
时间:2021-08-28 11:01:20 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语资源# 导语】有黑暗就会有光明,这些爱国志士为了祖国宁死不屈,留下了慷慨的誓言。以下是®文档大全网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  When it comes to the word "patriotism", everyone will be familiar with it. I think patriotism is loyalty and love for the motherland. Throughout the dynasties, many people with lofty ideals have a strong thought of worrying about the country and the people. They take state affairs as their own responsibility, go forward one after another, unyielding in the face of difficulties, defend the motherland and care for the people's livelihood. This valuable spirit has enabled the Chinese nation to survive through disaster.

  We have learned many articles about revolutionary martyrs, such as Dong Cunrui's suicide bombing a bunker, little hero rain and so on. They are all warriors who love the motherland and defend the motherland with full patriotic enthusiasm, which is really worthy of our admiration! I have also read the book Young Mao Zedong. One of the plots impressed me deeply: one day in the year of 1911 of the Chinese lunar calendar, a representative of the revolutionary army gave an exciting speech to Mao Zedong's school. After listening to the speech, Mao Zedong and his classmates rubbed their hands one by one and were enthusiastic. Strong patriotic enthusiasm surged on every hot-blooded young man. Several students stood up on the spot and expressed their support for the revolutionary army. Mao Zedong was even more excited. He made a quick decision and decided to stand on the front line of the revolutionary struggle... I was really moved by the patriotic enthusiasm of Young Mao Zedong!

  On Qingming Festival this year, under the leadership of our teachers, we came to the revolutionary martyrs memorial hall of Wanghe temple to cherish the memory of the revolutionary martyrs. At that time, we were received by a white haired old revolutionary soldier. He introduced us to the glorious battle history of the heroes and showed us the heroic relics displayed there. Looking at those patched clothes and shoes, my heart fluctuated: our happy life now is bought by these revolutionary ancestors with their blood and sacrifice! We should really cherish the happy life now!

  Thinking of our primary school students, I think patriotism needs heroes, but patriotism is not just a heroic feat. Patriotism has a variety of ways, even simple and ordinary enough for everyone. For example, if we insist on saving water and electricity, and insist on not using disposable chopsticks, we can reduce the waste of national resources, and the saved money can do more good things for the people; For example, if we reasonably dispose of our own waste and refuse and do not litter everywhere, we can reduce the country's environmental pollution and benefit future generations; For another example, we now study hard and exercise, and when we grow up, we can better serve our motherland

  In short, patriotism is a real thing. As long as we start from small things and really take our motherland to heart, our motherland will become stronger and better!


  Motherland, what an eye-catching word, I love the motherland, the motherland is our mother, we all love our motherland very much.

  It is an honor for us to live in China. One year ago, China was backward and invaded by other countries. The Communists made unremitting efforts to defend their motherland. Although their weapons are advanced, their population is poor. Second kill. Because we are patriotic, we should defend our country, contribute ourselves, and love our motherland. If we want to make achievements in our motherland, we should study hard, create and invent more advanced technology in the future, defend our country and make the aggressors die. Do you love our motherland? Love the motherland, read good books and contribute to the country.

  I've heard of a student studying abroad who came back from abroad. He stayed abroad for more than ten years. His first words when he returned to his motherland were - ah! Mother, I'm back. At that time, his parents were no longer alive. Why did he call him mother? Because what he calls is his mother. He is a patriotic son. After studying abroad for so many years, he still remembers his motherland. Some students studying abroad live comfortably there, so they don't remember their mother. They don't know that their motherland is suffering and don't come back to help. Another foreign student was in the United States. At that time, the United States was developing an atomic bomb and successfully launched it. He still remembered his motherland. He came back to tell scientists about the science and technology of the atomic bomb and invented the atomic bomb. I admire him very much, and some people won't come back.

  I'm patriotic. I love you very much.


  Whenever we stand under the national flag, listen to the majestic national anthem and look up to the bright five-star red flag, our hearts will surge with admiration and solemnity. Wearing a red scarf dyed with the blood of martyrs, I will think of Premier Zhou Enlai's oath to "study for the rise of China".

  Indeed, "reading for the rise of China", China has risen and the dragon has revived. However, this has made our descendants of dragons lose an important feeling - patriotism.

  The reason why we say that we are unpatriotic is because we believe that after the rise of China, we will no longer need to strengthen China; The reason why we say that we are not patriotic is because we feel that there is no point in revitalizing China; The reason why we say we are not patriotic is because we think it is too difficult to revitalize China!

  If you think so, you are very wrong!

  First, the bumpy road after the rise of China should be leveled by us; Second, revitalizing China is not meaningless, but of great significance. If we do not revitalize China, the tragedy of the Old Summer Palace will be repeated, but the next time may be the summer palace, Beijing, or even the whole of China! At that time, 1.3 billion people will lose themselves and become slaves! Third, it is the idea of some weak people. It is not difficult to revitalize China. Study hard, such as Hua Luogeng, Li Siguang and Deng Jiaxian who "died without regret"!

  Study hard. The reason why those souls are not patriotic is that they don't know the motherland! They do not know the humiliating history of the motherland, the old and almost forgotten past of the motherland, and even less that today's happiness is hard won!

  Only books can take us through the vast years to find those old and almost forgotten past events. Books can push aside the secular world and quietly show China's past events in front of us. The rough Treaty of Nanjing, which China has read, is slowly enlarged in front of us. The treaty composed of thick font is in front of us. The 13 unfair treaties are in front of us, but we can't say no... we can't see the scene when signing the treaty, but we can experience the feeling from the book. The book can describe the feeling incisively and vividly, The barbarism of the imperialists is evident in the book.

  After reading five thousand years of history, the tide of history is rolling in, the national culture is condensed here, the national spirit is shown here, the dialogue with historical figures and the voice of the times are calling together, and the five thousand years of civilization is not bright, dazzling and eye-catching!

  Read the biographies of ancient and modern heroes and touch their noble souls; Read the poems of revolutionary leaders and feel their poet feelings of concern for the country and the people; Read Mencius's "if you want to level the world, in today's world, who can give up me?"; Read Lu You's "Master Wang sets the Central Plains day in the north, and the family sacrifice does not forget to tell naiweng."; Read Lin Zexu's "if you want to benefit the life and death of the country, do you avoid it because of misfortunes and blessings."

  Finally, I would like to warn you: when reading, don't forget to be patriotic, patriotic, and don't forget to read.


  Patriotism is an eternal topic. With the turning of the wheel of history for thousands of years, patriotic culture has precipitated. Years have made the patriotic culture mellow, and I can't help but revel in it.

  Chairman Mao once said, "the world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours. Your young people are full of vitality, like the sun at eight, nine or o'clock in the morning, and hope rests on you!" whenever I remember these words, my heart is boiling with blood. We are also determined to live up to the expectations of a generation of leaders for our future generations. We are in the prime of life and in high spirits. Why not open up our own sky? Then work hard from now on, for the motherland and for your future! Work hard from now on!

  As the next generation of the motherland, "patriotism" has undoubtedly become the benchmark of our middle school students. Patriotism is a sacred and solemn "act". Facts have proved that all people with lofty ideals regard patriotism as the first spiritual pillar, indeed, because they know that the of the country is closely related to their own future. The death of the lips and the cold of the teeth is an obvious example. Huo Qubing "does not destroy the Xiongnu and does not live at home", and Wen Tianxiang "who has not died since ancient times, stay in the history".

  It is a well-known story. Qin Hui betrayed his country for prosperity, and Wu Sangui brought troops into the Qing Dynasty, which was reviled by all ages. Following the objective law, people respect patriots who are "rich and noble, powerful and unyielding" and hate those who are servile and traitorous. If you were allowed to choose, how would you choose? I believe you are not stupid enough to be a notorious "pest"!

  Although today's society is a peaceful society. However, patriotic feelings can still be reflected in each of us at ordinary times, or in everything. We should set up a patriotic thought from childhood, study hard and master our skills. Self confident, selfless and fearless. Only in this way can we contribute to the prosperity and strength of our motherland when we grow up!

  After the Wenchuan earthquake in Sichuan, patriotism is the selflessness of disaster relief officers and soldiers in saving people, the eyes and help of volunteers in the disaster area, and the enthusiasm of hundreds of millions of people throughout the country to donate money and materials. On the occasion of the Olympic Games, patriotism is the courageous struggle of athletes in the arena, a smile of volunteers, and the behavior of citizens not littering and watching the game in a civilized way

  Let's start from the little things around us and contribute to the prosperity of our motherland and become a world power!

