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  表示过去发生的动作对过去造成的影响或结果。如:He had finished his job before the boss came back. 本课新出现了had nearly done...when...的句型,如:I had nearly reached home when it began to rain heavily.
  I had an amusing experience last year. 1)have an experience,有...的经历。注意experience表经历时,是可数名词;表经验时,是不可数的。 2)amusing,好笑的,来自amuse,使开心。
  After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. 1)可提问学生为什么句中的leave要用过去完成时。 2)the south of France,发过的南部。可引出the south of China(中国南部)与South China(华南)的区别。
  On the way, a young man waved to me. 1)on the way,在路上,此处用逗号与后文隔开,可以凸显后文。 2)wave to sb.,想某人招手示意。
  I stopped and he asked me for a lift. ask sb. for a lift,向某人要求搭车。
  As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied in the same language. 1)可提问学生get into为何使用过去完成时。 2)say good morning to sb.,向某人问早上好。 3)用什么语言回复或说话,一般都用介词“in+语言”。
  Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all. 1)apart from,除了...之外没有。可参考教材第66页难点部分的第b条解释,对比apart from与except和except for的区别:句首只能使用apart from或except for,不能使用except,但句中三者都可以。 2)not...at all,根本不、一点也不。
  Neither of us spoke during the journey. neither of,两者都不。可参考教材第66页难点部分的第c项解释,对比either of(两者选其一)、both of(两者都)和which of(...当中的哪一个)的区别。
  I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said, very slowly, 'Do you speak English?' 1)重点句型:had nearly done...when...,表示“一...就...”。 2)very slowly前后用逗号隔开,起到强调作用,突出当时the young man说话时的状态。
  As I soon learnt, he was English himself! 1)learn表示学习时,过去式和过去分词都是learned;表示得知时,过去式和过去分词为learnt。 2)himself,反身代词起强调作用。
  1、注意标点符号的强调作用,如课文中的On the way, a young man waved to me.和...when the young man suddenly said, very slowly,...两句话种的逗号。

