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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语作为家喻户晓的经典之作,它有着全新的教学理念,有趣的课文内容及其全面的技能训练,为广大的英语学习者提供帮助!如果你也想学好英语,又怎能错过新概念英语?下面©文档大全网为您提供了相关内容,希望对您有所帮助!

  新概念英语第二册第94课词汇学习 Word study

  1.instruct vt.


  Children can be instructed in swimming at a very early age. 儿童在很小的时候就可以开始学习游泳。

  Dan instructs chemistry at a nearby college. 丹在附近的一所学院教化学


  The doctor instructed Jimmy to stay in bed for a week. 医生嘱咐吉米卧床一星期。

  I've been instructed to give you this parcel. 我奉命将这个包裹交给您。

  2.compete vi.

  (1)比赛,对抗(通常与 with或 against连用):

  The children compete against each other to reach the other end of the pool. 孩子们比赛看谁先到达游泳池的另一端。

  How many people will compete in the race? 有多少人参加这个比赛?

  During the singing contest, Mary competed with Helen for the first prize. 在歌咏比赛中,玛丽与海伦争夺一等奖。


  Hugh's house can't compete with yours. 休的房子比不上你的。

  None of his later books can compete with his first one. 他后来的书没有一本能比得上第一本。

  新概念英语第二册第94课课后练习答案 Key to written exercises


  1 of 2 of…to 3 to…from

  4 on…on 5 from…with 6 to…of

  7 with…on 8 with…to 9 to…with

  10 at…on 11 of…for 12 in / with

  13 in 14 to…in…with 15 of…to

  16 of 17 for 18 of…to

  19 for…for 20 on…in 21 of…about

  22 to 23 for/ about…at/by 24 in

  25 of…of 26 to…of 27 for

  28 to 29 on 30 on…of

  31 to 32 to/with…of 33 to…to

  34 from…of 35 in…on


  1a 2b 3c 4b 5a 6d

  7a 8c 9d 10a 11b 12c

新概念英语二册:Lessons 94词汇学习及课后练习答案.doc
