
时间:2023-07-14 06:19:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载
【#儿童故事# 导语】英语成语是英语中的一种特殊表达方式,它们具有独特的意义和用法。通过讲述成语故事,可以帮助学习者理解和掌握这些成语的含义和用法。在这些故事中,读者可以了解到英语文化的丰富和多样性,体味到智慧和幽默。®文档大全网为您整理了一些精选的英语成语故事,这些故事都非常有趣,能够给学习者带来启发和提升。希望您能够喜欢并与他人分享这些经典之作,一起探索英语成语的魅力和魔力。让我们一起进入英语成语故事的世界,感受其中的智慧和乐趣。

1.英语成语故事2023 篇一

  One day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animals come and drink a lot of wine. At last there is a pot of wine. Who can drink it? They drink out an idea and decide to have a match-Draw a snake. If you finish first, you can get it.
  Soon Mr.Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says. But he draws again and says, “Oh, let me add feet and my snake.” At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and drinks, then he says, “That isn’t a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.”

2.英语成语故事2023 篇二

  Mr. Li is a good painter. One day he draws a beautiful dragon without eyes.
  Mr. Zhou looks at the picture and says, “The dragon has no eyes. It isn’t a good picture.”
  But Mr. Li smiles and says, “If I add eyes to the dragon, it will fly away.”
  Mr. Zhou shakes head and says, “You are boasting. I don’t believe you.”  
Mr. Li isn’t angry. He holds the paintbrush and adds eyes to the dragon. Woe! The dragon really flies.

3.英语成语故事2023 篇三

  There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.
  A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeply moved. He wants to visit Lord Ye and makes a friend with him.  “Hi, Mr. Ye! Nice to meet you,” the real dragon comes to visit Mr. Ye runs away as fast he can. “Oh, my God! Help! Help!” he runs and shouts.”

4.英语成语故事2023 篇四

  Long, long ago, a farmer thought the shoots in his fields were not growing fast enough. He wanted to help them.So he pulled every shoot up, then went home, feeling very tired but very satisfied. "Look, how great I an! I can think out such a good idea.From now on, my shoots will grow faster and faster," he thought. "I an very tired today," he said to his family, "I've been helping the young shoots to grow."When his son heard this, he ran out to the fields to have a look.To his surprise, he found all the shoots weredead.

5.英语成语故事2023 篇五

  In the Warring States Period, a man in the state of Chu was offering a sacrifice(祭品) to his ancestors. After the ceremony, the man gave a beaker of wine to his servants.

  The servants thought that there was not enought wine for all of them, and decided to each draw a picture of snake; the one who finished the picture first would get the wine.

  One of them drew very rapidly. Seeing that the others were still busy drawing, he added feet to the snake.

  At this moment, another man finished, snatched the beaker(烧杯,大口杯) and drank the wine, saying,"A snake doesn't have feet. How can you add feet to a snake?"

  This idiom refers to ruining a venture by doing unnecessary and surplus things.
