
时间:2021-08-28 10:57:28 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】“打得一拳开,免得百拳来”,“为了让我们后辈不用再打战,再面对苦难”,电影里寥寥几句话,已经交代好,我们先辈为什么要打这场战争:为了让外国人觉得中国人不好欺负,给后辈一个更美好的未来。下面是©文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  When watching, my eyes were wet imperceptibly in an instant - why did these many fresh lives and souls devote themselves to foreign disasters without complaint and regret? Where does this noble and great feeling come from? "Yes, China and North Korea are friends! Cold lips and teeth - can new China last long without North Korea?" my father replied with a smile and looked into my five-year-old curious eyes. Now I think, it must be the spirit of patriotism that supports the martyrs to kill the enemy bravely. They really love their motherland deeply!

  In 1950, China's ninth Corps first entered North Korea. When these brave soldiers were immersed in the good news of the founding of new China, the news that they needed to step into the smoke filled battlefield again came to their ears. What was the mood of these martyrs who protected us from the wind and rain at that time? I don't understand. However, everyone knows why they fight so bravely and desperately. Not everyone can stand the cold and hold a rifle. In the cold wind, they are willing to turn into ice sculptures and are not willing to shrink back. This extremely great and optimistic spirit and this selfless dedication all come from the martyrs' love for new China and their vision and desire for a better life in the future.

  Patriotic. Yes, these two great but very ordinary words have taken root in the hearts of these soldiers. When the many nameless martyrs died with the enemy with explosive bags in their arms, and when the many nameless heroes froze in the snow, it was the moment when these two simple words developed and expanded in the softest place in their hearts. Patriotism supported their dying bodies, defeated the American ace Legion again and again, and won almost unattainable victories again and again.

  We, as the successors of the new generation, should also study hard and work bravely, so that we can live up to the lives and blood of the martyrs who died 70 years ago. The rise of the Chinese nation has become our task.

  Youth wisdom is national wisdom; A strong youth makes a strong country. Yes, we must learn eagerly and work hard to make ourselves strong and the future of our motherland strong. As students, we can also be "loyal to the country". As long as you do your part, you are sharing for the motherland. China will be strong in the future!

  The Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been pinned on us. Are you ready to fight for it?


  The victory of the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea is great and of great significance.

  First, together with the Korean people, we fought back to the 38th parallel and guarded it. This is very important. If we do not return to the 38th parallel, the front line will still be on the Yalu River and Tumen River, and the people in Anshan, Shenyang and Fushun will not be able to produce at ease.

  Second, we have gained military experience. Our army, air force, Navy, infantry, artillery, engineering, tank, railway, air defense, communication, health and logistics units of the Chinese people's Volunteer Army have gained practical combat experience against the American invading army. This time, we touched the bottom of the American army. If the US Army does not touch it, it will be afraid of it. We fought with it for 33 months and got the bottom of it. American imperialism is not terrible, that's one thing. We have gained this experience, which is a great experience.

  Third, it has raised the political consciousness of the people all over the country.

  As a result of the above three articles, the fourth came into being: the postponement of the new imperialist war of aggression against China and the postponement of the Third World War.

  The imperialist aggressors should understand that the Chinese people are now organized and can not be provoked. If you mess up, it's hard to do.

  In the future, the enemy may still fight. Even if he does not fight, he must use various methods to make trouble, such as sending spies to destroy. They have large secret service agencies in places such as Taiwan, Hong Kong and Japan. However, we have gained experience in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea. As long as we mobilize the masses and rely on the people, we have a way to deal with them.

  Our present situation is different from that in the winter of 1950. At that time, were the American aggressors on the 38th parallel? No, they are on the other side of the Yalu River and the Tumen River. Do we have any experience in fighting against the American invaders? No, Are you familiar with the US Army? be unfamiliar with. Now these things have changed. If the US imperialists do not postpone a new war of aggression, he said, I will fight! We'll use the first three against him. If he says, I won't fight! Then we have a fourth rule. This also proves the superiority of our people's democratic dictatorship.

  Are we going to invade others? We will not invade anywhere. However, when others invade, we must fight to the end.

  The Chinese people have this one: peace is in favor, war is not afraid, and you can do both. We have the support of the people. During the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the people enthusiastically signed up to join the army. People are very strict with those who sign up to join the army. One in a hundred is said to be more strict than their son-in-law. If US imperialism wants to fight again, we will fight with it again.


  After watching the film Changjin lake on national day, I have many feelings in my heart.

  The battle of Changjin Lake took place in 1950. At that time, the first Marine Division advanced to the west of Changjin lake, where there were continuous mountains. They did not know that they had been surrounded by 100000 troops. A battlefield situation map in the film shows the battlefield situation of both sides. Blue is the position and breakthrough route of the first marine division. On the east side of the lake are the 1st and 5th regiments of the 1st Marine Division, with a total of 8000 people. On the south end of the lake are the headquarters of the 1st Marine Division and some engineers, with 3000 people. On the east side of the lake is the 31st regiment of the 7th Army division, serving as right-wing cover, with 4000 people. The total military strength is about 18000. In addition, the first Marine Division also received air support from the first aviation wing. Red is the other side's army, forming an encirclement circle. There are three armies of 20j, 27j and 26j of the 9th corps, with a total of 150000 troops finally invested. The light blue in the middle is Changjin lake, which is the reservoir that intercepts the Changjin River, which flows into the Yalu River.

  The film "Changjin Lake" reviews the tragic battle from the perspective of veterans, regardless of victory or defeat. The severe cold of minus 40 degrees made the battle more tragic. The living veterans are full of emotion when telling this story. When they left the battlefield, they were no longer hostile. They showed sympathy and respect for the enemy soldiers. 6、 Seventy years later, the young people who loved ice cream are old, but they are still cute.

  The commander of the first marine division, as the protagonist, met in the film. General Smith is an experienced and cautious commander. The first Marine Division was trapped in a tight encirclement and was not annihilated, largely thanks to his command.

  The first marine division finally broke through the siege, withdrew all the way to Xingnan port and left by boat. At the same time, more than 90000 North Korean refugees were taken away. The US military suffered 5000 casualties, of which the 31st regiment of the 7th Division accounted for more than 3000. There were tens of thousands of casualties on both sides of the campaign.

  The first Marine Division was established on February 1, 1941. In the Pacific War, it participated in the battle of gwadanar Island, Gloucester point, beliliu island and Okinawa Island, and made many remarkable achievements in fighting against Japan. After World War II, he participated in the Vietnam War, the Gulf War and the "reconstruction hope" humanitarian relief operation in Somalia.

  Except for a few historians, the other explanations in the film are the language of veterans, even if they don't appear in the picture. They have no hatred in their hearts and will embrace their former opponents. Veterans have their own interpretation of victory and defeat. They feel that although there is no victory, South Korea is still there and worth fighting. No regrets in this life, not at all!

