

时间:2021-08-07 21:11:04 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】台风属于热带气旋的一种,热带气旋是发生在热带或副热带洋面上的低压涡旋,是一种强大而深厚的“热带天气系统”。2021年的第六号台风“烟花”,即将登陆我国沿海城市,下面是®文档大全网整理的内容,希望对你们有帮助!


  "The calm before the storm." Every summer and autumn, people always imagine the taste of strong wind in the hot sun. When the weather announcer keeps talking about another "storm" about to hit the south, people have to fill their shopping bags with instant noodles or coarse grains in the supermarket. They are deeply afraid of being wet by the angry strong wind.

  Before the typhoon, the sky was blue. Without the embellishment of clouds, it was calm. What a beautiful sunny day! But when the protagonist landed, he walked slowly and calmly through our big sky, and suddenly "the wind surged". Strong winds screamed at the window, and the world suddenly darkened. Only the howling of the wind never stopped. In fact, I occasionally mischievously look at the bottom of the building to see which unlucky passer-by's umbrella is "smallpox" by the strong wind, and this action will fill my face with the "abundant rainfall" brought by the typhoon.

  Is typhoon good or bad? Some people say he's an evil thing, but it's not small at all. In fact, although typhoon is terrible, where can we use water without typhoon? But everything has two sides, typhoon, of course, is no exception. The typhoon moistened the land, but also blew away many people's homes, making other people's dreams go to naught. The victims howled and could only look for the memories of the past in the broken homes, so that the tenacious wind ruthlessly blew away their homes.

  The typhoon brought me a great shock. When the wind stopped and civilization was flooded, hope still sprouted everywhere. For example, in the August 8 flood, when the typhoon left, many people cheered up and launched disaster relief activities. In this typhoon, I found a moving picture and let me see hope!


  In 2021, the sixth typhoon "fireworks" came, and every family was busy putting things away.

  After dinner, the rain was big and small. My father put the computer and cabinet up with rubber glue to prevent water from being buried in the store, and turned off the power switch. Dad also moved the flowers in in the rain. She leaned like a drunken old man. At night, I fell asleep, but I was awakened by the wind outside. At four o'clock in the morning, my father went to the store to see if the water went in. I called and said, "there's water in the store." Then put the bad clothes in front of and behind the telescopic door, so that the water inflow will be reduced a little.

  In the morning, the earth was shrouded in a storm, and the wind roared like a tiger. The crops were also blown down, and the water on the ground became more and more full. The window also became transparent. I looked around from time to time, and the TV signal was broken from time to time. Scattered vehicles were immersed in the water. Everyone left the car at home to prevent damaging the engine.

  People are walking on water. The water is not on their knees. Because there was no breakfast at home, I had to buy it. I held an umbrella and felt that it was not an umbrella, but a parachute. Suddenly, there was a "bang". It turned out that the umbrella was broken and the umbrella handle was spinning in the air.

  I saw from the TV news that the sea has changed, and sometimes there is a rumble and tumbling sound. After a while, the sea also became a water wall. The waves and water went hand in hand like tens of thousands of white war horses. They came running in a mighty way. The sound was like a mountain collapse and earth crack, like an earthquake. I was flustered and didn't want to read or do my homework. After a while, the sea rose a lot.

  Reporters and government leaders kept reminding us: "we should strengthen the window and door awning, not barefoot and sandals, and turn off the power supply and switch..."

  After a long journey, typhoon anemone finally landed in Hepu, Xiangshan at 3:20 a.m. If you look outside, it's a mess. It's shelves, clothes, yellow sand, stones


  Typhoon No. 9, Mei Chaofeng came. My mother was just resting at home. My mother and I prepared food and put it in the refrigerator. We also bought a lot of snacks. TV is also watching the wind direction of the typhoon all the time.

  The fishing boats at sea also returned. People living in dangerous areas were safely transferred. Billboards along the road have been reinforced and some have been removed. The top of the plant is also reinforced, and so on. We made every preparation for the typhoon.

  In the evening, my mother and I were at home for fear of power failure when the typhoon came. We had dinner early and prepared the charged electric light. Just go upstairs and watch TV and pay attention to the typhoon wind direction of the TV station. As soon as we hear that the typhoon has passed by the sea, it will no longer affect our city.

  My mother and I listened, not to mention how happy we were.

