
时间:2023-07-26 09:47:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#英语资源# 导语】我眼中的暑假是快乐的、是欢愉的、是漫长的、是丰富的、是有趣的……以下是©文档大全网整理的《快乐的暑假英语作文》,希望对您有所帮助。

1.快乐的暑假英语作文 篇一

  Time flies so fast. Just as school started, it was summer vacation again in the blink of an eye. This year's summer vacation seems both the same and different from previous years.

  This summer vacation is on July 8th, and school starts on September 8th. Just two months ago. In the past, the summer vacation always started on September 1st, regardless of when it was off. This year, because September 8th is the Mid-Autumn Festival, the teacher didn't want to give us a holiday less than a week after school began, so we just started school on the 8th. So this summer vacation is different.

  I have my summer vacation plan for this summer, which is not only to relax well, but also to practice my guitar hard because I want to participate in the singing performance of our school's welcome party at the beginning of school. This is my summer vacation task.

  I believe that hard work always pays off, and I want to make my summer vacation more fulfilling.

2.快乐的暑假英语作文 篇二

  The long awaited summer vacation has finally arrived, during which I have experienced many interesting things.

  The most unforgettable thing for me is watching the sunrise on the mountain. On that day, we got up at four o'clock and after organizing, we went up the mountain. At that time, there were already many people on the mountain waiting to watch the sunrise!

  I first found a seat to sit down. After a few minutes, the white clouds in the sky turned purple, as if someone had painted the sky with a layer of paint. The black sky suddenly brightened up. Then someone changed the color of the sky and it turned red again. Later, the sun appeared a little bit, very dazzling, and then gradually revealed a round and chubby face.

  Suddenly, the earth was shining brightly, with sunlight illuminating the houses, trees, and roads. Everywhere was filled with bright colors.

  I remember another interesting thing. That day, my friends and I were playing football in the community. After our first goal, I became proud. As a result, they all won, and I was very disappointed. However, this football match taught me that modesty makes one progress, while pride makes one fall behind. After this football match, I have decided not to be proud anymore.

  During the summer vacation, in addition to traveling and exercising, I also enjoy reading. It is stipulated that I read for half an hour every night for about twenty consecutive days. My writing level has also improved a lot, and I am also very happy.

  This is my summer vacation life, isn't it very meaningful?

3.快乐的暑假英语作文 篇三

  Unconsciously, half of the long awaited summer vacation has passed. Now let me reminisce about the happy and fulfilling July!

  Firstly, swimming is something worth mentioning. Every evening, many people carry swimming equipment and walk towards the gym in twos and threes. In the museum, the crowds are moving like a big pot boiling dumplings. After entering the water, I swam freely like a small fish. Sometimes breaststroke, sometimes backstroke, playing happily. In the blink of an eye, an hour passed, but I still couldn't bear to part with it.

  Besides swimming, I also enjoy climbing Tashan. At dusk, the lake at the foot of Tashan Mountain shimmers with microwaves, taking a nap by the lake with a cool breeze. People come and go on the mountain path, some running at medium speed alone, panting heavily; Some group together, talking and laughing, walking slowly and leisurely; Some families of three stop and go, enjoying a leisurely and leisurely lifestyle. The scenery on the mountain is also breathtaking, with lush forests, tall and straight bamboo trees, gurgling streams, and beautiful scenery that makes me linger and forget to return.

  Another important thing is that every summer vacation, I have to prepare for the piano exam. Two hours of practice every day made me perfect, playing the graded tracks smoothly, and ten fingers flexibly transitioning between black and white keys, like little elves flying up and down. No effort, no gain. I hope I can pass the exam smoothly. Wish me good luck!

  Summer vacation is happy and fulfilling, and I look forward to the arrival of summer vacation next year soon!

4.快乐的暑假英语作文 篇四

  In my eyes, summer vacation is happy, joyful, long, rich, and interesting... Before exams, we always look forward to summer vacation, thinking that there will be no teacher's criticism, no piles of homework, no... If summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, hovering in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the clouds, sometimes playing with the clouds; If summer vacation is the sea, I am a fish, flying through coral reefs and rushing out of the water excitedly

  I am a little bookworm, usually only busy with studying and don't have more free time to read. In the summer vacation, I can spare a lot of time to read, and I can eat spiritual food again. I can spare a lot of time to go to the library to read books, and even borrow books I like to go home and swim in the ocean of books.

  I also love swimming very much. Swimming is the most physical exercise. I have to attend classes and do homework, which takes up our exercise time. In the summer vacation, I can swim freely in the water again. Therefore, I go swimming every day. Swimming not only helps me exercise but also helps me avoid the heat.

  It is precisely because of the summer vacation that I have ample time to go to the library to learn natural and scientific knowledge that I am interested in, go swimming with friends, and forget about the seemingly endless classes and homework. With time, we can do some meaningful and happy things. Summer vacation is really great!

5.快乐的暑假英语作文 篇五

  As soon as the summer vacation was over, my mother took me on a trip to Xiamen for a few days. I thought the happy summer vacation would start from here, but I didn't expect my mother to take out paper and pen as soon as I got home and ask me to write out my vacation plan. The arrangements from 8:00 in the morning to 10:00 in the evening were densely packed, and I didn't have much time to be free anymore. I did it according to the plan for the whole day, but it wasn't as difficult as I imagined. It was easy to play and write, and there were many happy things during the summer vacation. The most unforgettable thing for me was going to the small river with my mother to catch small fish.

  That morning, my mother and I got up early and brought the pre prepared fishing tools to the small river. We put down the fishing net and waited for a long time without any movement. My patience was at its peak, and I said to my mother, "I don't want to fish anymore. Let's go home!" My mother said, "You have to be patient in everything you do, otherwise you won't achieve anything." After listening to my mother's words, I calmed down and patiently waited, After a while, I noticed that the net had moved and whispered to my mother that a fish had entered the net. Hurry up and catch it! Mom quickly collected the net, haha! A dozen small fish fell into the net, and I jumped up happily.

  More than two hours have passed, and we have caught a lot of fish. When I got home, I kept them in a goldfish tank. When I saw the little fish swimming happily, I smiled happily.
