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【#高二# 导语】增加内驱力,从思想上重视高二,从心理上强化高二,使战胜高考的这个关键环节过硬起来,是“志存高远”这四个字在高二年级的全部解释。©文档大全网高二频道为正在拼搏的你整理了《高二英语必修一第四单元重点知识点》希望你喜欢!

一.高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars语法要点

主语从句:在复合句中作主句的主语的从句叫主语从句。引导主语从句的词有连词that, whether;连接代词who, what, which;连接副词when, where, how, why等。 Eg: Which team will win the match is still unknown.


Eg: It’s strange that he didn’t come yesterday.

二.高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars重点难点

1.Nobody knew that it was going to be different from other planets going to be different from other planets going round the sun.

going round the sun 为现在分词短语定语,表示一般的动作。 Eg: Men breaking the law will be punished. 现在分词短语,也可表示进行的动作

2. Weather life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.

for millions of years to come 中不定式to come 作定语,与前面的名词有逻辑上的主谓关系。

Eg: She is the last person to tell lies.

3.The problem was that the earth became violent because it was not clear whether the solid shape was to last or not.

The problem was that …, that 引导表语从句,that 只起连接作用,无意义,但不能省略。 Eg: The trouble is that we are short of money.

4.As the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.

as conj. 随着,在…期间;由于,因为;尽管,即使;当…的时候;像…一样 5. That made it possible for life to begin to develop.

it 是形式主语,真正的主语是不定式to begin to develop. Eg: He thinks it’s his duty to help others.

三.高二英语必修三astronomy the science of the stars功能句型


Please look at/ listen to … Please pay attention to ... Please check that … Make sure you … Don’t forget to … Watch out for … You need … You’d better … You must/mustn’t … 四. 重点单词及短语 单词 ① atmosphere n. 大气,空气,气氛 a friendly atmosphere 友好的气氛 atmospheric adj. 大气的,有气氛的 ② violent adj. 剧烈的,厉害的;(人)暴戾的;(感情、言语)激昂的,激烈的 violence n. 剧烈,暴行

violently adv. 激烈地,粗暴地 ③ solid adj. n. 固体的;实质的;纯粹的;结实宾;牢靠的,稳固的 ④ explode vt. vi. 爆炸,使爆炸;感情爆发;驳倒,* explosion n. 爆发,爆炸

explosive adj. 爆炸性的,爆发性的 ⑤ surface n. 外表,表面;adj. 表面的,外表的;vt. vi. 浮出水面,给…装上表面 ⑥ dissolve vt. vi. 使溶解,溶解;解散,消除,解除 dissolution n. 解散,溶解 ⑦ harmful adj. 有害的 harm n. v. 危害,伤害 harmless adj. 无害的

harmlessness n. 无害,无恶意,天真无邪 harmfully adv. 有害地 harmlessly adv. 无害地 ⑧ spread vt. vi. n. (使)张开,伸展,扩张;涂;散布,传播;(使)蔓延 ⑨ exist vi. 在,存在,生存

existence n. 存在;生活,生存 ⑩ mass n. 团,块,堆,众多,大量;pl. 群众,民众;质量 短语

in time 迟早,最后 in time for sth./to do sth. 及时,不迟

prevent … from 阻止某人做某事(from 有时可省略,但在被动说现语态中不能省) depend on/up sth. 依靠,指望;相信;取决于 cheer up 使某人高兴或更快乐 now that 既然,由于

break out 突然发生,逃出某地

make sense of … 理解,弄懂,有道理,有意义,理智的




1.太阳系_____________________ 2.及时;终于___________________

3.下蛋 ______________________ 4.产生;分娩____________________

5.轮到某人;接着_______________ 6.阻止;制止 ___________________

7..挡住(光线)___________________ 8.感到高兴;感到振奋 _____________

9.既然 _______________________ 10.突发;爆发 __________________

11.密切注视;当心;提防 ____________ 12.开始存在;产生________________

13.当着某人的面_____________________ 14.对……有害_____________________


1. presence

①He apologized to her _________________ the whole family. (当着家人的面)

②All the people ___________ at the party were his supporters.

A. present B. thankful C. interested D. important

③The Grammy Awards _____________every year in the music industry in the United States.(授予; 给予)

④Please allow me to _______Mr. Brown _______you.(介绍,引见)

⑤出席________________ 提出自己的观点_____________________

2. harmful

①Don’t read in the sun, for it’s _______________________________(对你的眼睛有害)


3. exist



②. When did the world ______ ______ ______________?(开始形成)

4. in time

①If you catch the early bus, you will get there_______________(及时)

②Keep on working, and you will succeed __________________(终究)

5. prevent …from ; stop /keep…from

①Something must be done to ________the environment___________________(防止污染).

②She ___________ her eyes_______(保护)the sun with her hands.

③You should prevent your son _______ too many computer games

A to play B playing C play D from play

6.cheer up

①____________a bit, things aren’t that bad.

②The crowd ________the runners _________(为……加油鼓励)when they started the last lap.


①介、副词填空(1)She started to speak, then broke ______ while a waitress served us with coffee.

(2)He lost his job and his marriage broke ______.

(3)Her health broke ________ under the pressure of work.

(4)Should another world war break ______, what would become of human beings?(5)Firemen had to break the door ______ to reach the people trapped inside.(6)The meeting broke ______ at eleven o'clock.

②----Do you know when the Anti-Japanese War________?

-----Of course. As a Chinese, I’ll never forget that day: July7,1937.

A brot B brop C broke in D broke off

③If Mike carries on working like this, he’ll ______sooner or later.

A put down B get down C break down D go down

⒏ now that



②____________you’ve got a chance, you might as well mall use of it

A. now that B. after C Although D As soon as

