
时间:2023-03-12 00:18:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】从小我们就对这个世界充满着好奇心,那么该怎么了解一些科学知识呢?原来我们可以通过一些故事学到很多科学知识呢!以下是©文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  One day, the little crab visited his good friend little frog's house. Suddenly an otter came and jumped on the little crab. The little crab held up the big pliers and tightly clamped the otter's nose. The otter shook his head in pain, and the little crab took the opportunity to run back to the hole.

  The frog found that the little crab was missing a pair of pliers. He was very anxious and hurried to ask for a doctor. On the way, I met an earthworm. The frog hurriedly said, "go and save the little crab. One of its pliers fell off."

  The earthworm twisted his body and said calmly, "don't be afraid, the little crab can grow pliers. Look, isn't this half of my body new?"

  The little frog didn't believe it and asked the lizard again. The lizard said, "don't worry, the crab's eight legs and two pliers, like my tail, can grow out when they fall off."

  The Frog looked at the lizard's tail and went home.

  A few days later, the little frog saw that the little crab really grew a new pliers.


  Baiyun is dressed in beautiful white clothes and likes to play in the air. He first turned into a group of walking white sheep in the blue sky, and then turned into a big white elephant, with a long nose and heavy body, staggering over. The children are so happy to see it.

  When the children are looking hard, the white clouds become a garden, white trees bear white fruits, and white birds fly in the woods.

  When the children were just fascinated by the beautiful scenery, the garden suddenly turned into a high mountain and a canyon. The waterfall was falling from the high mountain into the Canyon... You see, white clouds are so popular with the children!

  As for the dark clouds, he was dressed in heavy black clothes, silent and smiling. The children didn't like him. He often heard the children say, "go away! Go away!"

  Dark cloud was very sad. He jumped into the fairy lake to take a bath. It was still black to wash around. He bought a lot of white powder and threw it on his face and body, but his whole body was still black.

  Father-in-law sun saw it and said, "good boy, don't be sad. Go to the hot city and dry place, and the people there will welcome you."

  So the dark clouds came to the hot city. As soon as he got there, it began to rain, and people ran to the streets to get wet, dance and cheer. Everyone said, "the dark clouds come in time!"

  The dark clouds came to the dry fields again. It also rained in the sky. The seedlings woke up and the fruits matured. The children smiled at him and clapped their hands to welcome him.

  "So I'm also popular!" The dark cloud thought so and smiled happily.


  The fox often sneaks to the chicken village to bite the chicken. The chickens hate and fear the fox.

  A little cock thought of a way to deal with the fox. He asked the skillful chicken girls in the village to make some fake fox hair, sprinkle it under the window of each house, and then teach them to play a wonderful play.

  In the evening, a fox swaggered up and found that the whole village was filled with a festive atmosphere.

  The fox was very curious. He quietly pasted it under the window of a rooster and overheard that the roosters were discussing the delicacy of fox meat. A rooster said, "this magic gun is so good that it killed three foxes at once." Another Rooster said, "I didn't expect the fox meat to be so delicious." A little cock said, "Mom and Dad, I'll eat fox legs next time." The hen said quickly, "OK, when Dad catches the fox again, I'll let you eat enough."

  The fox was surprised. It's always the fox that eats the chicken. How can the chicken eat the fox in turn?

  A rooster suddenly said, "it's broken. I put the fox hair out of the window and forgot to take it back. If the fox sees us and knows we eat fox meat, no fox will dare to come in the future."

  The fox looked down and there was a pile of fox hair. God, the cock really kills the fox to eat meat! The fox's legs trembled with fear.

  Suddenly, a rooster saw the fox lying outside the window and shouted happily, "Wow, a fox has come to the door." The cocks jumped up happily and shouted, "come on, don't let it run away."

  Footsteps came from the house, at least hundreds of roosters. The fox was so frightened that his face changed and his courage was almost broken that he ran away at once.

  Since then, no fox dared to come to the chicken village, and the chicken people in the chicken village lived a safe life.


  Once upon a time, the rabbit and the dog were good friends. They play together every day, but they haven't gone far.

  Once, the little dog thought, "I haven't been far away with the little rabbit. Why don't you ask the little rabbit to go far tomorrow!" When the dog and the rabbit met, the rabbit readily agreed. But the dog thought, "will the rabbit go? Is the rabbit lying to me?" The little dog questioned the little rabbit. But the little rabbit thought to himself, "I must arrive on time tomorrow!" The dog said casually, "see you at the station at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning." The little rabbit said, "see you or leave!"

  The next day, the sun was shining. The little rabbit ran to the station early. The weather was a little cold. The little rabbit kept sneezing. The dog didn't sleep in the quilt. At 8 o'clock, the little rabbit fainted with cold. Fortunately, the mother dog saw the little rabbit and sent her home.

  When the dog learned about it, she realized that the rabbit didn't lie to him. The dog said to the rabbit, "sorry, I didn't trust you. I thought you were lying to me. I was wrong." The little rabbit said, "trust makes friendship stronger."

  Since then, the dog has no doubt about the rabbit.


  Once upon a time, there was a lazy pig. One day, I always feel that life is boring and something is missing. It racked its brains to think, think and think, and finally knew that it should learn a skill.

  The next day, the alarm clock woke it up at more than 9 a.m. When the pig looks at the clock, it's terrible. I have to learn an art! He hurried to get dressed and ran out of the house quickly. Just after running for a few minutes, he slowed down and just met the kitten fishing attentively there, so he ran to see it. Hi, kitten. Pig, what are you doing? You scared away my delicious fish! The kitten complained. It's all right, said the little pig. He just came out to learn his breeding skills. Can you teach me fishing? Certainly. The kitten said solemnly. The kitten gave the pig a fishing rod and said, "when fishing, first hang the bait on the hook, and then gently put it into the water. Don't shake your hands and wait for the arrival of the prey quietly." As soon as the voice fell, the kitten's fishing rod shook, and a big fish came out of the water. It just fell into the fish bucket and filled the bucket. The little pig saw him and said, "it's too difficult! It's too difficult!" I have to go. Walking, a beautiful song floated into its ears. Ah, it's sister lark. "Sister lark, can you tell me why your singing is so beautiful and graceful?" "As long as you keep practicing your voice every day, it will be like this." Said Sister lark. After singing for a while, the little pig was discouraged and had to move on. The pig is tired from the morning to the sunset.

  Piggy, piggy, if you want to do something, you can't be too bitter and tired.

