. Dongguo met the wolf", "the farmer saved the snake" and other ungrateful stories.

  In life, some people have been saved and will not thank others, let alone be grateful.

  For example, there was an elderly man in a certain place who supported more than 80 poor college students for free. After those college students graduated, no one went to visit him, not even a greeting or thank-you letter. Cong Fei, a singer from Shenzhen, has sponsored many students. Not long ago, after he was ill and hospitalized, a college student he supported worked in Shenzhen and didn't go to see her. A woman who was looking for a job in Shenzhen, who was supported and helped by Cong Fei, didn't go to see him, and even said he had another plan.

  A 17-year-old boy gave his precious life to save a drowning young man in his 20s, while the rescued man left quietly. The family said that they would not make compensation. As long as there was a little proof, the rescued person still refused to show up. How could such an incredible fact exist?

  Young people, we should have a grateful heart.

  If you really have a grateful heart, please remember your parents' birthday and your mother's birthday. If you already know, it proves that you still have a grateful heart.

  Young people must have a grateful heart!

5.感恩的心的英语日记 篇五

  On Friday, all the teachers and students and parents of our school participated in the large-scale activity "Thanksgiving Heart" held by the school.

  In the afternoon, under the guidance of the teacher, the students lined up in the spacious school gymnasium early, and soon the parents came to the meeting. The stage is composed of blue sky, white clouds, white doves and a big heart.

  The activity began, and the song "Gratitude Heart" sounded on the radio. Our whole school teachers and students performed along with the song in sign language, and everyone expressed each action with their true feelings. Next, Xu Jing in my class recited poems. She had a beautiful voice, rich expression, and was very cute and beautiful. Almost everyone present was fascinated by her. My favorite poem is director Huang, teacher Han and senior brother and sister. That poem is very moving and beautiful. I was deeply attracted by it.

  After returning to their respective classrooms, it was a parent-child activity between us and our parents. We were divided into several groups. First, a group of students helped their fathers tie their shoelaces. The dads untied their shoelaces first, and then we tied the shoelaces for their dads. I was very happy to win the third place. Next, another group of students helped their mothers tie silk scarves. Before we started, Founder tied up his mother's silk scarf. The teacher said "start", and he said "OK". It made us laugh, but it was not beautiful at all, but it was still neat. Chang Yaping is not only beautiful but also very strange. Finally, we sang "I Love My Home" and "Every time I walk past the teacher's window" together.

  Through the "Gratitude Heart" activity, all of our students have learned that people should learn to be grateful and have a grateful heart, and the world will be full of love, and the world will be better!
