

时间:2023-06-25 00:22:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

1. ago

We had some shoes like those a month ago, but we don't have any now. 一个月前我们有这样的鞋,但是现在没有了。 The last bus left an hour ago. 最后的公车一个小时前就离开了。 The story took place many years ago. 故事发生在很多年前。 (本句音频有漏词) 2. buy

But my sister bought this pair last month. 但是我姐姐上个月买了一双这样的。 I need to buy a new radio. 我需要买部新的收音机。 What have you bought? 你买了什么东西? 3. pair

There are several pairs of dancers in the hall. 大厅里有几对舞蹈演员。 Do you know where I put that pair of glasses? 你知道我的眼镜搁哪儿了吗? 4. fashion

They were in fashion last year and the year before last. 这些在去年和前年时兴。 Her dress is the latest fashion this year. 她的裙子是今年的最新款式。 What hat is in fashion now? 现在流行哪种帽子? 5. uncomfortable

They are very uncomfortable. But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! 的确很不舒适,可是女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子。 He feels very uncomfortable in his new coat. 他穿着新大衣觉得很不舒服。 It's uncomfortable in the car. 在车里很不舒服。 6. wear (wore, worn)

But women always wear uncomfortable shoes! 但女人们总是穿不舒适的鞋子! She is wearing her new shoes now. 她正穿着新鞋子。 I like to wear jeans. 我喜欢穿牛仔裤。

