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【#英语口语# 导语】房地产英语是指在房地产行业中使用的英语词汇和表达方式。房地产英语涉及到房地产开发、销售、投资、管理等多个方面,需要学习者具备扎实的英语基础和相关的专业知识。©文档大全网为大家整理了一些有关房地产的英语口语句子和词汇,欢迎阅读!

1.有关房地产的英语口语句子和词汇 篇一

  1.The Follow-Up Audit Is The Basic Method Of House Repairing Engineering Audit In Universities And Colleges.跟踪审计是高校房屋修缮工程审计的基本方法

  2.Repairs To Many Of The Houses Were In Progress.许多房屋的修缮工作正在进行。

  3.An Improvement Beyond Normal Upkeep And Repair That Adds To The Value Of Real Property.房客修缮房屋超出一般保养和维修的修缮以增加房产的真实价值。

  4.A Temporary Arrangement Erected Around A Building For Convenience Of Workers.建筑或修缮房屋时四周所搭的为方便工人的一种直立的架子。

  5.Article 36 The Lessor Shall Be Responsible For Repairing The Building It Rents Out.第三十六条出租房屋的修缮,由出租人负担。

  6.They Did Up The House Before The Tenants Moved In.他们在租户搬进来之前把房屋修缮一番。

  7.He Took Me To Task Over The Way I Repaired The Roof Of His House And Said The Work Was Not Satisfactory.他就我修缮他房子屋顶的方法责备我,并且说那工作干得不令人满意。

  8.The Repair Work Process Of Dangtu Road Bridge Of Hefei.合肥市当涂路大桥修缮工程工艺浅述。

  9.We Are Having The Builders In Next Month To Improve The Kitchen.我们打算下个月请修建工人来修缮厨房。

  10.The Repair Or Maintenance Of The Premises Arising From Ordinary Wear And Tear Shall Be The Responsibility Of The Landlord.房屋因自然使用所产生之耗损而有修缮之必要时,应由甲方负责修缮,不得拖延。

2.有关房地产的英语口语句子和词汇 篇二


  Their house is beautiful.


  You should keep the house clean and tidy.


  Whose new house is this.


  His house is bigger than mine.


  There is a new house near the river.


  You can see my house from here.


  There are many houses here.


  What\'s your new house like.


  There is a bus behind the house.


  There are some trees behind the house.

3.有关房地产的英语口语句子和词汇 篇三


  This is a house.


  They are in front of the house.


  There was a small house here five years ago.


  This is our house.


  Above the house.


  The house is next to the tree.


  I have a house.


  The house is on a tree.


  There is a tree in front of the house.


  There is a tree behind the house.

4.有关房地产的英语口语句子和词汇 篇四

  Development. A group of buildings together on a large area of land.开发项目(楼盘):一片土地上建设的楼宇

  En-suite. This is an adjective to describe something which is attached to another room. Usually an en-suite bathroom – which is attached to the master bedroom.带浴室的:这是一个形容词,用于描述一个房间所配套具有的东西,通常是带浴室—也就是说带浴室的主卧。

  Estate agent. The person who helps clients buy, sell and rent real estate.房地产经纪人:帮助客户购买,出售和出租房地产的人。

  For sale. This means that the home, business, building or piece of land is on the market and can be purchased.出售:这意味着房屋,企业,建筑物或一块土地待售且可供购买。

  Furnished. This adjective describes a property that is on the market and includes furniture.配备家具的:这个形容词描述了待售的房产其中包括家具。

  Garden (UK) Yard (USA). A piece of land for recreational use – it may have flowers, trees, grass etc.花园(英国叫garden美国叫yard):一块可供娱乐休闲的土地,可能有花,树,草等。

  Landlord or Landlady. The owner of a piece of real estate who rents or lets it to a tenant.房东或房东:出租或出租给租客的不动产所有者。

5.有关房地产的英语口语句子和词汇 篇五

  Lift (UK), elevator (USA). An electric device to use as an alternative to stairs. The compartment moves people and or objects up and down to the different floors in a building.电梯(英国叫lift,美国叫elevator):替代楼梯的电气设备,其轿厢可将人和/或物体上下移动到建筑物的不同楼层。

  Tenant. A person who rents a piece or real estate and pays a monthly amount of money to the landlord.承租人:出租一块或不动产并每月向房东付款的人。

  Let out or to rent out. This is the verb which means to allow somebody to use a piece of real estate in exchange for money (rent).出租:动词,它意味着允许某人使用一块房地产来换取其支付的一定量的金钱(租金)。

  Rent. One option, instead of buying a home, is to rent a property and pay a monthly quantity to the owner or landlord/landlady.出租:买房之外的一种选择,租用房产并每月向业主或房东/房东支付费用。

  Storey (UK) Story (USA). The only difference between the American and British versions of this English for real estate word is the spelling. The word itself means the levels of the floors in a building.楼层:(英国叫做storey 美国叫做story), 这个词本身是指建筑物中的楼层。

  Mortgage. A loan from the bank or building society in order to buy a property. The loan is secured by the property in question. 抵押:银行或建筑协会的贷款,用于购买房产。贷款由有关财产作抵押。
