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  新概念英语第二册第96课的词汇学习 Word study


  (1)vt., vi.(把……)瞄准/对准:

  He aimed a fire extinguisher at me. 他把灭火器对准了我。

  He aimed at the dog but missed. 他瞄准了那只狗,但没打中。

  (2)vi. 目标在于,志向:

  What he aims for is money. 他追求的是金钱。

  She aims to be a painter. 她想成为一名画家。

  (3)n. 目的,目标,志向:

  What is your aim in life? 你的生活目的是什么?

  You've missed your aim again. 你又没击中目标。

  2.post vt.


  I must definitely get that fellow posted. 我一定要把那个家伙打发走。(get…posted 为使役式)

  Two months ago, Horst was posted to Paris. 两个月以前霍斯特被派往巴黎。

  (2)邮寄(与物连用,美国英语用 mail):

  He posted me a Christmas card last year. 去年他给我寄了一张圣诞卡。

  Would you please post this parcel for me? 你替我把这包裹寄了好吗?

  新概念英语第二册第96课的练习答案 Key to written exercises


  A When she asked what had happened and how his clothes had got into such a mess, the Ambassador answered drily that a fire extinguisher had been responsible. He then told her that university students had set the Embassy on fire that morning. His wife was most surprised and asked him where he had been at the time. The Ambassador answered that he had been in his office as usual. When the fire broke out in the basement, he had gone down to investigate and a man called Horst had aimed a fire extinguisher at him. Horst thought the Ambassador was on fire. The Ambassador said that he must definitely get the fellow posted. His wife suddenly noticed a big hole in her husband's hat and asked him how he could explain it. The Ambassador said that someone had fired a shot through his office window. The shot was accurate, but fortunately he had not been wearing his hat at the time. If he had, he would not have been able to get home for lunch.

  B have just received…said…has broken…were demonstrating / demonstrated…broke…set…were protesting…has recently been imposed / was recently imposed…said… has been seriously affected… is said… was bravely defended…kept…announced…would be taken


  1d 2a 3b 4a 5d 6c

  7d 8c 9a 10c 11d 12c

新概念英语二册:Lessons 95词汇学习及课后练习答案.doc
