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【#英语资源# 导语】通过军训的实际训练,学生们能培养坚韧不拔的意志品质,增强体质的同时,更促进精神品格的形成与发展。®文档大全网为大家准备了《有关军训的英语作文初中生》,供大家参考阅读。

1.有关军训的英语作文初中生 篇一

  Military training is a very difficult thing, but the feelings we have experienced are different for everyone, just like the veins of every leaf are different. Therefore, everyone's experience and feelings about military training are also different.

  In the morning, we walked into the campus with the rising sun, and in the evening we walked back with the setting sun. Every day's life seems to be so fulfilling. Although this military training has only started for two days, everyone seems to have been used to it for a long time and gradually enters junior high school life. Every morning, we can see everyone's lively and eager appearance, as well as their exhausted state under the sunset. We have already established a tacit understanding. It seems that it has been a part of this school for a long time.

  Today we still come with vitality, just like the training the day before was not enough to tire us out. The scorching sun shone in the sky, and as we were studying in the classroom, we were awakened by a loud whistle. We went out to stand in line, arrived at the playground, and took our own positions. These actions were as if we had done them hundreds to thousands of times together, so tacit and in one go. We squinted our eyes and looked at the instructor. Today, the instructor was still wearing yesterday's long sleeved camouflage suit. No one was wondering, "Isn't the instructor too hot?" Later, Zhu joked with me, "The instructor must be too cold, otherwise why doesn't he pull up his sleeves

  We continued to perform the actions taught by the instructor yesterday until we made the salute. The instructor looked at me and said, "There is a classmate who did the salute very well." At that time, I was still guessing in my heart: who could it be, anyway, it's unlikely to be me. Suddenly, the teacher called me up, and I was on top, asking with my eyes why Zhu called me? Cover up the panic in your heart with a calm expression.

  In the afternoon, we sang "Unity is Power" drowsily, and the teacher asked a few people to sing on stage. We held our breath and waited. Unity is strength!!! "The sudden sound that sounded like a loudspeaker startled me, and in the end, they managed to make everyone laugh with their off key and loud voices. This gave us a lot of energy. Later, a few boys said they wanted to compete with us, and I thought to myself: they didn't dig their own pits and jump on their own! There's no way, since they want to jump, dig a deeper pit and jump. In the end, the instructor announced the girl's complete victory fairly, fairly, and publicly.

  This military training inevitably reminds us of the saying 'If it weren't for a cold spell, how could plum blossoms smell fragrant'. Without strict military training today, there would be no successful tomorrow!

2.有关军训的英语作文初中生 篇二

  The sun gradually sank to the horizon and waved slowly to us, as if saying goodbye. The third day of military training slowly drew to a close. Not bad, in the blink of an eye, it's already the third day of our training. In these three days, every day has made me feel a sense of harvest.

  Before military training, I once believed that military training was about suffering, suffering, and suffering. At one point, I also wanted to give up, retreat, evade training, and even feel that the instructor's discipline is too strict.

  Of course, some of us have been pampered and pampered since we were young. We are the "little princess" and "little emperor" of our family, stretching out our clothes and opening our mouths to our food. When we suffer a little hardship and get tired, we shout incessantly, let alone undergo rigorous military training. But after three days of training, my attitude towards military training has undergone a significant change. I remember our instructor Liu once told us, 'The hardships our revolutionary predecessors endured were much greater than what we have now. They didn't even cry out for hardship. Why should we cry out for hardship or exhaustion?' Yes, compared to our predecessors, the small hardships we endured were so insignificant that I couldn't help but feel ashamed.

  Our 'military training journey' is not only about 'physical training', but also about 'ideological cultivation'. During the military training process, we listened to Principal Wen's lecture. Principal Wen can be regarded as our close mentor, very familiar with the "learning difficulties" and "physical and mental changes" faced by a new junior high school student. He also taught us how to use spare time to complete small tasks such as previewing and reviewing. For example, during the evening self-study, I could arrange and design the lecture for Principal Wen in the order of "reviewing the text for the day - completing homework - previewing the next day's homework - summarizing for the day and planning tasks for the next day", which not only enabled me to busy and rigorous training, but also gained a lot in my thinking.

  Military training is a compulsory course for every high school student. It is like a cup of bitter tea. When you first drink it, your mouth is bitter, but slowly savoring it reveals that after the bitterness dissipates, there is still a sweet fragrance left in your mouth.

3.有关军训的英语作文初中生 篇三

  In the golden autumn of September, the sky was like a blue ink bottle overturned, pure blue, and the heat dissipated, enveloping the world tightly. However, military training ended in a few days of ups and downs during the summer.

  In these days of military training, there are classmates standing motionless in the scorching sun; There are beads of sweat rolling on the grass; Those who remain silent and persist silently when punished Although the instructors' training was very strict, everyone persevered. In fact, these small difficulties are nothing, they are the necessary path for us to reach the pinnacle of life. I feel the good intentions of the school: the school is to let us face obstacles in the future, not to panic, not to be afraid, firm in our willpower, and run towards the goal hidden by difficulties. In the past few days, my view of the world has undergone a tremendous change: from always being self centered to understanding 'what is team spirit'; From wasting food to cherishing one Congee and one meal; From being lazy in the past to being serious and serious now Military training has changed me a lot, and it has also taught me that "when time is quiet, it is actually someone who carries the weight for us to move forward

  The chief instructor shared their lives, and I also felt that my 'hardships' were so insignificant. They sacrifice their comrades every month, and we just understand that string of numbers and cannot understand the boundary between life and death. So live well and live in the present. Our future life is uncertain, and we don't know what the world will be like tomorrow. Work hard to learn and cherish every moment. Because the brightness of China is piled up by countless bodies stained with blood, they chase after light and become a light in our hearts. We also strive to run towards that beam of light, allowing every corner of the world to be warmly embraced by it.

  Don't complain about this world anymore. Each of us instructors bears a heavy responsibility, and compared to them, how happy we are! The bitterness of military training is at the end of the product, and I sip the slightest sweetness. This sweetness makes me happy and excited, because I have finally grown up and become more sensible. The thick fog of the group's difficulties has dissipated, and everyone has asked me to work together to persevere to the end. Even though I have honed my will, my body has also become strong, and all the hardships are surrounded by joy. I think: The joy of life is so simple.

  Mr. Yu Guangzhong said, "Be a stormy petrel, a solitary star that never changes color." Yes, military training allows us to leave the greenhouse and fly towards the vast blue sky, soaring between heaven and earth. Until we come to the end, we will also become people with a steel like will.

  Military training is fleeting, and we have a strong will to conquer everything. The standards of military training are like a mirror, constantly reminding us that we will make our youth perfect and leave no regrets.

  Military training battlefield, temper willpower, unite and love, strengthen physique, and cherish today even more!

4.有关军训的英语作文初中生 篇四

  Today is the second day of military training. Today feels much easier than yesterday. After all, it's normal not to adapt to yesterday's first day of military training. Although today is only the third day, I am still sore all over. Yesterday and today seem to be no different. The weather was equally sunny, queuing for meals, and resting together. However, in the midst of this, I discovered a different place. That's us! Yesterday we were scattered sand, but today we have become an organized team. Of course, these two days of training have also completely freed us from the comfortable summer vacation and prepared us for the tense middle school life.

  Starting from the first day of military training, we have gone through three days of rigorous training, and we have gradually adapted from the initial "agonizing" and "feeling uncomfortable". As a primary school student before, it was difficult to have the process of experiencing sweat and tears with classmates. Now, as a high school student at the Affiliated Foreign University, these days have made me feel very proud and excited. During military training, there are rewards and punishments: those who do well will receive encouragement and praise, those who do poorly will receive punishment, and they will gradually improve next time. In the process of military training, we have exercised our collective consciousness. Since graduating from elementary school, this is my first profound experience of how important collective consciousness is, and military training is precisely such a concentration camp for training us.

  For example, taking away the simple matter of getting down the stairs, we used to make a lot of fuss and procrastinate on things that could be done in 2-3 seconds. But if it is, arrange five examples in a systematic manner, first three columns, and then three columns, it will become organized and can be completed in 2-3 seconds. During military training, it was these small things that exercised our sense of discipline.

  Military training was a terrifying experience for us in the past, but now, with such an experience, realizing that we can become what we want to be through our efforts and hard work is my gain.

  Move forward bravely in one direction! We are the owners of a foreign language school and take it as a lifelong honor!

5.有关军训的英语作文初中生 篇五

  A good beginning is half the battle. On a pure white canvas, a stunning beginning is a boost to inspire the future and an indelible stroke on the canvas.

  Military training - on a new journey of learning and in a new life, it is a beginning paved with perseverance and forged with sweat. The two simple words, one stroke at a time, embody a difficult process and ultimately become a beautiful beginning.

  One! Two! Three! Four! The neat and clear slogans are accompanied by energetic steps, with a strong momentum and a firm voice. Behind this is repeated training, with faintly numb legs. Turn it neatly! Quickly and quickly! What does it look like lazily

  Raise your head, the sun can't bear this! "In the countless lectures of the instructor, our will became stronger, just as the instructor said:" Three minutes on stage, ten years off stage. "The soldiers rushed to the front line of the incident in the fastest time, saving precious lives, is not it not through continuous training? Behind the shining military postures of these soldiers, they sweat like rain every day, their clothes feel as if they have been soaked in water, exhausted to the extreme; Underneath their slightly disheveled appearance, they have a majestic and unbeatable aura, a heart filled with perseverance and firm will after being honed time and time again.

  During military training, we learned two songs, one is' Unity is Strength 'and the other is' The Motherland Will Not Forget'. Yes, if we unite, the team will become magnificent and magnificent; We will not forget the hard work and dedication of the soldiers, as we see it in our eyes and also imprint it in our minds.

  Although military training is tiring, our surface may not be bright, and it is difficult to conceal fatigue and exhaustion. However, the small gains during military training are like the stars in the sky that cannot be erased, and the perseverance and perseverance honed are also eternal. On this pure white middle school scroll, there has been a beginning, which carries profound meaning. I will bring it into my future journey of learning and life, and use it as a precious medicine in my growth process.
