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【#英语资源# 导语】台风的对于内地来讲可能比较陌生,但身为临海的城市体会就尤为深刻了,那么关于台风的作文怎么写呢?©文档大全网为大家准备了描写台风的英语作文,供大家参考阅读。


  There is a typhoon every summer, which is a major event that people living on the island have to experience every year. Now my fear of typhoons is much lower than when I was a child. When I was a child, the impression of typhoon was a nightmare. The earliest typhoon in my memory made me feel terrible when I was in kindergarten. At that time, it was too small. All I can remember is some fragments. I only remember that the second aunt who married on the island came to grandma's house that day, crying, very sad. My uncle was a crew member of a transport ship. When the typhoon hit, he didn't have time to enter the shelter. He encountered a storm, strong wind and waves. Finally, the ship was found, but the people disappeared. Many people went to the nearby sea area to look for it. The second aunt was devastated at her grandmother's house in fear. At that time, I saw my second aunt and felt that the typhoon was as terrible as a devil. The next day, there was good news. It was lucky to find an exhausted uncle on the coast. Until now, the second aunt believes in Mazu. She said Mazu can bless the people at sea. Although no one in our family wants to go to sea, we are disturbed by the typhoon. Because our house is at the top of the village, facing south. Sitting on the balcony on the third floor in summer, you can see the sea in front, the swallow mountain opposite and the big cat mountain near. The lights at the foot of the mountain are bright. The lights on the island opposite Dongtou and the lights of people at the foot of the mountain are reflected in the water, decorating the sea water as bright and gorgeous as a banquet. Every day when it gets dark and the moon rises slowly from the sea level, I will pour a cup of tea, move a chair, sit on the balcony, enjoy the salty sea breeze, look at the light and sea water in front of me, and listen to the sound of waves lapping on the shore. It's much more interesting than watching TV. That mood is really like what the poet Haizi said: facing the sea, spring flowers bloom. But when the typhoon comes, it's different. People at the foot of the mountain have to prepare a lot of sandbags to block the gate. The sea water will rush into the gate and break into their house, making all their pots and pans float away. My family lives in a high place. Although we don't have to worry about the sea water rushing into the house, the strong wind above force 12 is enough to frighten us. There is no shelter around our house. The terrain of other people's homes is lower than ours. There is no shelter around us.


  These two days, the area of Guangdong was attacked by Typhoon "pabian". My family is in Shenzhen. Naturally, I can't help being harassed by "pabian". Before dawn in the morning, the typhoon had arrived in Shenzhen. It blew on the glass and made a sound of "Zhi Zhi, Hu Hu". I think this sound will make everyone on earth unable to sleep, so I was disturbed by the ruthless typhoon in my sleep, so I had to get up. Open the curtains and have a look. WOW! There is no more spectacular sight in the world! The papaya trees opposite our house were extremely fragile under the attack of the typhoon, and they were about to be blown off. Their leaves and branches danced in the typhoon. Just when I was absorbed in it, a relatively small papaya tree was uprooted with the sound of the typhoon "Zhi Zhi, Hu Hu Hu", and then, The poor papaya trees around it were also "broken" by this hateful typhoon one after another. It's my responsibility to take out the garbage every day, and it's the same today. I carefully held the disgusting smelling garbage bag with my clean hand. Ten steps out of the house, I arrived at the garbage can. I threw the garbage bag on the garbage can and ran home with Liu Xiang's amazing speed, but the typhoon turned my Liu Xiang's speed into the speed of a turtle, Sometimes even go back two steps! The wind roared through the sky. I tried my best to eat milk and finally accelerated the speed to the speed of the snail (it has been verified that the snail's speed is 0 faster than the tortoise's speed per second. 000000... 1 nm), after a difficult "battle", I finally climbed into my house. Then I immediately put my back against the gate and took a deep breath 100 times! The most interesting thing happened. The lid of the trash can floated into the air with my eyes. After learning the beautiful movements of UFO, it quickly fell and stuck on the grass. The fluffy branches of two rows of magnolia trees were scattered by the typhoon, like a trendy hairstyle! Soon, the most amazing thing happened. Two rows of magnolia trees with a trunk of 1 meter wide were also defeated by the "fierce bombing" of the typhoon. One by one, they fell very orderly and blocked in the middle of the road. People who wanted to drive home had to take a detour... A series of things caused by the typhoon today, I think it can be the most thrilling and interesting journey in my life! Typhoon "pabian", should I like you or hate you?


  This year's No. 1 typhoon "Pearl" hit Guangdong Province and Fujian Province. I'm really in a dilemma. I want the typhoon to come and I don't want the typhoon to come. What the hell is going on? Please listen to me carefully. These days, no matter in the newspaper, on TV or in people's conversation, the word "Pearl" is inseparable from the typhoon. What adults talk about is, of course, hope that the typhoon will not come, of course, how to fight the typhoon; And we primary school students hope that typhoon "Pearl" can attack Xiamen from the side. In fact, our "ambition" is not high. As long as there is a light wind and rain from Wednesday to Friday, so that primary and secondary schools in the city don't have classes during holidays, we can have a good rest. As for Saturday and Sunday, it's better not to wind and rain again, because we can have a good tour of the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and breathe some fresh air; I can fight badminton 300 rounds with my parents! Just as I was still immersed in sweet fantasy, the time came for me to change my mind. It was after school yesterday afternoon. The weather was not beautiful. Although the naughty raindrops showed a little exhausted, they still kept falling. I went to the car. My father kept warning me while holding an umbrella for me: "Li Zheng, you must not step on the water, you must not..." I nodded after listening. Because I am the little "patron saint" of our car, I should not damage the environment in the car. Besides, as a "veteran" by car, although I am a little far from the car, I have rich experience after all. This kind of thing is a small KS and a piece of cake for me. So I stepped on the bus with confidence. But there was an unexpected situation. I only heard a "bang", and my head hit the roof heavily. Oh, how could I make such a low-level mistake?! To tell you the truth, I have made such low-level mistakes more than 3 times and less than 13 times. People say it's no more than three, but I'm no more than thirteen. How, 10 times more than others! If I make this low-level mistake again in the future, I will make more than 13 times, and I must apply for the Guinness Book of records. However, the taste was really bad. I cried in pain and became a "tearful man". Now, I finally learned the power of typhoon Pearl“ Pearl, I took you! " How about these two different "enjoyment" in typhoon?


  It rained almost all day. In the afternoon, the radio suddenly sounded the voice of the school staff, "because of the typhoon weather, the students in Zhanjiang can go home early." The usually harsh voice seems to become pleasant today. It's raining all the time. The sky is like a huge shower. It seems to clean everything in the world. Including the mud on the road, the dust on the leaves, and the dirt on the human mind. I raised my head and looked at the sky. The rain fell in drizzle, and there were circle after circle of water lines on the ground. How long will it rain? The water vapor in the sky washes away all the darkness accumulated in the past and starts again. Can we really start over after we are washed? Silt and dust can be washed away, but the dirt on human mind is not so easy to remove. From small to large, every typhoon weather, I am inexplicably excited. I can't say why. Perhaps such a boring life will penetrate a little stimulation, perhaps such a repeated life will be mixed with a little deviation, maybe a lot. Sitting quietly in front of the computer, facing the familiar four walls, listening to the rain outside the window, the words appear on the screen with the beating of hands, and my heart is very excited. There was an occasional reminder of the arrival of mobile phone information, "are you home? Are you all right? Be careful. "" pay attention to your safety "and so on. A little boring words, but gave me a trace of comfort, a trace of warmth, it turns out that someone will remember me. It's still raining, but there seems to be a tendency to stop. Our life has returned to the original track, as if we have never deviated.

