【#英语口语# 导语】想学习一些有关教育问题的英语对话吗?那你知道关于教育的英语对话有哪些吗?下面是©文档大全网收集整理的一些关于教育的英语对话,大家一起来看看吧!
Husband: We have a parent teacher conference this Friday with Elizabeth's teacher.
Wife: Are we supposed to bring anything with us?
Husband: I don't think so.
Wife: Do you remember what time we are supposed to show up?
Husband: Let me check the letter. It says five thirty.
Wife: I will really have to hurry from work to make it there on time. Can you be there on time for sure?
Husband: That won't be a problem. I can usually leave a little early on Fridays anyway.
Wife: That will be good. Then if I'm a bit late, you and the teacher can go ahead and start without me.
Husband: I found a great school for Junior!
Wife: Don't you think it's a little early to be looking for schools? We haven't even had the baby yet!
Husband: We can't be too cautious about these things.
Wife: You are going to be such an adorable CS father! Tell me about this school.
Husband: There is a huge slide on the playground and lots of trees and even a little brook!
Wife: What about inside the school?
Husband: There is a library right inside the front door.
Wife: I think our child is going to love it!
Husband: What do you think about half day kindergarten for Stacey?
Wife: We could try it for the first few weeks and see if she likes it.
Husband: I just think it will be a little difficult for her to be away from home for so long right off the bat.
Wife: You have a good point. She hasn't really ever been away from home for longer than a few hours.
Husband: I think she is really going to like her teacher though.
Wife: Yes, they seemed to click at the meeting the other day.
Husband: Did you happen to notice if she was interested in . any of the other kids?
Wife: No, but I did notice that she was very interested in the art supplies!
Tom: We're both English teachers. Is there anything you hate about teaching English?
Jess: There's actually not much that I hate about teaching English but there is one thing whichdrives me balmy, and annoys me more than anything else and that's correcting the samemistake over, and over, and over again, and it seems that every country in which I've worked,every nationality in English learners have one mistake that they always make over and overagain. In Hungary, when you say how are you to a Hungarian student, they'll reply in English,I'm feeling myself well, which is a direct translation from Hungarian but sounds rather strangeand a little bit rude in English, and I must have corrected that mistake millions of times while Iwas there. The same students again and again and again and again, so the repetition ofmaking the same correction really gets my goat. How about you? What do you hate aboutteaching?
Tom: I really wouldn't say I hate something about teaching, but I definitely think there arethings that waste my time when I'm teaching. After every lesson, I very carefully write up alesson plan, bring all those materials together, put it in a little plastic wallet and store itaway in a folder, and I know full well I will never open that folder to read about that lessonagain. I kind of approach every lesson as fresh and new and try and come up with somethingdifferent and every time I'm writing them all up, doing all this paperwork and I really don'tneed to. I need to get in control of myself and stop doing that. You told me what you mostdislike about teaching, but I'm sure you love this job. What are some things you like aboutEnglish teaching?
Jess: I think the thing I like the most about teaching is what I call the "Ah-hah" moment whenyou're studying a language point with a class or a student and you can almost see physically themoment they understand, the moment they're able to make sense of the language of they cando the task that you've asked them to do, and you can almost see a light bulb go off abovetheir head, "Ah-hah! Now I understand." and I love that. I love the surge of confidence thatgives the students and also makes me feel really good that I helped them to reach that point.What do you love about teaching Tom?
Tom: The thing I really love is right at the end of the course, when the students come up toyou after a long time of haranguing about homework and about being late and aboutcorrection and drilling and the students come up and say, "Teacher, we're all going to dinnerat the end of the course. Do you want to come with us?" and that must makes me smile. Now, Iknow I saying this to you Jess, but I know there's a lot of people out there listening to this. Itreally makes my heart warm to go and have some social time with the students at the end of along course.
Jess: So the thing you like most about teaching is when the teaching is finished?
Tom: Oh, you've got me on that one, yes.