

时间:2021-08-19 02:21:10 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】通过这次军训,我们深刻地认识到了纪律对我们的重要性。在最艰苦,最困难的时候,不放弃,继续努力,这是我们从中学到的拼搏精神,在今后的每一天,我们都会更加努力,让我们的生活更灿烂,更精彩。以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  The six-day military training life was very hard and tired, but I gained a lot. In this way, I thought of a sentence: as long as we pay, we will gain. During military training, we are sweating, very tired, but also very happy, because with the company of students and instructors, instructors are usually very gentle, Although we haven't known each other for a long time, the instructor showed great care for us. Many events moved me. The instructor helped us serve soup and let us drink more hot water... Even a small thing, it also moved me deeply.

  Military training life is only six days long. I'm reluctant to give up from the first day to the last day. During this period, I experienced many things, such as being criticized, praised, helped and so on. During the military training, I always told myself that I should insist on bleeding and sweating without tears. I can't fall behind. After six days of military training, I did it. I am proud and honored for myself. At the same time, I also feel the severity and majesty of the army and the responsibility of soldiers.

  On the sixth day of military training, we and the instructor will face separation. We thought we wouldn't cry, but at the moment of separation, since I cried and didn't want the instructor to go, all our girls ran to hold the instructor. The instructor cried as much as we did at that time. After the instructor said something, he asked us to adjust our emotions, but the instructor sat and cried, At that time, when I saw the instructor, I cried again. I went over to ask the instructor not to cry and said, "thank you instructor". When we separated, the students in the class cried, and even the parents cried. The instructor finally said that there was no banquet in the world. Finally, he quietly left us and we went to eat. However, the instructors didn't have the last meal with us.

  I really regret not cherishing the six-day military training life, but I will remember this instructor. Thank you for accompanying me through the journey. I hope we will see again. I will listen to you, remember your words, and strive to be an excellent student, which will not disappoint you.

  At the end of six days of military training, although we are very bitter, we are also very happy and happy. I will remember this military training life activity and instructor Ruan. I also thank the instructor for his strict training and training. I have gained a lot from this military training life and look forward to the next military training life.


  After six days of military training, I have gained a lot. Under the leadership of the instructor, I have been serious and happy these six days. I still remember the strange faces in front of me when I found my class on the first day. Also met our instructor - Gao Jingjing. Six days passed quickly. I learned how to walk, run, squat and stand up. Military training not only makes me strong, but also makes me understand that unity is the most important. There is a song called "unity is strength". This song is also my harvest. I still remember what the instructor said. I also lined up on the way to the canteen. I can't talk when I go to the canteen. After dinner, hang up the stool and keep the table clean. I also learned to report when leaving the team, joining the team or doing other things.

  While studying military training and rules, I realized the hardship of soldiers and their patriotic spirit. I also learned a sentence: "bleeding, sweating, no tears; Lose skin, lose meat, don't fall behind. " On the third day of military training, I learned that the purpose of military training is for students to meet difficulties and setbacks in life. They should not give up easily. They should learn to stick to it, and it is the same in learning. On the fourth day of military training, the instructor taught us to take off our hats and wear them. In the evening lecture, we also learned the school motto, school spirit, teaching style and study style of Tianhe school. Although I've been tired all day, I think it's worth it. Although I sometimes make mistakes, I believe I won't fall behind as long as I work hard. Time passed quickly. Six days passed. On the morning of the sixth day, we practiced a lot again and again. There are also people who practice guns and dagger assassination.

  Looking back on these six days, there were joy, anger, sadness and joy. I tried very hard to say goodbye, but I still shed tears. Six days is very short and urgent. I was busy training and didn't have a good word with the instructor. In these six days, I have a lot of growth and learned more than ever. In the future life, no matter whether the instructor is in or not, I will do things according to the rules and study hard from now on, just like the learning style of Tianhe School: autonomy, cooperation, good thinking and Practice.


  Today, our six-day military training life is over. We successfully completed the six-day military training life and handed in a satisfactory answer. Yes, we won the first place in the military training parade performance.

  Although we stand in the scorching sun and our collars are wet with bean sized sweat, this does not suppress our joy of success. We deeply know that we can get the first place and have an inseparable relationship with instructors and teachers. We deeply know that this is the result of our sweat and diligence. Only we know how much effort, scolding and sweat we have made in order to win the first place. How can a sunny day be so brilliant without experiencing a storm? How can we know how beautiful happiness is without experiencing suffering. On the six-day military training Road, we tasted sour, sweet, bitter and spicy together with the instructor. We just got familiar with the instructor. How can we bear what time flies? We have to leave before we know each other well. When we leave, our eyes are full of nostalgia and reluctance. When we leave, the instructor gives us a few messages. These words make me remember deeply and can't be forgotten for a long time. Therefore, I think learning should have perseverance like a soldier and never give up halfway. Learning must also have the ability to bear hardships and stand hard work like a soldier. In every new stage of study, we should learn from the soldiers and the excellent quality of integrity. We must never deceive ourselves, teachers and parents.

  Today, we understand a truth. As long as we are willing to work hard, everything will not be a problem. Although our efforts may not succeed, we will not succeed without efforts. Therefore, as long as there is a chance of success, we will work hard. No matter how small the probability of success is, we will work hard and work hard at all costs!

