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【#英语口语# 导语】乘车是我们出行方式之一,主要指搭乘公交车、出租车、火车、动车等交通工具。 以下是©文档大全网整理的乘车英语口语情景对话,欢迎阅读!

1.乘车英语口语情景对话 篇一

  Steven: Do I check in for the train D808 to Shanghai here?

  Ticket inspector: Yes, show me your tickets please.

  Steven: Here you are. By the way, when does the train leave?

  Ticket inspector: The train is driving after ten minutes.

  Steven: Thanks. Where is my seat?

  Ticket inspector: It's over there. Have a good trip.

  Steven: Thank you.








2.乘车英语口语情景对话 篇二

  Hello! Is your taxi engaged?


  No, this taxi is free.


  Please take me to the Hongxing Hotel.


  OK. Please get in. I'm glad to serve you.


  Could you get there in twenty minutes?


  It will take half an hour to get to the hotel.


  I am in a hurry. Please take a shortcut. I have a friend waiting for me.


3.乘车英语口语情景对话 篇三

  Service personnel: ABC Rent-a-Car. May I help you?

  Steven: I would like to rent a car. What kind of car do you have?

  Service personnel: We have Volkswagen, Pinto, Plymouth and Datsun.

  Steven: What is the rate?

  Service personnel: Twenty dollars per day for Volkswagen, Pinto and Datsun, and twenty-seven dollars for Plymouth.

  Steven: How about mileage and gas?

  Service personnel: There is no charge for mileage. And fill up the gas when you return the car to us as it is not included.

  Steven: OK. I'll try a Pinto. I want to rent a car for one week.

  Service personnel: All right, sir. May I have your driver's license?

  Steven: Here you are.

4.乘车英语口语情景对话 篇四

  Excuse me, I've been waiting here for fifteen minutes. Do you know why the traffic is so heavy?A lorry overturned on the road and blocked it, so all the traffic was held up.

  打扰了,我已经在这儿等了 15分钟了。你知道交通为什么这么拥堵吗?

  Oh, what a terrible situation! This traffic is unbearable.


  Yeah, traffic was brought to a standstill by the accident. If we had gone early we would miss the traffic.


  I agree with you. But now we have to wait. The sky is overcast, and it is very sultry. I fear a thunder storm is brewing.


  Don't worry. The traffic jam is said to be over soon.


  Yes, I hope so. Thank you for telling me this.


  It's my pleasure.

5.乘车英语口语情景对话 篇五

  ADaniel, here is some money for the tickets.

  BOK, it's my pleasure. How many tickets?

  AOh, like a gentleman. Two tickets for two people.

  BBut I am only half a person as you and they charge both of us the same price tickets.

  AThey may unless we get a half-price ticket for you.

  BDad, it makes no sense.

  AYou may ask if you can take a half-price ticket.

  BYeah, I make certain. A half-price ticket cuts us one point five Yuan.
