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【#英语资源# 导语】爱的艺术要比我们想象得更高深。人是很复杂的,有令人迷惑的缺点和深层次的渴望,而且非常希望能被别人理解。你可以在情感关系中试试以下8件“一定要”和“一定不要”做的事,让你们的爱情关系更加和谐、稳定、愉悦。®文档大全网整理了相关内容,快来看看吧!希望能帮助到你~更多相关讯息请关注®文档大全网!

Do develop emotional intimacy: Emotional intimacy is knowing what your partner needs before they even get a chance to ask. It is picking up on their feelings as if they were your own. Develop a sense of emotional intimacy by being honest with your partner and sensitive to their needs.
Do plan a life together: Our plans may not always work out, but envisioning a future with our partner inspires us to take the right steps towards manifesting our long-term goals. Talk about the years ahead and form a strategy to achieve the things you want together: a home, a family, investments, etc.
Do bring them comfort: Your partner wants to come home to love, not to a headache. Make your home a place that always reels your partner back because they feel safe, stable, and nurtured. Don't start talking about your problems as soon as your partner walks through the door.
Do act in the right time: Time can be your biggest enemy or your best friend. The wisdom is to recognize when you should act versus when you should wait. Don't obligate your partner to do things in a certain amount of time.
Don't play on their weaknesses: Every day, you have the choice to play on your partner's weaknesses or to reiterate their strengths. If you constantly bring up what they're doing wrong, they'll never feel motivated to do anything right. No relationship can improve under such negative energy.
Don't get even: No matter what your partner has done or however they've wronged you in the past, don't retaliate or act in bad faith. Keep your personal karma clean by always treating the other person the way you'd like to be treated, regardless of the way they behave towards you.
Don't assume or blow things out of proportion: Before you throw a tantrum, sit and reflect logically: Is it really as bad as I assume? Speak to your partner openly about what's bothering you instead of blowing up on them.
Don't act out of desperation: Think through your decisions a thousand times before you act on them. Acting on desperation will only yield more desperation. If you're desperate to get your partner to change, don't threaten to break up with them when in reality it's the last thing you want to.
Love relationships are undoubtedly difficult to maintain if we don't consider the steps to uphold a positive dynamic. Take up these 8 tips to eliminate relationship problems and strengthen the loving bond with your partner.

