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【#小学英语# 导语】海阔凭你跃,天高任你飞。愿你信心满满,尽展聪明才智;妙笔生花,谱下锦绣第几篇。学习的敌人是自己的知足,要使自己学一点东西,必需从不自满开始。以下是®文档大全网为大家整理的《小学一年级英语复习的句子》 供您查阅。
  1. Good morning! 早上好

  2. Stand up, please. 请起立

  3. Hello, I'm Bill. 你好 ,我是比尔

  4. Sit down, please. 请坐下

  5. Show me your ruler. 请给我看一下你的格尺

  6. Open your backpack. 打开你的书包

  7. Take out your pencil case. 拿出你的铅笔盒

  8. I'm Bill. What's your name? 我叫比尔,你叫什么名字?

  9. Good afternoon! 下午好

  10. Good evening! 晚上好

  11. Good night! 晚安

  12. This is the way I wash my face. 这就是我洗脸的方式

  13. And then I go to school. 然后我就去上学

  14. I have two eyes. 我有两个眼睛

  15. One little nose. 一个小鼻子

  16. Put them together. 把他们放在一起

  17. My eyes can see. 我的眼睛能看

  18. What's this? It's the head. 这是什么?它是头

  19. Touch your nose. 摸摸你的鼻子

  20. I see a monkey at the zoo. 我在动物园看见了一只猴子

  21. Are you Joy? 你是乔伊吗

  22. What do you see? 你看见了什么

  23. I see a monkey looking at me. 我看见了一只猴子正在看我

  24. Look! A big mouth. 看!一张大嘴

  25. I like my dog. It has short legs. 我喜欢我的狗。它有短短的腿

  26. Here is my hair. 这是我的头发

  27. Look at my big mouth. 看我的大嘴

  28. Give me your tail, please? 请把你的尾巴给我 好吗

  29. Two months later. 两个月之后

  30. Look at the stars. Let's count. 看看星星们, 让我们数一数

  31. How old are you? I'm six. 你几岁了?我六岁

  32. One and one is two. 一加一等于二

  33. Let us count again. 让我们再数数

  34. Let's make ten. 让我们凑十

  35. Find your partner. 找到你的同伴

  36. What's your phone number/room number? 你的电话号码/是多少

  37. Here are some chocolates for you. 这有一些巧克力给你们

  38. How many birds can you see? 你能看见多少只小鸟

  39. Share them, Bill. 比尔,把它们分一下

  40. One for Joy and one for me. 一个给乔伊一个给我

  41. That's not fair. 那不公平

  42. What colour do you like? 你喜欢什么颜色

  43. What colour is it? 它是什么颜色

  44. Here you are. 给你

  45. What colour is the nose? 鼻子是什么颜色

  46. Let's go to the park. 让我们去公园吧

  47. Look at all the balloons. 看所有的气球

  48. Can you number them? 你能给他们排序吗

  49. Open your eyes/Close your eyes 睁开眼睛/闭上眼晴

  50. What's missing? 什么丢了

  51. May I have two apples, please? 我可以买两个苹果吗

  52. What do you draw here? 你在这画什么

  53. What a treat! 多棒啊

  54. Wash your hands. 洗手

  55. It's time to eat. 到了吃的时间了

  56. Is the apple sour/sweet? 苹果酸/甜吗

  57. A gift for you. 给你的一份礼物

  58. Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐

  59. Happy New Year. 新年快乐

  60. Do you like bananas? 你喜欢香蕉吗

  61. Come along, everyone. 大家都过来

