2017年5月6日雅思听力题目预测:Section 4
讲Amber (琥珀)的。可以用在珠宝首饰上的物质。也有药用价值。
31-37 Completion
31. amber produces resin to protect itself against insects and fungi (在这里有一些干扰的上下文的)
32. Some resin has colors because? It was formed from volcanic dust and mineral in soil.
33. The condition to from amber include pressure, heat and time.
34. The mid-product copal was formed during? intermediate stage.
35. It is often formed in the sea.
36. The ancient Greek believes that water and air found in the amber was trapped sunlight.
37. Here is a special one in every 1000. (开始的 100 是陷阱)
38. it can be used to make jeweler,necklace, but should be set in silver settings.
39. when it was mingled with powder and honey, the medicine can prevent the disease such a plague.(是说这个物质和honey混在一起能有某种药效)
40. it can be also used as building material.(可以用作 building material)