

时间:2021-11-13 17:57:32 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】现代滑雪运动大致可以分为三种类别:阿尔卑斯山式(Alpine Skiing)、北欧式(Nordic Skiing)和自由式。今天©文档大全网主要给大家分享滑雪的英语口语表达,希望对你们有帮助!


  第一句: Do you like skiing?

  A: Do you like skiing?


  B: I love it. All my life I wanted to learn to ski.


  A: I supposed skiing is easy for you.


  第二句: The ski slopes are well lighted.


  A: The ski slopes are well lighted. It is really nice to ski at night. Why don't you learn to ski?


  B: Not on our life, I know I'd break my leg.


  A: Don't be so frightened. It is just a skill.



  A:Ouch! I'm hurt.


  B:Are you all right?


  A:Yes. I'm OK. I just had a tumble. No big deal.


  B:Good. You scared me.


  A:Sorry. Can you please help me up? I have trouble standing2 up by myself with the skis on.


  B:Sure. Is this your first time skiing?


  A:Yes. I tried skiing on grass before. It's up to lady luck,though.


  B:Don't lose heart J did worse when I learnt to ski.


  A:Thank you for your saying so.


  B:Let me take care of you.



  A:Wow, this is amazing. I'm glad we've come here. So cool.哇,这真是太棒了。真高兴我们到这里来。太酷了。

  B:I always love skiing. You know, it's a cool game for cool people. Stay with me and you will be cool, too.我总是很喜欢滑雪。你知道,这是给酷人玩的酷游戏。跟我一起你也会变酷。

  A:Hey, look over there. It seems that there is something interesting going on. Let's go and have a look.嗨,看那边。那边好像有挺有趣的事。我们过去看看吧。

  B:Sure. It's probably the skiing show. Adam told me there were many skiing clubs whose members put on shows to attract more visitors.行,那很可能是滑雪表演。亚当告诉我这里有很多滑雪俱乐部,它们的成员会进行表演来吸引更多的游客。

  A:See that. It's so dangerous. My mom would never allow me to do that.看那个。那太危险了。我妈妈永远都不会让我做那个的。

  B:Hey, don't be so pathetic. It's a maximal sports show. What else can they do to attract more visitors? Stop all this fuss and enjoy the show.嗨,别那么可怜兮兮的了。这可是极限表演。否则他们还能做什么吸引游客啊?别大惊小怪了,我们好好看表演吧。

  A:You are right. But what if the avalanche happened?好吧。不过,要是发生雪崩怎么办呢?

  B:They are all very experienced and great skiers. So I suppose the chance for them to be buried by an avalanche is slim.他们个个都是经验丰富的出色滑雪者,所以我猜他们被雪崩埋葬的可能性极小。

  A:Anyway, the show is breathtaking. By the way, where did they get so much snow in here?不管怎样,这表演真是激动人心。对了,他们从哪儿弄这么多雪到这里的?

  B:Don't you know that? Are you kidding me?你难道不知道吗?你是在跟我开玩笑的吧?

  A:Hey, not everyone is as lucky as you to have a father who is a scientist.嗨,不是每个人都像你那么幸运有一个当科学家的老爸的。

  B:Sorry. Well, they have the most advanced snowmaking machine.对不起。这个,他们有最先进的造雪设备。

  A:Do you think the snowmaking may cause pollution?你觉得造雪会引起污染吗?

  B:It's possible. But the boss here said they were doing whatever they can.那是有可能的。不过,这里的老板说过他们会尽可能避免污染。

  A:It's a good thing. OK, let's go skiing.那还不错。好了,我们去滑雪吧。

  B:Here we go.走喽!

