
时间:2022-07-26 06:53:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】时间像流水一样悄悄地溜走了,一个快乐的、愉快的、开心的暑假也悄悄地被带走了。以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Time is like water, life is like song. In the gap, we sent off another tense semester and ushered in another summer vacation.

  It's a holiday from this day. As soon as the teacher's voice fell, the students cheered: it's a holiday! be on holiday. What else did the teacher say? No one heard it clearly. Everyone is like a flying bird, free from the shackles of books. He rushed out and ran home.

  Walking out of the classroom, I took a deep breath. I feel like a monochromatic hydrogen balloon. On school days, the teacher held me tightly. During the holiday, the teacher relaxed the line in his hand and let me fly to the place of my dream.

  It feels good to have a holiday. I didn't open my sleepy eyes until more than ten o'clock in the morning. Dress slowly and don't worry about the urge of your parents. Savor the Wuhan flavor snacks carefully. The cool wind from the air conditioner makes me think of my classmates. They must be at home enjoying the coolness brought by the air conditioner like me at this time.

  It feels good to have a holiday. Holding a spare book, I deliberately walked in front of my parents. Their faces hung with a smile, as if the idle books they had opposed were no longer idle at this time.

  It feels good to have a holiday!


  When it comes to summer vacation, the first thing I think of is vacation, and then summer, hot.

  Out of the downstairs, the warm wind stroked my cheek, playfully slapped my face with a powerless little hand, and then quietly ran away. After a while, he came face-to-face and blew his hair up. The naughty little guy didn't seem to want to rest.

  Follow the wind. The wind is with me. When I dump my body a little, the wind is like a layer of soft, smooth white clouds supporting me. Originally, it also helped me!

  Once you annoy it, even this little guy has a strong sense of revenge. If I go against the wind, it will blow my hair disorderly, and always do the right thing with me. If I turn my face, I will turn my face.

  At this time, I was reading under the tree. The soft land, the hot sun was robbed of the limelight by the willows shaded by green trees, and only a little light was transmitted into the branches. At this time, the warm wind was no longer against you, but was attracted by the book. I sat with me and enjoyed the picture in the picture. This natural summer painting and the summer painting depicted by the author in the book are unique. When you are fascinated, these naughty children and the naughty and playful wind baby cheer you on. They always shout and don't stop. They are really energetic. These children and wind baby really hit it off, and they are a good combination! However, the birds in the tree were shocked by them.

  To draw such a perfect landscape painting, I really want to thank the painters. Of course, there is also the cooperation of Feng Baobao. Will you have a wonderful summer vacation? Well, I have to!


  During the summer vacation, my mother took me to Dalian to travel. Along the way, I looked out through the window. The mountains in the distance were lying on the earth like dragons. The crops in the fields were green and could not be seen at all.

  There are some small ponds along the road, dotted with several lotus flowers, yellow, pink and white, which are very beautiful. The trees on the roadside are tall and straight, luxuriant, lush, and colorful wild flowers, competing to open. The scenery is extremely beautiful! After several hours of turbulence, we finally came to the beautiful coastal city of Dalian. How beautiful Dalian is! My mother and I got on the bus to Tiger Beach Park again. There are so many people here! Bustling, endless streams, my mother and I can't wait to run to the sea, the sea is endless, suddenly reminds me of the poem I once learned: fog locks mountains, fog locks mountains, sky and water, tail water and sky. The waves hit the rocks on the shore, splashing white spray, which is very spectacular. The sea washed up on the beach, gently stroked the fine sand on the beach, and occasionally brought up oneortwo shells.

  The sea breeze gently blows on my cheek. It's so comfortable! After leaving the beach, we visited the polar Pavilion, where I saw the polar bear, which was only seen on TV before. It dragged its heavy body and walked leisurely on the iceberg; The clever sea lion swam around in the water, and his mouth kept shouting, as if to say, "welcome, welcome!" The swaying penguins, dressed in black suits and white shirts, are like a gentleman walking around on the ice. They are so cute in their naive looks. We also visited the bird whispering forest, the happy theater, and the coral island... The trip to Dalian in the summer vacation brought me a lot of happiness!


  Before the summer vacation, my mother said that she would take me to Rizhao to play. Finally, she looked forward to this day. I got up early in the morning, prepared my luggage and came to the station with my mother. In the car, the guide aunt told us jokes and played CDs. We were very happy and wanted to put on our wings and fly there early. When the car got on the highway, it was blocked and broken, and the happy mood suddenly cooled for half a day. The driver's uncle was busy for most of the day before he repaired the car. In the afternoon, we finally arrived at Rizhao. It's really a good thing.

  The next day we came to Rizhao No. 4 bathing beach. As soon as I got out of the car, I saw the blue and endless sea. The waves were row by row, higher and higher, like a hungry tiger. Seeing such a scene, I was very afraid. I wanted to go swimming, but now I'm too scared to go down. Suddenly I heard someone say, "what a pity it is not to go to the sea here." So I made up my mind to go to the sea. The sea water was very mild. A spray made me drink a mouthful of sea water. It was so salty. I thought of a fun way: I put the swimming ring into the sea, and I sat on it so that the waves pushed me. After a while, I was pushed down the shore by the spray. On the shore, I used a lot of sand to bury myself, only leaking out my head and feet. It was really fun.

  How happy this summer vacation is!


  I love summer best all the year round, because there is my favorite happy summer vacation in summer.

  In the summer vacation, we have a lot of free space. We have about two months of free time. We can play table tennis, travel, surf the Internet... We can live a carefree life.

  There are many happy things in the summer vacation. My favorite thing is to play table tennis. Table tennis is China's "national ball". It is the most suitable to practice in the summer vacation. I can't help defending, pulling, defending, pulling... Familiar actions appear in my mind. Recently, I haven't practiced for a long time, first because of a cold, then because of the end of the term, and then because I went to art school during the summer vacation.

  In the summer vacation, as long as I don't read art school, I can play computer, watch TV and read books at home... It's really beautiful. There are a lot of snacks next to me, so it's more comfortable to eat and play. However, such days are also rare. Under the high-pressure policies of parents, they should be limited. Of course, I also know that this play should be moderate, otherwise, there will be no happiness like this every day, so it is reasonable for my parents to restrict me.

  During the summer vacation, it's also exciting to meet some good classmates to play football, watch movies, swim or go to their homes to discuss something everyone likes and enhance understanding and friendship between students.

  I love you in summer vacation, just like rats love rice. I love you in summer vacation, because you make me happier!


  My summer vacation has quietly arrived, but I heard all kinds of feelings of my classmates. Some students were very happy and said, "Wow, it's finally released! I must travel this summer!"; Some students were very upset and said, "with so much homework, will there be no time to rest this summer vacation? I hate summer vacation and would rather go to school!" I like my summer vacation very much. I arrange it early and feel at ease.

  I went to many places during the summer vacation, such as Phoenix Mountain. When my family and I walked into the Phoenix Mountain, my eyes were even brighter: the huge ferris wheel, sitting inside is a place for people to feel comfortable, as if flying high in the sky, looking at many beautiful scenery below, many happy people, some blowing bubbles, some taking photos, taking beautiful moments; There are roller coasters, thrilling, screaming to let yourself release all the fear in the past, leaving only good memories; There is also a pirate ship that can "ride the wind and waves", so you can be a pirate yourself and experience the feeling of wandering in the vast sea

  In the afternoon, I wore my newly bought Pink Swimsuit, red goggles and swimming circles to play in the Phoenix God's water park. It's really nice to spend the hot summer in the cool water park! "Surfing" again and again, bursts of cool water splashed on me, made me show a knowing smile, and made me like the summer vacation. I like summer vacation, which gives us unlimited freedom and happiness. Students, let's spend the best two months in the summer vacation!


  If you say happy things, it's this summer vacation. During this holiday, many interesting things have happened. I'll tell you about it.      At the beginning of the summer vacation, my cousin clamored to play with me. I promised, and we went to play basketball. Although my brother is young, his level is no worse than mine. I got the ball first, but my brother kept up with me. I flashed from left to right to beat his attack. But just when I relaxed my vigilance, my cousin grabbed the ball. He threw it hard and it scored. I immediately grabbed the ball. But when I threw it, I tried too hard. Instead of scoring, the ball hit the basket and hit myself.

  Alas, this game not only failed miserably, but also made a fool of myself. It's really unlucky. However, my cousin didn't laugh at me, and he came to comfort me, and I won't complain anymore.

  The second half began, and I was ready to fight again. This time, my cousin grabbed the ball, but I walked over with a key step and grabbed the ball. Then came the most critical pitching. I aimed a little, and I threw it out. The ball miraculously scored, because it was cross half court! In the next game, my cousin and I played very fiercely, and even drew with him. At this time, it was the most critical time. I used my whole body skills and finally grabbed the ball. I scored in one fell swoop with the encouragement of the first goal.

  This is just a small thing in my summer vacation. I still have many happy things. If I have time, I will tell you one by one.


  be on holiday! Let me hope for the stars, the moon, and finally my favorite summer vacation. I'm excited and excited. In this beautiful time, the most interesting, happiest and still fresh in my memory is swimming. During the summer vacation, my mother asked me and my sister to learn swimming together, so as to exercise our self-help consciousness and ability. At the same time, it is also a good way to avoid the heat!

  In the process of learning to swim, once I forgot to wear a swimming cap and just wore glasses. As a result, the coach kicked me out of the swimming pool, so I had to buy another swimming cap. Practice tells me that swimming is about rules, which we must abide by.

  Another time, my sister and I were playing a water gun game. My sister named it the treasure of water gun.

  I had a good time with my sister. From time to time, my sister secretly shot me in the back. I didn't realize that I had been attacked by her until I heard her laughing, so I started a fierce battle on the water. Haha, we slowly fell in love with the time in the water, learning, playing, helping each other. From learning to swim, I found that I love my sister more. What is waiting for us is not only every day in the future, but also every day to learn to love each other.

  This summer vacation, I'm really happy. Thank my mother for letting me learn to swim, and thank my sister for her company!


  Grandma took me to the West Lake during the summer vacation. Hangzhou West Lake is located in the west of Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province. It is famous at home and abroad for its beautiful scenery of lakes and mountains and numerous places of interest. It is a tourist attraction in China and is also known as "paradise on earth".

  The West Lake in Hangzhou is big. It has beautiful scenery. There are many weeping willows on the lake bank. The willows fall into the river like a little girl washing her hair by the river. There are many boats on the lake, and I can see bird's nests like lanterns on the trees. There are lovely and beautiful pigeons playing by the West Lake.

  Looking at the West Lake from a distance, it looks like a mirror. Under the sunshine, the lake water is sparkling, like little stars in the sky. The blue sky, willows on the bank and pavilions by the lake are all reflected in the calm water of the lake. I walk by the lake and stand on the pavilions to breathe fresh air.

  Beside the West Lake, there is also a place with strange scenery, that is the carp pond. It is summer, and the carp pond is full of lotus. The lotus stood up like a gentleman, and a few pink petals held up some new lives. Lotus leaves connected with lotus leaves, giving carp a green sky. Look, carp seems to be playing hide and seek! Carp are big and small. Their upper body is red like the morning glow, and their lower body is white. They swim in groups, dancing like a red ribbon, shuttling between lotus leaves.

  Hangzhou West Lake is really beautiful! If you want to come, you can come to Hangzhou to find me!


  The hot summer vacation is baking us. The summer vacation in my eyes is happy, joyful, long, rich and interesting! If summer vacation is the sky, I am a bird, circling faintly in the blue sky, sometimes straight into the clouds, sometimes playing with clouds!

  Although the hot weather also stopped me from talking about my determination to play by the river, I walked on the path, on both sides of the path, to the tree was my first friend, look! Its mighty appearance is like a sentry! And the delicate little flower, but red face, with petals cover their beautiful and lovely little face. Willow girl is even more beautiful. She dances gently along the breeze and swings her slender braids!

  Come to the clear river, the river helps work, and flows down the road. The little fish took advantage of the cool morning to exercise his muscles and bones. When he saw me, he began to spit bubbles, just like a performer! They wear beautiful clothes, colorful, colorful and so on, everything. There are also majestic tiger fish, but among the colorful fish. Will not be surprised to stop and stare!

  Dragonflies are also busy running around, and bees also get up early to collect honey. The birds also woke up from sleep and sang beautiful songs. Cicadas can't fall behind. They also sing beautiful songs, as if they were singing a competition.

  Baiyun's white body fluttered leisurely in the sky, and father-in-law sun couldn't close his mouth with a smile, looking at all things on this day!

  The sun is about to set, until the sunset kisses Xishan, and the moon is about to go to the night shift. The sun stretches and goes down the mountain! I'm reluctant to go home!
