
时间:2021-08-29 17:04:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】电影《长津湖》以抗美援朝战争第二次战役中的长津湖战役为背景,讲述了一段波澜壮阔的历史。以下是©文档大全网为大家整理的内容,欢迎阅读参考。


  The as like as two peas in the long Jin lake, which makes the audience feel more deeply: these martyrs who go home may be a stubborn, stubborn, never concede. They may be a veteran who wishes to get together with their family members soon. They may be a good elder brother who is always feeling heavy and thinking others. They are not far away from us, just like the lovely young people around us today. It's like our friends and brothers.

  They are very "ordinary", but at the critical moment when the country and nation are facing challenges, they can come forward without hesitation and protect our hard won happy life with flesh and blood. The greatest hero is also the most lovely "person", which is why the majority of the audience blushed after watching it.

  From the hero of "Gao Daquan" to the depiction and shaping of complex human nature, this is not only the transformation of film narrative language, but also the continuous renewal of the aesthetic style of domestic films. Only sensible film art can be truly moving. Grand narration and great times should be projected into specific characters and life.

  There is a detail in the film. In the life and death battlefield, Wu Qianli stopped his brother from killing the U.S. commander who had no resistance in time. He made it clear that some guns can be fired, but others can not be fired. The Chinese people love peace. China did not, does not and will not take the initiative to provoke war in the future. This truth does not need too much explanation, but is hidden in the lens language of the film.

  "Changjin Lake" is telling more and more wonderful and vivid "Chinese story" and "Chinese spirit" together with more and more excellent domestic theme films.


  On the national day, my circle of friends was dominated by two things: one is the photo of me taking a photo with the national flag, and the other is to share your feelings about the film Changjin lake. Two things made me think of the topic of patriotism. Patriotism is always a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. To resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend our country is not only a defense war to defend a country with an ancient civilization of 5000 years, but also a prelude to world peace. Without a belief in dedication to the country, there would be no China today.

  Watching the film "Changjin Lake", from beginning to end, my eyes have been full of tears. In his famous work Korean War, Wang Shuzeng, the film's historical adviser, said that the Changjin Lake battle took place on the Gaima plateau in the northeast of the Korean Peninsula. It was an extremely difficult battle for the volunteer army to block its advance to the Yalu River on the east line in order to curb the "pincer attack" of the US military in the second battle of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

  A backward agricultural country that can't even solve the problem of food and clothing, and the world's No. 1 power armed with hard bars to the teeth, obviously, are killing with eggs and stones, and we stubbornly beat the torrent of steel of the United States back to the negotiating table, and finally had to withdraw our troops. By what? It depends on the indomitable and strong fighting spirit of the great Chinese nation. It was Wei * leader who set an example. Mao anying, Chairman Mao's beloved son, died at the forefront. It depends on the flesh and blood of hundreds of millions of Chinese people. Knowing that they will never return, they give up their own or flesh and blood lives for the stability and happiness of their compatriots. At that time, the young people, maybe they didn't know one, maybe they had never seen the lights in the city, maybe they never knew the truth of great love. They only knew: "the Communist Party has divided the land for us, and if someone wants to take it away, I will work with them!" they only knew: "Imperialism despises us. Sooner or later, this war will be fought. If we don't fight, our children and grandchildren will fight. In order for the next generation to live in a peaceful world, we must fight." they only know that the mission of soldiers is honor ".

  Countless ordinary people's children, echoing one call and one after another, have our national day and the whole country celebrates together. When we stare at this rising Chinese red, don't forget the countless martyrs and predecessors who bravely bloom in the smoke of gunpowder! The land of China is as prosperous as brocade, and the music in the sky of the motherland is like chapter! We have ushered in the 72nd anniversary of the founding of the great people's Republic of China! The great Communist Party of China has led the Chinese people in writing a great epic from standing up to becoming rich and then to becoming strong. Today, we have the honor to witness and truly feel the prosperity of the motherland and the people's living and working in peace and contentment.


  The north wind roared and night was about to fall. The biting cold penetrated our army's battle soil like a hundred steel needles and surrounded the wolf forest mountains. Snowflakes fell one after another, dyeing the earth silver white, but the blood of the martyrs was more bright and eye-catching. Although those lost lives will never return, and the smoke of gunpowder and war have long become dust, we will never forget their indomitable spirit of vowing to die for the country.

  In the film, Wu Qianli and Wu Wanli served in the seventh company. This is a heroic group. They once exchanged the serious losses of the seventh company for the overall small losses. All the Red Army spirit has been reflected here.

  At the beginning, Wu Wanli just joined the army and was incorporated into the artillery camp. At that time, the words of Tan Ziwei, an immortal hero, made me remember particularly deeply: "some people were killed by cold and hunger on the battlefield; some people threw hand grenades when they were ten meters away from each other, but they were killed. What are their names?" I think they are called martyrs. They take the lead and regard death as home. In order to defend the territory, the people and the newly born new China, they rush up at all costs, either for their comrades in arms or for the victory of the whole battle, and die with the enemy. How much determination and strong will it takes.

  The climax of this film is the scene when the seventh company and the troops launch a general attack on the polar bear regiment of the first US Army division. This regiment has participated in World War I and the Pacific campaign of World War II, and almost no one is invincible. Moreover, compared with the modern mechanized US Army with dozens of tanks and infantry combat vehicles, we only have five mortars. But have our soldiers been afraid? Hesitated? No Yes. They rushed forward without flinching with determination to win and strong will to fight. Don't they know that doing so will expose themselves to the ruthless guns of the enemy? Of course they know. But more in their mind is that if they don't win and their future generations will fight in the future, they have decided to let their future generations live in a world without gunsmoke and war In the world of fire. In the face of the enemy's powerful firepower, more soldiers rushed up one after another. We are strong and unyielding. We are determined to die for our country!

  At the same time, the soul stirring battle was also full of the heroic deeds of our martyrs one after another. Lei Gong, in order to prevent his own army from being mercilessly bombed, and to make the unscrupulous American army come and go, he drove his car regardless of the consequences and rushed to the enemy's retreating car under the dense artillery fire of the enemy In the team, they also tasted the taste of being bombed. After dozens of U.S. tanks were blown up, they were unfortunately blown over and heavily pressed on the ground. They were bloodied and motionless. Although they were rescued, they were unable to return to heaven... You will be remembered, forever.

  More Red Army soldiers were frozen into ice sculptures because they were too cold. When the U.S. military saw it, they said, "we can never fight an army with such determination." I said, "you did everything, knowing the danger, but still didn't shrink back

  Today, a hundred years later, China is stronger, richer and the people's life is better, which will be attributed to you. Without you, there would be no vibrant new China today and no peaceful era!

  I believe no Chinese will forget the heroic deeds of you and your red army. The red spirit will spread forever and you will be remembered!


  In June 1950, when the Korean civil war broke out, the U.S. government gathered the "United Nations army" for armed intervention and sent the seventh fleet of the navy to invade the Taiwan Strait of China. Since then, the US troops invading North Korea crossed the 38th parallel, which directly threatened the national security of new China. Although China was faced with the urgent task of consolidating its political power and restoring its economy at that time, at the request of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, the CPC Central Committee held several meetings. After repeated weighing, it made a historic decision to resist US aggression, aid Korea and protect the country in early October.

  In October 1950, the Chinese people's Volunteer Army was ordered to go to the Korean battlefield and fight side by side with the Korean people. In June 1951, it lasted more than seven months to carry out five major campaigns with the "United Nations army" led by the United States, annihilating more than 230000 enemy troops and stabilizing the front near the 38th parallel. In this war, countless heroes emerged from the Chinese people's Volunteer Army: Luo Shengjiao, Huang Jiguang, Qiu Shaoyun... For the sake of the Korean people and fulfilling their internationalist obligations, many heroes slept on the land of Korea.

  While the Chinese people's volunteers entered the DPRK to fight, a vigorous movement to resist US aggression and aid Korea was launched in China. People at all levels across the country enthusiastically participated in the army and the war, donated aircraft and artillery, expressed condolences to the volunteer army, concluded a patriotic convention, carried out a campaign to increase production and save money, and effectively supported the front operations.

  In July 1951, the Korean War entered the stage of "fighting while talking". After two years of stalemate, the belligerents signed an armistice agreement in July 1953 and won a great victory in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea.

  The Chinese people's Volunteer Army is a just act to defend peace and resist aggression. The victory of this war has broken the myth that American imperialism is invincible, improved the Chinese people's national self-confidence and national pride, improved China's international status unprecedentedly, and won a relatively stable peaceful environment for China.


  When we set the sunset with the perspective, illuminating the fishing boat in the distance and the company commander's five thousand mile road back to his hometown, the hometown has a long way to the East, with clear water and people he has missed for many years. The war of resistance against Japan has just won, new China is waiting for prosperity like him. In his hand, he holds the allowance for building a house for his parents, and in his arms is the ashes of his brother who died on the battlefield. He can't sleep at night, It came that the flames of war were thousands of miles away. They had not yet taken a rest in their hometown, offered spirits to their dead brother, found a shelter for their parents who lived in the sea, and told people what they were worried about. However, they wanted to lead their brother on a ten thousand mile journey to resist the United States and aid Korea. This is a true portrayal of the era of war. Everyone knows that we can't live in a corner, because without a country, can we have a home?

  Our enemy is the first overlord from the western world, the US emperor. They hold the sharpest weapons in those years, have the most advanced three-dimensional combat system of sea, land and air, and have bottomless arrogance. We had nothing but a steel gun, but our martyrs did not retreat. In the cold night after being indiscriminately bombed by enemy planes and tanks, they endured sadness, took notebooks full of compatriots' names with them, and launched attacks on US military bases again and again. The names of people painted in red circles were all dead soldiers, Although they have died, they still stand side by side with the soldiers. It is not to say that they have no clothes and share the robes with their sons. Our army relies on the spirit of hard struggle of the Chinese people over the ages, ignores the gap in weapons and equipment, and drives the enemy out of the 38th line.

  On the snow field defense line at minus 40 degrees, the PLA soldiers who were still carrying steel guns and pointing at the enemy were Chinese good boys who were born with iron bones and died with ghosts. They built our new Great Wall with flesh and blood.

  Looking at today's China, the country is strong and the people are rich. It has long been standing in the forest of world powers. It can reach the nine heavens and the moon, and catch turtles in the five oceans. The American emperor has long lost his vigor and can no longer talk to us from the Perspective of strength. Today's Chinese youth should study hard, live up to the expectations of martyrs and carry forward the spirit of tenacious struggle.

  From the arduous war years to the peaceful and prosperous era with tall buildings, it is really a bleak autumn wind. Now, the world has changed. The new era gives us new challenges. The perfect handover of the old era to our ancestors is in our hands. Now, we also need to be the top in the battlefield without gunsmoke of science, technology and economy, and strive for the take-off of China, Take advantage of Chairman Mao's heroic words to set sail for today's youth. With a long tassel in hand today, we must bind the green dragon.

