托福口语机经Task 1
Describe a person you want to learn more about, explain why you want to know more about this person in details.
The person I’d like to learn more about is my teacher Tony for the following reasons. First, it seems to me that he knows about everything. He can answer all of our questions, math, science, literature, you name it. I’d like to find out what kinds of books he reads so I can be as knowledgeable as him. Second, he’s the funniest guy I know. He’s always telling jokes in class. We never get bored because he gets our full attention. Lots of the stories he tells are from his life. I hope I can live an amazing life when I grow up, just like him.
托福口语机经Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with the statement that all children under the age of 16 should attend school. Explain you answer in details.
I strongly believe schooling is a must for children under the age of 16 for the following reasons. First, children of this age need adult supervision. They are not mature enough to distinguish between right and wrong. If they don’t go to school, they might hang out with the wrong crowd. Who knows what kind of trouble they will get themselves into. Second, home schooling can be unreliable. I don’t think all parents are capable of teaching children all the subjects they need to know about. Besides, it’s impossible for children to develop necessary social skills if they don’t go to school and work with other kids.
托福口语机经Task 3
【Proposal】The university prohibit students riding bicycles on campus next semester.
1. There are some minor accidents. The university will reduce the accidents caused by riding bicycles.
2. Students can take free campus buses. So it will not affect students much.
The girl disagrees.
1. The accidents took place at night because of low visibility.
2. Free buses are not convenient. Buses are only available once an hour and waiting for buses is a waste of time.
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