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【#新概念英语# 导语】新概念英语文章短小精悍,语句幽默诙谐,语法全面系统。适合各个阶层的人群学习参考。相信有了新概念英语,你也可以成为“大神”级别的人物!还在等什么?快来加入学习吧!©文档大全网小编与您一起学习进步!

  新概念英语第二册第87课重点单词学习 Word study

  1.commit vt.


  A murder was committed at 8 o'clock this morning.


  He has never committed any crime before.



  You should know each other better before committing yourselves to marriage.


  He has committed his friend to taking part in the race.


  2.confirm vt.


  My employer will confirm that I was there on time.


  His words are confirmed.



  His experiences in that company confirmed his decision to have a factory of his own.


  What he saw and heard that night confirmed his belief that the pub was haunted.


  新概念英语第二册第87课课后练习答案 Key to written exercises


  A The man said that he was travelling on the eight o'clock train to London at the time the murder was committed. The inspector asked him if he always caught such an early train. The man said that he did because he had to be at work at ten o'clock, and that his employer would confirm that he was there on time. The inspector then asked him if a later train would get him to work on time. The man supposed that it would, but said that he never caught a later train. The inspector asked at what time he had arrived at the station. The man said that he had arrived at the station at ten to eight. He added that he had bought a paper and waited for the train. When the inspector asked him if he had noticed anything unusual, the man said he hadn't. The inspector suggested that he was not telling the truth and that he did not catch the eight o'clock train, but (caught) the eight twenty-five, which would still get him to work on time. The inspector pointed out that on the morning of the murder, the eight o'clock train did not run at all, as it had broken down at Ferngreen station and had been taken off the line.


  1c 2d 3c 4d 5a 6c

  7c 8a 9d 10a 11a 12d

新概念英语二册:Lessons 87词汇学习及课后练习答案.doc
