The vermillion button on its cap was dazzling, the blue satin cap itself was dazzling, the giant pearl on the brim of the cap was dazzling, the long gown of light blue satin embroidered with intertwined dragons and lined with squirrel fur was dazzling, the cream-colored satin sleeveless jacket was dazzling, the lilac cummerbund was dazzling. and its officials boots with their painted white soles were dazzling, too. Only after everyone crowded around this rainbow, offered it their greetings and enquired its health, could it be observed that its handsome,clean-cut round white face and its coal-black eyes full of mirth were also dazzling. One couldn’t make out what this rainbow was saying even though its voice was very clear. Since it was constantly interrupting its. speech with a "hahaha" or an "ahahah",one could see that its snow-white teeth were dazzling too.
![]() 本文来源:https://www.wddqw.com/T03O.html 正在阅读: 2017年英语专业八级考试模拟试题及答案:翻译篇410-17 2023年上海松江区学前教育阶段小班入园工作告家长书04-18 儿童趣味绕口令:《斗放豆》07-12 2019年云南注册城乡规划师成绩公布时间02-09 我的小小世界作文600字09-22 小学音乐课件:《摇篮曲》05-26 2022四川农业大学诚聘英才招聘公告04-24