

时间:2024-04-23 23:21:01 阅读: 最新文章 文档下载

【#英语口语# 导语】用英文打电话,不仅需要了解相关词汇和说法,还要注意老外的语言使用习惯。


  1. (接电话方)拿起电话

  Hello! This is Watson speaking.


  2. (拨电话方)说明目的

  Hello, this is Robert calling for Steve.


  3. (接电话方)询问身份

  May I ask what company you are calling from, please?


  4. (拨电话方)自报家门

  This is Robert calling from WSE Company.


  5. (接电话方)询问分机

  Do you know what extension he's on?


  6. (拨电话方)查询分机

  I don’t know, could you please help me to check the telephone directory?


  7. (接电话方)电话转接

  Please hold and I’ll put you through.


  8. (接电话方)对方正忙

  Steve is on another line at the moment. Would you like to hold?


  9. (拨电话方)电话留言

  May I leave a message for him?


  10. (接电话方)通话结束

  Thanks for calling. I’ll speak to him later. Good bye.



  1. Sorry, I'm busy at the moment.(对不起我现在很忙)

  2. I can't get a dialing tone.(没有拨号音)

  3. The line is engaged.(电话占线)

  4. I've been cut off.(我被强行挂断电话了)

  5. Sorry, you must have the wrong number.(你打错电话了)

  6. Can you hear me?(你听得见我说话吗?)

  7. I'm about to run out of credit.(我手机要没话费了)

  8. My battery's about to run out.(我手机要没电了)

  9. I've got a very weak signal.(我的信号很弱)

  10. I'll text you later.(我稍后发信息给你)

