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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩,是一种境界,也是一种美德。©文档大全网为大家准备了以下内容,供大家参考阅读。


  We should be grateful to our mother. Is it not enough that your mother gave birth to you, raised you, and nursed you?

  Speaking of filial piety to my mother, I can't help thinking of a song, "grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself......"

  No mother, no you. Similarly, your happiness comes from friends. Without friends, you lose happiness. Your mother is actually your friend.

  Mom picks you up and sees you off every day, and is very tired at work. You can look at it from another angle. If you were a mother, what would you think.

  We should respect and thank our teachers, parents, and friends.


  Filial piety is actually a kind of good morality. Recently, my sister told me a legend: There was once a woman who believed in Buddhism, named Guangmu Nu. After his mother died, he was very worried, so he provided for a Luohan and asked where his mother was? Arhat observed with his divine power that the mother of Guangmu was in hell and suffered a lot because she ate too much fish and shrimp. After hearing this, Guangmu was very sad and exhausted his family property. She created a huge Buddha statue for her mother, which freed her mother from suffering.

  After reading this story, I felt extremely. Although this is just a legend, how filial is the light mother and daughter in the text? I thought: Oh, my mother has paid too much for us, but what about myself? I hardly did anything for my mother.

  Although we are young now, we have no ability to support our parents, but we should at least reduce the burden of our parents, such as: helping my mother wash dishes, cleaning, and so on.

  Boys and girls, let's pass on our grateful heart!


  The love of parents is called kinship. When you are discouraged, your parents encourage you. When you are sick, they take care of you.

  Teacher's love is called teacher-student love. When you make mistakes, it is your teacher who teaches you and corrects you; When you encounter problems, it is your teacher who teaches you to know more.

  Friendly love is called friendship. When you fall down carelessly, a pair of powerful hands is your friend; When you buy something and forget your wallet, it is your friends who pay for it. A small humility makes you feel the tolerance of friendship; With a little help, you can realize the value of friends.

  Students, let's learn to be grateful and have a grateful heart! Let's sing together, "grateful heart, thank you for accompanying me all my life, let me have the courage to be myself..."


  "Thank you, thank you..." Whenever I hear this kind song, my heart of gratitude rises!

  I am grateful to my parents, who brought me to this colorful world and taught me how to talk and walk. I am grateful to my grandparents. When I am in poor health, my grandpa always makes me a lot of delicious food, and my grandma always asks for help. I am grateful to my grandparents. Grandma calls me every day and talks with me. Every time I go to Grandma's house, my grandpa always buys me something.

  Thankfully, teachers, like gardeners, spare no effort to cultivate us and teach us rich knowledge. When I perform well, teachers will praise me happily in front of my classmates. When I perform badly, teachers will criticize me mercilessly.

  I thank all the people who care about me and help me.


  Every time I hear "grateful heart, thank you......", I think what is gratitude? Gratitude is mutual love and an element of the human family, so one cannot be without gratitude, and everyone should have a grateful heart.

  What about me? Just want to thank my saviour. That day, my mother and I accompanied my aunt to the hospital. My mother saw a very familiar doctor and talked with her for a long time. After a period of time, I asked my mother: "Mom, who was the doctor just now?" "She, but your savior, Dr. Zhang!" My mother said: "When I had you, I didn't know that I was pregnant and took cold medicine. Many doctors suggested that I kill you. Fortunately, Dr. Zhang asked me to give birth to you, otherwise you would not be in the world. You should thank her some day." I agreed to my mother freely.

  When I left the hospital, I couldn't help singing: "Thank you, thank you..."


  "A grateful heart, thank you for being with me all my life and giving me the courage to be myself..."

  The dusty DVD repeatedly sings that raucous song, and every note stirs a splash in my heart. Between flying pearls and splashing jade, I seem to catch a glimpse of Grandma's kind smile again

  Grandma is my patron saint, an angel with a kind face and stern eyes. Since I remember, Grandma's tall back shuttled between the narrow old houses. Her greasy apron was her permanent dress, and a scarred thimble was her ring that would never fade. In my pure heart, I have a wonderful belief: as long as there is a grandmother, life is beautiful.

  However, what should I do when I lose the "you" that accompanies my life? "Heart of Gratitude" will not tell me, no one will tell me. I closed the DVD angrily, looked at the pale test paper under the light, and smiled furiously at the red blood like score, which was like a whip beating the wound that had not yet healed in my heart. In the face of the steep decline of high diving, I can do nothing. A cowardly and introverted girl like me urgently needs a shoulder to cry on! But where are you, the person I want to rely on most

  The time goes back to the dark and starlit night of that month, and the phone ringing like thunder brings bad news. Grandma, my world will collapse with your leaving.

  ——Yes, how long have I been fooling around since then? I lay on my back in the small bed. The bed that nobody has made since you left is as messy as my thoughts. Grandma, I'm struggling in the abyss of despair. Why don't you let me rely on your broad shoulders as always?

  "Because you have grown up." A kind and gentle voice sounded in my heart, with an echo that seemed like an eternity.

  "No, I'm still weak and need support!" I cried at the top of my voice, "Grandma, what I want to rely on now is you!"

  "Silly boy, look down at your chest."

  I looked down, and a withered magnolia was sending out the last wisp of fragrance - it was put on for me by Grandma. At that time, Grandma's face, which was haggard due to her illness, was pure and brilliant

  It turned out that Grandma had already left me the courage to overcome setbacks. Even if heaven and man were separated forever, I could always rely on her great love. It is she who pours her love into the fragrant flowers and roots in my soul!

  Grandma, whenever I want to rely on you, you are the angel of my life. But please rest assured that even if you are not at my side, I will be brave to be myself!


  "A grateful heart, thanks for having you with me all my life, and let me have the courage to be myself. A grateful heart, thanks for fate, I will cherish the flowers as well." This song makes me understand: no sunshine, no warmth; Without water, there is no life; No parents, no us; Without family, friendship and love, the world will be buried by loneliness and darkness. For all we have, we need to embrace a grateful heart.

  Embrace a grateful heart, and the sun will always fill our hearts, so that we can share the warmth; With a grateful heart, life will always be full of love, and we can embrace happiness together; With a grateful heart, life will be more colorful and love will warm each other.

  White clouds float in the blue sky, which is the gratitude of white clouds for feeding their blue sky; The butterfly dances in the bright flowers, which is the butterfly's gratitude for feeding its flowers; The fallen leaves are flying among the lush forests, which is the gratitude of the big trees for nourishing their land; The waves sing in the vast sea, which is the gratitude of the waves to the sea that nurtured them. Because of gratitude, we have this colorful world; Thanks to gratitude, we have created this harmonious society together; Because of gratitude, we understand the true meaning of life; Because of gratitude, we learned to love the dedication.

  From the first clear cry, the things and people we should be grateful for have come one after another on our path of growth: we should be grateful for everything that nature has given us to survive, we should be grateful for all the conditions that social families have given us to live, we should be grateful for the selfless upbringing of our parents who have given us life, and we should be grateful for the dedicated education of the teachers who have trained us, We should be grateful for the sincere help from our friends who never give up

  Gratitude is the most sincere emotion from the heart, but it is not only a beautiful emotion, but also a responsibility. "Every drop of kindness is rewarded by the spring". Only when you are filled with gratitude, can you think of repayment and know how to contribute.

  Grateful of nature, you will know how to cherish the fresh air, protect the environment and care for the flowers and plants around you; Grateful to the society, you will assume the responsibility you should bear and be willing to contribute; If you are grateful to your parents, you will serve them a cup of hot tea at the end of their tiredness, beat their backs and pinch their shoulders, and know how to be filial to them; Thanksgiving teachers, you will study hard, do not play in the classroom, and know how to respect them; If you are grateful to your friends, you will learn to be friendly to others. You will be able to live in harmony with your classmates and make common progress. You will also know that "do not do to others what you do not want to do to others" and "give roses to others, and you will have lingering fragrance in your hands".

  Look at nature, society, parents, teachers and friends with a grateful heart. You will find warm sunshine everywhere, and the world is so beautiful!

  Thanksgiving starts from the heart, let love warm each other.


  A grateful heart and a grateful destiny accompany me all my life, so that I have the courage to be myself

  There is a song called "Heart of Gratitude". Every time I hear it and sing it, I will experience a baptism and shock of love in my heart. It makes me ask myself again and again: Who am I? Where do I come from and where do I go? Maybe it is an accident that everyone comes to this world, just like a piece of dust floating at will. After the wind settles on the dust, it lands here, here and home. No one knows where they end up. Life is not predestined. Heaven sometimes plays tricks on people. Human life is precious and fragile, but it is not idle. In any case, no matter where you come from and where you are going, existence is value, and only by being grateful can you know how to cherish happiness.

  Although the world is wide, this road is hard to walk. I have seen all the ups and downs and hardships in this world.

  Life is doomed to struggle, full of hardships, and the road of life will be full of thorns. It's just a good wish to go smoothly. People always fantasize about conquering the world, but we should know that if we want to conquer the world, we must conquer ourselves first. It is better to prolong life in struggle than to lament that life is short. Although the world is as wide as the heart, if the heart is wide, there will be dreams, and if there are dreams, there will be miracles, because people with dreams always have a grateful heart.

  How much love I still have, how many tears I still have, let the heaven know that I will not admit defeat.

  Human beings are great because of dreams, and life is wonderful because of love. Life is always accompanied by tears. Sometimes you cry with joy, sometimes you beat your chest. Tears are not necessarily heroes, but you can never admit defeat and lose your ambition in life. Life is full of exploration, success and failure. If someone fails, they will always complain about the unfairness of God. In fact, a share of the effort has a share of the harvest. If you don't give up or admit defeat, you will eventually achieve something. Winners never give up, and quitters never succeed. There is only one reason for success, that is, I want to succeed. Successful people know how to cherish, cherish will have, Thanksgiving will last forever.

  The grateful heart, thanks to have you, accompanies my life to let me have the courage to be myself. Thanksgiving heart, thank the fate, I will cherish the flowers as well.

  At this moment, as a perfect person, I am extremely proud, because we all have a grateful heart, grateful to the society, grateful to parents, grateful to the company, grateful to everyone around us, because they gave us the courage to survive and the strength to struggle.

  The music started to ring again, and I couldn't help singing again. I am grateful for you, and I will cherish the flowers as well

  Gratitude is a navigation light that makes people full of ideals and hopes for life. It points out the way forward for us; Thankfulness is two swinging oars, which will make us fight over again and again in the turbulent waves; Gratitude is also a spiritual key. It allows us to open the door to the true meaning of life after difficulties! Let's all have a grateful heart.


  "We should learn to be grateful and repay." Such a sentence is an old truth. We seem to have gone from primary school to college.

  Parents should be grateful for their upbringing. Teachers should be grateful for their ardent teaching. Be grateful for your help to others. Everyone seems to understand this truth.

  When gratitude has become our slogan, how many people can express their feelings and gratitude from the bottom of their hearts in every bit of life?

  Gratitude is a kind of sincere emotion, the deepest and most sincere expression of the heart. It is not a platitude or empty talk. At the moment, gratitude has become more of a mantra. Whenever I hear the sentence "Thank the motherland for the cultivation of the Party", I feel so numb.

  "Winning the gold medal can help my parents live a better life, and I hope to repay them with this." This is the acceptance speech of Zhou Yang, the winner of the women's skating competition in Vancouver Winter Olympics. Such a sincere speech was full of warmth and humanity, while the deputy director of the General Administration of Sport pointed out that "thanking the motherland should be put first, and thanking parents should be put behind." Such a statement has finally angered many people who can't bear to lie. The real gratitude full of human feelings is realized by heart, not to cope with the routine of a society, nor to be imposed by others. In front of the camera, Zhou Yang expressed his sincere gratitude, which made people so excited. What she had was the most real heart of gratitude.

  With the most sincere and grateful heart, you will always find every minute of your life that moves you. Use a beautiful and clear mind to examine the world and accept every move.

  Huang Ge is a boy whose life is coming to an end and he is only sixteen years old. In order to say thank you to those who have helped him, he embarked on the "journey of gratitude" regardless of his body and his father. Disease deprived Huang Ge of the ability to stand. He can only travel all over the country with his father in a wheelchair from 20xx to find the benefactor he has never met. Because he was poor, his father used a three wheeled motorcycle to drive his son Huang Ge across 82 cities, covering more than 13000 kilometers. He thanked more than 30 benefactors who had helped them in those years.

  His life is so beautiful in his eyes, because every day, someone else is helping them, even if it is small, it is also a feeling. He felt such a move with his heart and thanked everyone for their help with his heart. His heart of gratitude has long made him forget the trauma brought to his mind by the disease. With such a heart of gratitude, he has gained precious wealth in life.

  To have a heart of gratitude is to look for, taste and express it in a sincere way.

  With the same grateful heart, we have a warm life.


  "I come from chance, like a dust. Who can see my vulnerability? Where do I come from, where do I love? Who calls me at the next moment? Although the world is wide, this road is hard to walk. I have seen all the ups and downs in the world. How much love and tears do I have? Let the heaven know that I will not admit defeat. A grateful heart, thank you for your life, let me have the courage to be myself. A grateful heart, thank fate, flowers bloom and fall, I still Will cherish... "

  A song of gratitude, singing the true meaning of gratitude, also brought me into the vortex of gratitude.

  Flowers cannot bloom all the year round, nor can the moon be full from the beginning to the end of the moon. People with disabilities want to have a healthy body, while people who are hungry and cold want to have nothing to worry about all their lives

  It is precisely because there are so many shortcomings in life that we have more beautiful pursuits. But don't ask too much for anything. Don't complain too much about the unfairness of life, the unfairness of fate, and the nature of people. On the contrary, we should be grateful.

  Maybe I have less than others have, but I have gained what others can not get. Put aside all grievances and grievances, let's be grateful to our parents for giving us the most precious life; Thank all the people who loved us, because they taught us to grow; Thank you for all the happiness in your life, because they make your heart filled with fragrance; Thank you for all the setbacks and hardships in life, because they make your heart stronger!

  With a grateful heart, the world is no longer poor, life is no longer waves, life is no longer dull, life is no longer tasteless

  The fallen leaves hover in the air and compose a grateful movement. That is the gratitude of the big tree to the earth that nourishes it. The white clouds are floating in the blue sky and painting moving pictures. That is the gratitude of the white clouds to the blue sky that nurtures it. Because of gratitude, there will be a colorful society, because of gratitude, there will be sincere friendship, because gratitude allows us to understand the true meaning of life!

  "Gratitude" is a kind of identity, which originates from the depths of the soul; "Gratitude" is a kind of return, which is pure and flawless; "Gratitude" is a kind of admiration, which should flow from the heart.

  If life is a flower, it should bloom in the snowy winter to warm and comfort the lonely and helpless soul; If life is a small tree, it should be in the wilderness, so that the lonely travelers can have a place to relax; If life is a grass, it should become a part of the lush field, embellishing the vibrant spring. The meaning of life lies in dedication and integration lies in gratitude

  A grateful heart is a heart of wisdom, no matter whether we live a noble life or a humble existence. No matter where you live, you always have a grateful heart for your tortuous and special life experiences. The nature precipitates a lot of impetuosity and uneasiness, dispels the internal grievances and discontents, and gains a healthy mentality, perfect personality and enterprising belief!

  Learn to be grateful. Even if we are not the most beautiful flowers, we should also be happy for everyone!
