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【#英语资源# 导语】在我的心中,暑假永远是美好的、快乐的。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《快乐的暑假生活英语作文范文》,欢迎阅读参考。

1.快乐的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇一

  Summer vacation has arrived, which is what students are most looking forward to. These times are completely their own, but there is one thing that cannot make them play happily, which is summer homework.

  Although summer homework is not difficult, it takes a long time to complete the summer homework assigned by school and parents every day. In this way, we have less time to play. Originally, during these times, we could play, watch, and listen to a lot of things... but summer homework is both boring and boring. Just do it, but there's still so much to do. Every day's homework is like 'weeds are overgrown, and I can't finish hoeing...'.

  And everyone sees homework as a "burden", and it's not enjoyable to play without taking it away. For example, when going out for an outing, I feel anxious every day, afraid that I won't be able to finish my homework when I come back. As soon as school starts, I will be fixed by the teacher and feel like "rolling urine". Therefore, they cannot fully immerse themselves in the beauty of nature.

  Even one student became permanently disabled for playing. The thing is like this: summer vacation is coming, and the student wants to play with his classmates, but his parents don't allow him to. They lock him at home and ask him to do his homework well. In order to play with him, he jumped off the second floor without risking his life, resulting in disability.

  I have also been locked up at home like a "prison" and I really want to go play with my sister, but my parents asked me to do my homework obediently at home. I refuse. They locked the door back and went to work. Although I am not as foolish as the disabled student who jumped out of the window, I still remember playing with my sister. I dare not disobey my parents' words, but when I stood at the window and saw the happy children playing outside, my head "exploded" and tears welled up. At that time, I really wished I could go back to my past and play happily with my sister and brother.

  In order for everyone to have a happy summer vacation without any burden, we can ask the teacher to assign less homework. Spend more time playing and less time doing homework, so that summer vacation can truly become our 'happy paradise' instead of the 'hell of homework'.

2.快乐的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇二

  This summer vacation, I had a very happy time because my parents took me to swim, climb mountains, travel, barbecue, and so on. Among them, I think I played at the Golden Beach in Zhuhai.

  One day in July, the weather was sunny and sunny. Our family, along with a few friends from my father, went on a self driving trip with a total of five family members. Around 11 o'clock in the morning, we arrived at the beach. Wow! Some are picking shells on the beach, some are catching crabs, some are swimming, and some children are holding hands, singing and dancing! Everywhere is laughter and laughter.

  We walked along the path to the barbecue field. The adults picked up their own chicken wings, ribs, and other food to start the barbecue. A few children and I picked up beach toys and played building castles on the sand. The sand here is golden under the sunlight, like a golden carpet. I simply take off my shoes and step on it, just like stepping on cotton. It's both loose and soft, extremely comfortable! In a moment, the chicken wings were cooked, and I was extremely happy to eat the delicious roasted chicken wings!

  After we were full, we couldn't wait to change into swimsuits and bring our goggles to the beach for a swim. The sea is endless, with high waves and strong winds. The water is clear and bottomless, and I "plop" into the sea. The water is cool and comfortable! I had a water battle with a few children in a shallow area. Suddenly, a big wave rushed towards us like a tiger with a wide open mouth. I couldn't dodge and took a sip of seawater, which was really salty and astringent. So I went to my father and asked me how to dodge the big wave. My father said, "When a wave hits, you can jump to the top of the wave with all your might." So I tried again and again, and then I dodged one big wave after another. I found it exciting and fun.

  I had a great time that day, and I think I will go there again if I have the chance in the future.

3.快乐的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇三

  Summer vacation is like a kaleidoscope, full of excitement. The interesting things that happen every day during the summer vacation are like colorful dreams and exquisite pearls. Those dreamy and pearl like anecdotes have become beautiful memories in my mind, making people linger and yearn for them. Among these beautiful memories, the most unforgettable one for me is going to Leshan to see the Buddha.

  As soon as dawn broke, we hurriedly had breakfast and boarded the car. We set off from Zigong and headed to Leshan to see the Buddha. The Leshan Giant Buddha Scenic Area is famous all over the world. Curious, like other tours, I came here to admire its fame. Legend has it that in the past, the confluence of the Minjiang River, Qingyi River, and Dadu River was plagued by floods every year. For thousands of years, countless people have been engulfed by the ever-changing river water, so people have built the Great Buddha and prayed for peace.

  We first arrived at the Giant Buddha Park and saw him sitting there, like a kind grandfather. My heart instantly became devout. Looking down from above, one can see the bun of the Buddha's hair, with strands of hair clearly visible. It is said that these hair strands are the drainage system of the Buddha, so magical! The Buddha has a total of 1021 buns, so his honor remains the same. Due to the large number of people waiting in line, I was unable to pay a close visit to the Buddha. In order to make this trip more perfect, we temporarily changed our minds to take a boat and wanted to witness the glory of the Buddha from the river.

  We hurriedly arrived at the ferry, and there were many people taking the boat! When we're ready to give up, Auntie said: What a pity we didn't take a good look at the Buddha when we came so far here! So I calmed down and calmly queued up, admiring the scenery along the way, which was also very beautiful. Time passed so quickly, and soon it was our turn. I happily boarded the ship and followed it to the foot of the Buddha. Now, looking up at the Buddha, I found that the Buddha had become even more magnificent. Visitors at the foot of the Buddha were like little ants Looking from the ship, I saw the Buddha with his head aligned with the mountain, stepping on the river with his feet, touching his knees with both hands, sitting precariously on the river with a very serious expression. If the Buddha from above is a kind old man, then the Buddha from the front is a powerful and stern general, with eyes fixed on the front, body motionless, vigilant observation of the changes in the Three Rivers, so that demons and ghosts dare not harm the world.

  As the ship moved, we returned to the shore. The trip to see the Buddha was over, and I was still reluctant to part with it. The ancients said, 'It's better to travel thousands of miles than read thousands of books.' In the future, I will study hard, read more, travel more, and make my life more colorful.

4.快乐的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇四

  Summer vacation, the bright sun, the cloudless sky, and the chirping of cicadas all play an indispensable role in summer vacation. And I'm holding a fan, desperately fanning and fanning, to tell everyone what I really want to do during the summer vacation.      I still remember the previous summer vacation when I was still a 'otaku', sleeping until the third pole of the day every day, as if I could never wake up! Turn on the TV and watch the programs one hundred and eighty times, and I have already memorized the lines! But I want to make this summer vacation look new and plan the perfect trip for it.

  Before the summer vacation, the final exam oppressed me and made me gasp for breath, as if I had planted an indefinite bomb in my mind that could explode at any moment. The golden sun is shining everywhere, and the long and happy summer vacation has finally arrived. The annoying scores in the final exam have also been forgotten, so let's relax and enjoy the summer vacation!

  Early in the morning, my brother and I are like timed machines every day, always going to the park to play basketball. Sweating profusely, I smell the foul smell of sweat in the air, ah! That smell can make a ball come to life, make me, who is in low spirits, and even make the entire basketball court come to life. In the morning, there are always thousands of cicadas singing high on the big tree, forming a choir, as if they are cheering and cheering for us who are full of vitality, and also singing out the happiness of summer and summer vacation.

  At noon, when the sun is shining and everyone is sweating profusely, I always come with a bottle of ice cold drink and pour it all into my big mouth in one breath, enjoying myself so much. Five drinks are consumed by me in one go! Ah! Such a joyful thing, the hot and dry sun must be both envious and jealous!

  At night, the Manchu and Han people were waiting for us at our grandmother's house. When I arrived at my grandmother's house, the fragrance filled my nostrils. I couldn't wait to rush to the restaurant, pick up my chopsticks, and eat with great relish. Everyone couldn't close their mouths either! Talking and laughing, enjoying such a sumptuous dinner is the most anticipated dinner moment for me!

  After the evening, what my family and I really want to do is go see a midnight movie. Entering the pitch black space, I couldn't see my fingers as I reached out. Suddenly, a beam of light fell onto the cloth curtain. I found my seat and sat down. The movie began, with images flying past my eyes. Gradually, I fell asleep because I, who was lively during the day, was already exhausted!

  Day after day during summer vacation, it will soon pass, so we must put our hearts into action! My perfect summer vacation plan trip is just about to begin! Isn't it so exciting that you're eager to try it out?

5.快乐的暑假生活英语作文范文 篇五

  It's finally summer vacation, and I came home with a total of 299 exam scores. My cousin congratulated me. I also heard good news from adults' conversations, haha, we are going to Hainan this holiday!

  On the day we went to Hainan, we got up at 5 o'clock in the morning, but the plane was delayed. We only got on the plane at 12 noon, and there was lunch on the plane, which was very unpleasant, but because I was very hungry, I still ate very well. We got off the plane and headed straight to the No.9 Haitang Bay Hotel in Sanya City. I couldn't wait to put on my swimsuit and jump into the water. We found seven beads under the willow tree by the pool. My mother threw the beads into the water, and I took a breath to start looking for them. Once I found my mother, I threw them again. After several iterations, only two large beads were left. We have been playing the game of picking beads tirelessly. We stayed at this hotel for 3 days and then arrived at the second hotel.

  This hotel is called the Shangri La Hotel, which left the deepest impression on me. As soon as we got there, we put on our swimsuits and jumped out of the pool. I skated once but stopped because it was too hot. We could cook the eggs on the ground for ten minutes. We also drank cold coconut juice, and the boss was very kind and gave me three beautiful little sun umbrellas. Although they were only the size of a palm, they were still very beautiful.

  The next day, my mother told me that there was also an indoor slide in the hotel. In order to prevent the children's skin from getting worn, I had to wear long sleeved clothes and long pants. I changed into clothes and quickly ran to the indoor slide hall. Sure enough, there were two super large slides here, which adults called devil's slides. The red slide I climbed onto was about to slide, but when I looked down, I suddenly felt dizzy and dizzy. The slide was 5 meters high and went straight up and down until it was almost flat. I repeatedly withdrew and asked others to slide first. Finally, I mustered up the courage to slide down, and the feeling was indescribable.

  This trip was very interesting and exciting. It taught me not to be afraid of anything, as long as I worked hard, I could definitely achieve it. In short, I had a happy summer vacation.
