2018 12英语四级答案_2018年6月英语四级答案:阅读答案(有道考神版)


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【#四六级考试# 导语】2018年6月英语四级考试已结束,©文档大全网四六级频道在考后特别搜集整理了2018年6月英语四级答案:阅读答案(有道考神版),仅供大家参考,祝大家顺利通过四级考试!


  26-30 EOFMN

  31-35 IKLAJ

  26。 E constructed

  27。 O undertaken

  28。 F consulted

  29。 M array

  30。 N scale

  31。 I eventually

  32。 K necessarily

  33。 L production

  34。 A cheaper

  35。 J height


  36-40 KDMGB

  41-45 LHFJC

  36。 K (A student’s yearly expenses on access…)

  37。 D (The online access codes may be seen as a way。。。)

  38。 M ( If a students takes a course again,they may have to buy a new access code to。。。)

  39。 G (McGraw Hill accounts for over one-fifth of the market share of college textbooks。)

  40。 B (Many traditional textbook publishers are now offering online digital products。。。)

  41。 C (One student complained that they now had to pay for access codes。。。)

  42。 H (Digital materials can cost students less than half the price of tranditional printed book。。。)

  43。 F (One student decided not to buy her access code until she received the pay for her part-time job。)

  44。 J (Online systems may deprive teachers of opportunities to make the best use of their expertise for their students。)

  45。 C (Digital access codes are criticized because they are profit-driven just。。。)


  46-50 ABCDB

  51-55 DCBDA


  46。 A (Seneca‘s thinking is still applicable today。)

  47。 B (It is a teaching tool under development。)

  48。 C (It helps them learn their academic subjects better。)

  49。 D (They use various ways to explain the materials。)

  50。 B (Their emotional involvement。)


  51。 D (They are better educated than their male counterparts。)

  52。 C (They think it needs further improving。)

  53。 B (Job stability and flexibility。)

  54。 D (The balance between work and family。)

  55。 A (They still view this world as one dominated by males。)





