
时间:2021-09-13 02:22:44 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】观看《长津湖》时,大家的双眼在顷刻间不知不觉地湿润了——这许多鲜活的生命与灵魂,为什么会无怨无悔地把自己奉献给异国的灾难?以下是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对您有所帮助。


  Today, my mother and I watched the war history film "Changjin Lake", which made me deeply feel the difficulties and hardships of the Chinese people in resisting US aggression and aiding Korea.

  Ambush in the snow, heavy casualties, flesh and blood, bodies were blown up all over the sky, so they were fearless and courageous.

  In the fierce battle, countless unsung heroes fell. Under such bad conditions, our soldiers are not afraid when they eat cold and hard cooked potatoes, wear thin cotton padded clothes, and don't have enough to eat and wear warm clothes. Look at those American soldiers. They also drink coffee, eat meat, eat cans, eat chocolate, wear warm clothes and use advanced weapons against our soldiers. In this way, they are arrogant in planning to eradicate us. They never thought that our soldiers are so brave, powerful and invincible.

  Our soldiers have lost all the fighting spirit of the American soldiers with their amazing perseverance and the fighting spirit of fearing no sacrifice or difficulties. They also admire our combat effectiveness and salute our soldiers, which proves how great our fighting spirit is.

  Valiantly and spiritedly, we crossed the Yalu River to protect peace, for the motherland and our hometown. We won.


  During the long National Day holiday, my mother and I went to the cinema to see Changjin lake, a film to resist US aggression and aid Korea, which tells a magnificent history: in 1950, the Chinese people's volunteer army went to Korea to fight. Under the extremely cold and harsh environment, the combat troops fought bravely against the enemy with the will of steel and the spirit of bravery and fearlessness.

  When I saw the enemy's bombers flying over, gunpowder smoke rose everywhere, and my eyes were wet. I wanted to throw two nuclear bombs to the enemy and wipe them out at one time.

  I remember when Mei Sheng thought of his daughter and asked him why he had to fight. He replied to his daughter, "we have fought all the wars that should be fought, and future generations don't have to fight any more!" they defended the motherland with flesh and blood in exchange for today's peaceful and prosperous era. They are the most respectable and lovely people!

  In the film, Lei Gong picked up the hot identification bomb with both hands. His hands and body had been scorched. He endured all kinds of pain and still sent the identification bomb to the enemy camp, which successfully made the enemy bomb his weapons and equipment. But at last, Lei Gong made a heroic sacrifice, and I was moved to tears. They guarded the 38th line with their own blood and flesh to stop the enemy's attack, They are all heroes in my heart.

  At the end of the war, Smith of the US Army found this group of soldiers frozen into ice sculptures on the way to escape. They hid in the snow and did not move in the bad weather of minus 40 degrees Celsius. Even Smith, an officer of the US Army, paid tribute to them.

  The last thing I want to say is that the two brothers wuqianli and wuwanli are brave and resourceful. Brother Wu Wanli, from a child who doesn't know anything to a mature one who can shoulder heavy responsibilities, from the beginning of disobedience and fighting with Yu Congrong to wanting to be a real hero, gave full play to his strengths (throwing grenades) and overcome difficulties and became a real hero. When the U.S. Army celebrated Christmas with fish and meat, our soldiers hid in the snow of minus 40 degrees. No one ate only one potato every day. 50000 Li's teeth were lost, but we won.

  Although our soldiers do not have the advanced equipment of the US military, they move forward bravely with strong will and indelible faith until victory! They are all heroes in my heart! A strong youth makes a strong country. We should also study hard in order to contribute to the country. It is these heroes who have exchanged their blood and lives for today's peaceful and prosperous era. We should remember them and pay tribute to them!


  The battle of Changjin lake was very important in the Korean War. The total annihilation of a regiment of the U.S. Army laid the military foundation and political premise for the subsequent victory. This was not only a small-scale battle, but also the result of all volunteer legions fighting together.

  Behind the scenes, my mood could not be calmed for a long time. I was moved and mixed with awe. I turned over and over in my heart, retreated and rose again, hesitated and hesitated again and again. It's really shocking. In this short 176 minutes, it ignited the strong patriotic feelings of every audience present. Ordinary people put on their armor, whistled loudly and sacrificed their lives to support each other. At the same time, the compact plot is fascinating, as if he was on the battlefield at that moment, bravely moving forward and facing the difficulties with full blood.

  "If we fight the war, our future generations won't have to fight." Mei Sheng choked with tears, which moved me most. What we should know is that our volunteer army faced the American army with the equipment and strength in the world at that time. Knowing the obvious gap between China and foreign countries in all aspects, but without hesitation and fear, tens of thousands of soldiers rushed to the battlefield at the command. In the smoke of war, the disappearance of a soldier was just a blink of an eye. I can't bear to see it, but their sacrifice is something we can't forget. Those survivors who escaped from death by luck and have vigorous skills are brave and great. How long did it take them to get out of such shadows and nightmares? Without their duty, how can we have today's prosperous and prosperous era?

  Wu Wanli and Wu Qianli run through the whole film. From the innocent children playing by the river at the beginning to the soldiers fighting bravely on the battlefield, Wan Li shows us the vivid image of a teenager forced to grow up in the war years.

  After the film "Changjin Lake", I still didn't wait for the colored eggs until I went out of the cinema and saw the dim lights, red flags, tall buildings and people coming and going. I think it's the last colored eggs.

  He Qi was lucky to be born in China. In this rebellious and hot 9.6 million square kilometers of mountains and rivers, she has never been a superman, but a 1.4 billion family with the same roots.


  Since its premiere, Changjin lake, like the recent weather in Hunan, has been hot. With the theme of the Changjin Lake campaign in the war to resist US aggression and aid Korea, it tells you a magnificent history at the beginning of the founding of the people's Republic of China.

  Changjin lake is located on the Gaima plateau in the northeast of Korea, which is roughly the same geographical latitude as our capital Beijing. However, due to the influence of terrain, landform and sea and land location, the temperature in Changjin Lake area is much lower and the snowfall is much more than that in Beijing in winter.

  From November 27 to December 24, 1950, the 9th corps of the Chinese people's volunteer army fought an unusually fierce battle with the first marine division of the American ace army here. In the battle, our volunteers wore thin cotton padded clothes, chewed frozen potatoes, held rifles and fought against the world's No. 1 power, the United States, with atomic bombs in their hands. The film truly records that 71 years ago, under the environment of extremely cold climate, extremely difficult logistical supply and abnormal shortage of military supplies, the officers and soldiers of the eastern front combat forces bravely killed the enemy with iron will and heroic and indomitable fighting spirit, and achieved military and national prestige. This is a contest between steel will and steel equipment! In particular, the tragic scenes of the three ice sculpture companies and the volunteer army in the film are shocking and tearful!

  Learn from the bitter experience. Although we paid an extremely painful price to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the volunteer soldiers armed with Mao Zedong thought were invincible and invincible. They just drove the American devils out of the area north of the 38th parallel and forced the invincible US military to sign the armistice agreement without victory. For a nation that has been bullied by imperialist powers, and for China, which is poor and waiting for prosperity, this war is the dignity of the Chinese people. This war is the battle of the Chinese nation and the battle of the national soul of new China! At the same time, we declare to the world with action: the Chinese people have stood up, and new China is not afraid of any strong enemy!

  More importantly, as the film says: we have fought all the wars that should be fought, and our future generations will not have to fight. This war has been fought_ The years of peace won us_ Development opportunities in!

  At this time, I think of a common saying that there is no quiet time, but someone is carrying a load for us.

  Pay tribute to heroes and martyrs through the ages! The people of the motherland will not forget you!


  After watching the film Changjin lake, my heart can't be calm for a long time. Our ancestors have paid too much for us. Like the live sentence in the movie. "If we don't fight this war, our next generation will fight.". Our ancestors fought all the battles for us before we have today's happy life. No time is quiet, but someone carries the weight for us.

  We sincerely feel that the current peaceful environment is hard won! "If we don't fight this war, it will be fought by our next generation." if we don't fight with one fist, we won't hit a hundred fist! "If it weren't for the Chinese people's volunteers at that time to resist US aggression and aid Korea, protect their homes and defend the country, rush to the battlefield, bravely kill the enemy, serve the motherland and the people, and create peaceful development conditions for the country, That is, the next generation or more of the motherland will face the cruel environment of imperialist aggression! This is not only a film, but also a history, but also a tribute. We will always remember: pay tribute to the great Chinese people's Volunteer Army! The great volunteer martyrs will live forever!

  From then to now, more than 70 years of happy life have not come easily. It was forged for us by our ancestors with flesh and blood and iron will. The new era is very far from war because there are a group of lovely people guarding us and the country at the border of the motherland. At that time, they did not care about safety and hardship in order to prevent the next generation from being devastated by war Shuttle through the hail of bullets at all costs and win peace in the war. Now the most lovely people of the new generation also use their lives to protect people's security and protect the land from infringement! Also maintained world peace! Pay tribute to the most lovely and brave people!

