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【#英语资源# 导语】感恩是心与心的互动,情与情的交换,它不是半边行动,而是双向互动,感恩的心态是我们工作动力的源头活水,只要感恩,就有使不完的劲。以下是©文档大全网整理的《感恩的心英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.感恩的心英语作文 篇一

  Some people have learned diligence, some have learned filial piety, and some have learned respect and cherish. I have learned a unique sentiment - gratitude. When I was toddler, it was my parents who supported me; When my life is bumpy and not smooth. My parents helped me through the ups and downs; When I was under a lot of study pressure, it was my parents who brought me a cup of hot tea; When I am bullied, it is my parents who fight for me... They have given us so much, shouldn't we learn to be grateful?

  I remember one time when I was almost late for school, I said to my mother, "Mom, why didn't you wake me up earlier? I should have been late!" I complained. Alright, hurry up, I'll wait for you downstairs, "Mom said as she walked out the door. I finished brushing my teeth slowly, took a few random bites of food, put on my clothes, and hurried downstairs. Mom has already been waiting downstairs. The north wind was whistling, and I was shivering with cold. Mom took off his big coat and put it on for me. I kept chattering and saying, 'If you wake me up so late, you'll be late and criticize me for being late!' My mother drove the car faster. The cold wind blew past my ears, causing pain. I was indeed late.

  When I got home, my father said to me, "Your mother is resting because she was wearing too little in the morning and caught a cold. Don't disturb him." Tears fell like pearls with broken threads. All of this is because of me, it's all because of love! I ran to my mother's bed and said 'Mom, I'm sorry' with a guilty expression.

  It was that experience that made me understand my parents' love. Let me learn to care more and complain less. More gratitude, less disgust!

2.感恩的心英语作文 篇二

  True love is everywhere in the world.

  The love of parents is called familial affection. This kind of love is the warmest in the world. When you encounter setbacks and your brows are furrowed, it is your father who encourages you; When you are entangled in illness and shed tears in pain, it is your mother who is asking for warmth and comfort. A sentence of 'fantastic' can give you confidence, and a sentence of 'terrible' can help you avoid the trap of pride.

  The love of a teacher is called teacher-student relationship. This kind of situation is the most serious among things. When you make mistakes and are punished, it is the teacher who teaches you; When you encounter a difficult problem and sweat profusely, it is the teacher who explains it carefully for you. A praising look makes you extremely happy; A warm greeting makes you feel the second kind of family affection.

  The love of a friend is called friendship. This kind of love is the purest love in the world. When you accidentally fall and never get up again, those who reach out with a pair of powerful hands are friends; When you forget to bring money when you buy something and are in an awkward situation, friends are the ones who pay to help you out. A small humility makes you feel the tolerance of friendship; A small help makes you appreciate the value of a friend.

  Only a grateful land can make a mountain towering; The sea only has the gratitude stream to become its vastness; Only a grateful bird in heaven can achieve its grandeur. Only by knowing gratitude can a person be satisfied, cherish, and move forward.

  Having a sincere heart and a grateful heart makes life beautiful and warm in our gratitude.

3.感恩的心英语作文 篇三

  Some people have learned diligence, some have learned filial piety, and some have learned respect and cherish. I have learned a unique sentiment - gratitude.

  When I was toddler, it was my parents who supported me; When my life path was bumpy, it was my parents who helped me overcome it; When I was under a lot of study pressure, it was my parents who brought me a cup of hot tea; When I am bullied, it is my parents who fight for me... They have given us so much, shouldn't we learn to be grateful?

  I remember a cold winter day when the north wind was blowing, and I was still studying at school. After school, my clothes were too thin and shivering with cold. Suddenly, a familiar figure appeared in front of me, it turned out to be my mother!

  Mom quickly took off the coat she was wearing and draped it over me, but she was wearing it very thin. Suddenly, I felt warm.

  Mom is sick and lying in the hospital bed. I seem to see a beam of light flickering on my mother - love.

  It was this experience that made me understand my parents' love. Let me learn to care more and complain less; More gratitude, less disgust.

  Let's dedicate our grateful hearts together to repay our parents' love for us!

4.感恩的心英语作文 篇四

  Where do I come from? Like a piece of dust, who can see my vulnerability... "I love this song the most because it sings my heart out.

  I am a primary school student, and because my parents are busy with work, I have always been supported and raised by my grandmother. My academic performance was not ideal before, especially in mathematics, where I only scored around 50 points each time. In math class, whenever I encounter problems that I don't know, I can't help but slap my head and ask myself, "Why are you so stupid?" Gradually, I lose confidence in myself and think to myself, "Maybe my IQ is lower than others!

  My mother refused to give up and often took time out of her busy schedule to help me. But some math problems even my mother can't do, she's so anxious that she cried. Later, Teacher Wang Lin served as the math class for our class, and he discovered this "little snail" of mine. Unexpectedly, Teacher Wang not only didn't dislike me, but also tirelessly taught me how to listen to classes from the beginning, then how to learn, how to consolidate, and even gave me individual tutoring after class. I remember when I was learning integer multiplication, I made one mistake and threw my pen on the desk, silently feeling angry. At this moment, Teacher Wang walked over to me with a smile and taught me the method of integer multiplication. He accompanied me step by step, and I finally learned and became more familiar with it.

  With the careful help of Teacher Wang, I am like a bird in the sky, flying higher and higher, and my grades have increased from around fifty to the current seven to eight tenths. I finally understand: I am not low in intelligence, but I have not found a good way to learn.

  I am grateful to Teacher Wang for his tireless guidance.

  A grateful heart, thank you for being with me throughout my life, giving me the courage to be myself... "I want to give this song to my beloved Teacher Wang and wish him peace and happiness throughout his life.

5.感恩的心英语作文 篇五

  We come from chance, like a piece of dust. How much love do I have, how many tears do I have? Let the heavens know that I will not give up. "With a grateful heart, I swear that I am a cactus in the desert and will not give up due to difficulties.

  Everyone carries a "bag of mother's heart" on their back, which is invisible and silent like air. Perhaps it surrounds their chopsticks during meals, appears in the milk they put on the table in the morning, or silently prays during exams... A grateful heart, unforgettable affection, and a pitiful heart for parents all over the world.

  Do we, as children, understand what kind of life pressure our parents are bearing for us? Do we understand how much parents expect and don't give up when they leave home? Do you remember how many days and nights my parents couldn't sleep peacefully when I was a baby; Do you remember the scene of my mother crying in the corner when I was sick; Do you remember Dad's curved figure and tight eyebrows when he had no money to go to school; Do you remember the happy smiles on their faces when the admission letter flew into their hands... with a grateful heart, unwavering responsibility, and pursuing their ideals with a grateful heart.

  Leave pressure on yourself and confidence at home; Throw failure behind you and smile with longing. Mom and Dad, my daughter understands you and understands you. In 365 days, flowers will bloom and fall, and we will definitely cherish and cherish your every word. We will seize life, seize ourselves, seize this precious time of Hengzhong, because here lies your sweat and expectations. We have grown up and understand how to achieve our dreams, as well as the hardships of our parents. Regardless of poverty or wealth, we always understand how deep wrinkles climb onto our cheeks and how those delicate hands become rough.

  A grateful heart, an unchanging family relationship!
