1、Which one of the following jobs you like to do the most? University professor, environmental expert, or businessman?
2、What kind of clothing do you usually wear and why. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
3、Describe the steps, through which you once learned a new subject and explain how you learned it. Please include details and examples in your response.
4、It is generally agreed that society benefits from the work of its members. Which type of contribution do you think is most valued by your society: that of primary school teachers, artists or nurses? Why?
5、Describe a skill you are good at, for example, painting or a kind of sport, and explain why it is important to you. Please include specific examples and details in your explanation.
Passage 讲述养鱼场作为世界上主要的提供鱼类食物的farm对环境可能会造成严重影响:
A. 鱼产生大量的by-product,滋生细菌污染环境
B. 一些饲养的鱼逃跑跟野生鱼交配产生存活能力低的后代
C. 渔场浪费大量珍贵资源
B. 事实上人工饲养的鱼由于基因变异不大可能跟野生的鱼交配成功
C. 科学家已经在找到方法通过recycle water使养虾时使用的被污染的清水可以使用,而且一种生物(会打出来)可以在盐水中生存
![]() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/nG1x.html 正在阅读: 2016年9月9日&10日&11日托福小范围机经预测(精装版)02-26 眼光作文800字11-15 五年级春节作文600字:春节的烦恼04-08 内蒙古2018年期货从业资格考试报名入口(第四次)06-15 三年级国庆见闻日记500字3篇03-05 我与书的四部曲作文800字01-08 2022年广东江门税务师补考时间安排:2023年3月18日-19日01-17 初二写人叙事作文800字优秀|初二叙事作文:心虚的滋味01-01 2022上半年广西小学教师资格证考试时间、考试科目及考试大纲【3月12日】05-02 天宫课堂第二课英语观后感,天宫课堂第二课英语观后感04-20 同桌是只母老虎作文800字08-26